Our Institution





    It  is located in the port of Valparaiso in 33° 01´ South latitude and 71° 07´ weste length of the continental territory of the Republic of Chile.



    It is a private organization without profit aims whose objective is to safeguard the human life in the sea being its management directed by a Directory. This is  integrated by a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Directors, Captain and Three Pilots who are chosen by the General Assembly which they conform his 60 voluntary members. None of its members as much those of the active service as those of the Director receive any remunerations by their workings within the Institution.

      The active service commanded by the Captain of the Institution is dedicated to the rescue missions and  it is constituted   by volunteers with a high level of capacity and efficiency acquired through a rigorous program of training developed permanently, that includes: 


    Courses of first aid,  experience in the sea, radio communication, coastal navigation, marine radars, fire combat, handling of fast boats of rescue, diving of rescue, damage control, academies of navigation with bad weather and other necessary ones for its work in adverse conditions of sea.