Bible Verse

1 Timothy 6:15

" the blessed controller of all things, the King over all kings and the Master over all masters."

ALL of us worry at times. It comes with the territory, we're human. Sometimes you just can't help it, but God tells us that we aren't to worry because he's in control. Complete control over every aspect of our lives. We are to trust in God and rely totally on Him. He is a sovereign God and He is good.

God's providence is His constant care for us and His rule over us and all of His creation for His own glory and the good of His people. Those two objectives go together. He never sacrifices one for the other.

Many of us tend to only think that God is in control in the big things that happen in our lives where it is a direct sign that God has caused this thing to happen but the reality is that He is control of EVERY aspect, every occurance of your life. Everything that happens, happens for a purpose and is God's work and everything that happens is God's plan. Even in tragedy God is working there, we may not understand why He causes the things to happen that he does, but there is a reason and He knows so much better about what is right for us.

There have been many experiences in my life where I had no clue why God was doing them and I know that it is really hard to trust Him in those circumstances but we must. Take heart in the fact that God will work all things together for good for those who trust in Him.

We as Christians can be comforted by the thought that the difference between the suffering of us believers and the unbelievers is because our suffering is under the control of an all-powerful, all-sovereign, all-loving God and that our suffering has meaning and purpose in God's eternal plan. He only allows things to happen in our lives that brings glory to His name and for our good.

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