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Rurouni Kenshin is full of amazing and lovable characters.  In this section of the site, you'll get to learn more about the characters of Rurouni Kenshin.  Enjoy!
Name:  Yahiko Myojin

Other names:  Little Yahiko, Little Kid, Projectile weapon

Words to know:  Proud, brat

Description:  Unlike most 10 year olds, he's pretty tough.  He comes from a family line of samurai and he takes that title pretty seriously and dreams of becoming stronger.  However, his life was an unpleasant one up until Kenshin met him.  He was a slave boy for a Yakuza gang, and had a "debt" to pay off.  To do that, he was a pickpocket, and did many other haneous crimes.  However, when Kaoru went to save him, she was captured as well.  They both found out that the debt was false, and that they told Yahiko that they kept him for the sole purpose of doing things for them.  Then Kenshin came and took out most of the gang, and got to take Yahiko away with no trouble at all.  Yahiko then wanted to be trained by Kenshin, but instead has been trained by Kaoru and they get in several fights.  He joins Kenshin on his many adventures along with the rest of the gang.
Name:  Megumi Takani

Other names:  Foxy

Words to know:  Competitent, Hot

Description:  Just another one of the gang.  She met Kenshin while she was running away from Kanryu, a drug dealer.  She apparently was making opium for him, and many people died in the process.  She got sick of it and ran away.  She was once again captured by the Oniwabanshu and Kenshin once again rescued her.  She comes from a strong line of doctors, and she is no different.  She helps the gang just as much as Sanosuke or Kaoru do, as she heals damaged characters after extreme battles.  She and Kaoru also compete for Kenshin's heart and have some funny moments.  She's also a hot one.
Name:  Saito Hajime

Other names:  Wolf of Mibu
Words to know:  Bad ass, Evil

Description:  The strongest rival of Kenshin from the bloody revolution.  He was also the leader of the 3rd squad of the elite Shinsengumi.  He met Kenshin in the past and had numerous battles with him.  Although, not once was there a victor.  10 years later, he met with Kenshin again and had a fight with him just to test him.  The test became a match to the death as he made Kenshin revert back to Battousai, but still there wasn't a victor.  There's barely ever a scene you see with him not smoking.  It's rather amusing.  At first, he's completely enemies with Kenshin, then in Kyoto, he teamed up with him, then near the end of the series, they became pretty strong allies.  There never really was a decisive battle between the 2.  I'll leave it to you guys to judge if he or Kenshin was stronger.