Info on IRC's & Contacting me

Well your here for one of two reasons [possibly three]. Either you want to ask me personally about pricing ect and/or request a peice...or ya wanna blow my head off for one reason or another.

As mentioned I can be found using IRC's [Internet Relay Chats] there are alot of them but the most common is the one *shudder* for windows know as mIRC [No spelling mistakes there] you can get it from When you run the program for the first time you will be asked to enter details...I mean the Port number and such.

Deatils: Server: Port: 6667

Once you have acessed the server type in /whois Jaffa If it tells you there is no such nick I am not on at the time. If it says I am online use /msg Jaffa [enter text here]. Of course without the brackets and your own text to get hold of me.

As mentioned on the home I am also known as Midian or Valentine so try them instaed of Jaffa...or there is always E-Mail [Checked att least once a week]