The Main Cavern

    You walk into a large room, actually more of a cave.  The walls are adorned with lanterns filled with odd luminescant balls.  There are several creatures up in the rafters that look like birds, except they have the skin of lizards and two arms, as well as wings!  You blink in confusion, surely they can't exist!  Yet here they are, chittering to each other and cocking their heads down at you in such away that you can't mistake the intelligence they wield.  There are many green ones, blues, a few less browns, scattered bronzes, and only two or three golds.
    After a moment they lose interest in you and turn back to chirping to one another, except for a brown and a blue, who swoop down from the rafters to land on the shoulders of a teenage girl sitting at a table who you hadn't noticed before.  She looks up from the book she was writing in to smile at the two lizard-creatures, "Hello, Cirrus," she says to the brown, "and Malik," she says, turning to smile at the blue.  "What's going on?"  She then notices you standing in the doorway, and she smiles, "Oh, do come in out of the cold!  I'm sorry I didn't notice you!  I'm Vanetin."  She holds her hand out to you in a universal sign of greeting, and you finally stop gawking and walk in, clasping her hand weakly from the shock you've experienced, but gradually your hand regains its strength to match hers.  You look around the cavern again, and notice a man standing in a corner, but you can't see him clearly for the shadows.  Vanetin continues to speak.

    She asks conversationally, "Are you new to these parts?"  Glancing at your attire, she nods to herself, "By your clothes you are.  We're getting a lot of dreamers lately," she says with a hint of curiosity in her voice.  She then remembers you again and smiles, "Well, if you want, I could show you around."  She drains a mug of dark-brown liquid quickly, standing.  "Or tell you about myself.  Maybe introduce you to the others who live around here.."  She smirks slightly as she says the last part, implying that there is something interesting about the 'others' who live here.  "Or maybe you'd like to see my songbook," she says, gesturing to the book she was writing in.  "I was a Harper, you see, before I came here, and one doesn't easily give up music."  She smiles, "Oh, and one more thing, I like it if all dreamers sign my Dreambook, just so I can keep track of the people who visit."  She smiles fondly, "Oh, I hope you like it!  Pern is a wonderful place to be!"

The Watchwher's Den
-my Watchwher's cave-
About Vanetin...
-About my characters on assorted M*s..-
Vanetin and Jancent's dragons
-The dragons I, er, we've adopted/Impressed-
And here is my Firelizard Page...
-The firelizards I've adopted/Impressed-
Vanetin's Songbook
-Vanetin's book of songs, mostly about Dragons-
Van's other cyber pets...
-Other cyber pets belonging to Vanetin-
The Void
-The Portal to other worlds-

And, if you are unimpressed with this new, interesting, and completely awesome world (or you've been there already), then explore the Earthen part of my page.  It's pretty nifty too.. ;)

You, by the way, are the  person to have seen this part of my page since July 28, 1998!!  Hope you liked it, and be sure to sign either my Dreambook or my Guestbook if you did! (Even if you didn't, go ahead, I can always use helpful criticism.. :) )  or you could view my Dreambook :)

Here are some links to pages about Pern, Dragons, and other mythical things like that.
Click Here to save the Dragons!!!

The Dragonriders of Pern® is a trademark, Registered U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, 
and is used with the permission of its owner, Anne McCaffrey.  This page is based on 
VirtuaPern MOO, an online game already approved by Anne McCaffrey.