The Institution finances with own resources its expenses of operation, maintenance and investments, those that mainly come from the commercial operation of his  international restaurant  " Bote Salvavidas " ubicated in the second floor of the Headquarter in the wharf. Other sources of incoming are the contributions of the habitants of the city and the Volunteers of the Corp  which pay  a monthly obligatory payment .




The Navy of Chile grants fuel logistical support for the boats and facilitate its centers of training for qualification of the Voluntaries. 

  A voluntary Institution as the base its growth in the beneficent disposition of its own community and you distinguished visitor of this Site.    If it wishes to contribute to our cause we invited it to make its contribution of the following form:




  Payment  order to :

 Banco de Chile  Valparaíso     BCHICLRM


Cuerpo de Voluntarios Botes Salvavidas de Valparaíso




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