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After finding what Tomoe has been writing, his scar suddenly starts to bleed again, and then he goes out to find Tomoe with the sense of betrayal in his mind.  Will he kill Tomoe?!?!  Hang on, we'll find out.  Anyway, Tomoe goes up to the mountain, and sees the leader of the small clan of ninjas,(same group of ninjas that attacked Kenshin on the night he met Tomoe), and explains the whole plot to Tomoe.  The plot is basically they want Kenshin dead and they used her and Enishi to get Kenshin out into the open.  He also said that the time for attack was perfect since Kenshin's skills probably diminished,(because he's been in the country hiding for a while).  Now, we see Kenshin walking up the mountain with his scar bleeding even more, and a really really shocked face.  It looks as though he can't even see straight.  Then the leader of the ninjas once again explains the plot more in detail.  He explains how Kenshin is the monster and gets into the Shogunate's way.  He tries to tell Tomoe that he's better off dead, but then finds out that Tomoe has fallen in love with Kenshin.  While all this is happening, Kenshin's old comrade seems to be running away,(he's the traitor of Katsura's assassin clan).  Also, we see Kenshin fighting the ninjas while going to see Tomoe.  Kenshin gets hit and it seems he didn't get phased, and kills one by piercing through his stomach.  Then the next 2 have set up bombs and would set to explode when Kenshin walks through them.  The leader of the clan sees that Kenshin's abilities are still as sharp as ever.  Anyway, Kenshin avoids the 2 bombs and the next 2 ninjas pop out to fight him.  Kenshin seems to be getting beat up, but then he takes out both his swords and pierces through both of the ninjas' necks.  After realizing all 3 of the ninjas were defeated, the leader explains that he shall be the last opponent and that he will finally kill Kenshin.  Kenshin is bleeding all over and wonders if he should still carry on,(he also seems to be blinded by the bomb blast).  Then, he blindly attacks the leader and keeps missing and getting beat up.  Elsewhere, we see Tomoe having a hallucination of her dead fiance and then realizes that she must see Kenshin.  Back to the battle, Kenshin is practically dead and can't carry on.  He then has a vision of what seems to be the graveyard of which he buried his sisters at.  He sees a new cross lying there and knew that it was Tomoe's grave.  Suddenly, Kenshin burst out in anger and takes his sword again and goes to slash the ninja leader.  His move is successful, however, he also hits TOMOE!!!!!  She got in the way to save him I guess.  Kenshin didn't realize it at first, but when he died, he was deeply saddened and cried a lot.  Also, Enishi has seen the whole thing and is furious that Kenshin has killed his only sister.  This drives him mad and later fights him in the Jinchuu Arc.  Then, while Tomoe is on the ground, she says that she will always love Kenshin and gives him the second part of the cross-shape scar.  Kenshin then goes back to his house and finds Katsura there asking Kenshin to fight in the final battles of the revolution.  He agrees but after that, he will no longer use his sword to kill, for the sake of Tomoe.  Katsura agrees and realizes that making Kenshin an assassin was wrong from the very beginning.  Also, the replacement for Kenshin has killed his old comrade since he was the traitor.  Hmmmm, I wonder who that is *cough* Shishio *cough*.  So now Katsura will gladly let Kenshin go.  Later that night, you see Kenshin leaving the house and has burned it.  Back in Kyoto, the Shinsengumi have realized that Kenshin has come back and is still deadly.  Saito's apprentice starts to do battle with Kenshin until Saito interrupts and says that he has no chance against Kenshin.  Then Kenshin starts to do battle with Saito,(pretty good battle except that it was less than a minute).  It ends in a tie, and then we see Kenshin killing off people inside a dojo.  After that, we see Kenshin by a grave and see a vision of Tomoe holding him.  Then we see Kenshin doing battle on a boat, and on a bridge.  Amazing fighting scenes by the way.  Then finally, we see the Meiji flag go up, then you suddenly know that it's over, and the rebels won,(Kenshin's side), and now he can put his sword away now that peace has come.  After that, you see Hiko Seijiro again, and seems to know what his apprentice has become.  And then a note appears talking about how Hitokiri Battousai made the Meiji Restoration possible.  The End.