Colonic Irrigation

Getting to the bottom of the issue

by Olivia M. Kappel, LMT

For most of the last 20 years I've been offering colon irrigation or colon "hydrotherapy." I am the only person I know who walks into a room, shakes hands and breaks the ice with, "Have you had a bowel movement today?" then follows up with questions like, "How many have you had?" and "How do they look?"

Over the years, several people laughed in my face when they found out what I did for a living. Clients avoided recognizing me in public. Boyfriends were often embarrassed, (to the point of break-ups). Even family and friends were evasive about my work. Early on there were times when, tiring of shocked stares and embarrassed silences, I avoided talking about my work outside the office.

It says something about our culture and how we feel about bowels when one is treated almost like an untouchable, because of working with an area of the body most would like to ignore. I believe it is in part due to this avoidance, that so little dependable information and so much misinformation about enemas and colonics has been disseminated in the recent past. So to get to the bottom of this deep issue here is a basic primer:

The objective of the colon, an organ of elimination, is to collect the byproducts of undigested food and body processes and then evacuate them. Inefficient function allows waste to accumulate. This stagnated matter begins to ferment and putrefy, producing harmful toxins and gases which affect the entire body. The removal of this noxious debris is necessary before the colon can regain its ability to function properly.

The practice of colon cleansing was first recorded in 1500 BC. It has been carried on for centuries to aid in gaining and maintaining good health. It remains personally fascinating that it is so difficult for some to see that building colon health is a priority no matter what name they put on their "dis-ease".

Please note I said "building" not "cleansing". Perhaps it is due to our Judeo-Christian culture that people purge and cathart their systems to colitis ruin in the name of holy health. Be kind to your temple!

Colon irrigation is the quickest and most efficient means of cleansing the large intestine. As accumulated waste (gas, mucus, bacterial toxins, parasites, fecal impaction and undigested food) is removed, peristaltic action, vascular circulation and lymphatic circulation are all improved.

In colon irrigation, also known as colonic lavage or high colonic, aqueous substances, usually water, are infused into the entire colon, approximately 51/2 feet. This is in contrast to a two quart enema which generally flushes the lower end of the colon, up to 18 inches, or a "fleet" enema, in which a relatively small amount of water is injected to clear the rectum and prompt bowel movement.

During cooling irrigation, the colon, acting as a water conservationist for the body, absorbs water. This hydrates the body's tissues, often easing pain and controlling feverish conditions, and through the process of osmosis flushing waste from cells. Small temperature changes during the colon "flushing" stimulate and tone the smooth muscle of the colon, while increasing blood flow to the abdomen.

THE PROCEDURE  (as I do it)

Gravity fed, filtered water is introduced through a disposable speculum, a tube inserted into the rectum of a draped individual, as they lie on the treatment table. Emulsifiers, herbs, homeopathics or electrolytes may be added to the water to enhance the effects of the procedure. I do abdominal massage during the procedure to help move water around, break up stuck fecal matter and to relax any colon spasms.

The speculum is connected to a "closed system" colon machine which takes care of waste removal. This alleviates mess, odor and the inconvenience of going to the toilet during treatment. The individual is not required to do anything except lie as relaxed as possible, continue breathing, and listen to my sometimes diverting discourse. I try to avoid politics, religion and  discussions of family feuds. (yes, that was a joke).

Treatments last from 35 minutes to one hour. Generally, a series of irrigations is necessary to obtain optimum effect and lasting results. The number, frequency and duration will vary with the individual.


For most people fewer colonics go farther if a person will do a home enema program. This often meets with resistance until I explain that the program allows a person to gain a measure of control over their own health, while freeing them somewhat from being dependent on another. I always encourage people to learn to give themselves enemas, before they need them.

My easy-to-follow instructions on giving oneself an enema include locking the cat out of the room. Nothing is more miserably ridiculous then having a cold, flu, migraine, or PMS, struggling through learning a procedure, (you are not sure you want to learn in the first place), and then having your favorite curious cat walk across your abdomen and lick your nose. It is almost as dreadful as having a "loved one" peeking in with a camera to record the momentous occasion! Check out my article, Taking a Comfortable Enema, under Edges of Healing for directions on how to give yourself an easy to clean up after, comfortable enema.

Copyright Olivia Kappel 1993

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