~purple birds~
...none the wiser
Date:2005-01-12 19:17
Subject:moving closer to home....online, that is

In the interest of time and simplicity for both our family and all those interested in what's happening with our family, I am moving.

I'll no longer be posting here, but instead will add my thoughts to my husband, Brian's, page at http://www.notesalongtheway.net

We have pictures of both our sons there, and once school starts back for Brian, his posting will be minimal. I will function as the main "updater", both with words and pictures. So, delete this link from your pages and favorite lists and add Brian's (now our) site, if it has not been already.

Hope this "one-stop" for the Martin family proves much better for everyone.

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Date:2005-01-10 19:03
Subject:...had a baby

As most everyone who checks this already knows....Tobias was born!

As a reslt of this lovely event, my posting here has been next to nothing. In fact, I find my time online is spent sharing pictures of our fine new son with the world (see, http://www.notesalongtheway.net), not posting anecdotes of daily life.

But, not to let that go COMPLETELY, here is what's news around the St. Louis Martin household:

- Caleb says "thank you" now for every hand-to-hand exchange that happens (meaning when you give him something, OR when he hands something to you)

- Tobias sleeps most of the day, but when he's awake, has bright beautiful eyes.

- I am still in recoup mode...feeling a little out of sorts not doing all the cooking (or any of it, yet, since I've been back). My mother-in-law has been an invaluable person these weeks.

- Brian was a WONDERFUL husband and friend to me while I was stuck in the hospital through the holidays. He brought me surprises almost every day and spent hours with me while I was stuck in hospital gowns and attached to an iv. I am getting spoiled by his daily hours with us until school starts back at the end of this month.

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Date:2004-12-14 23:36
Subject:start believing

Tobias, according to the latest ultrasound (12-3-04) has a lot of hair.

Which will be cut.

No Golem-esque hairdos on a Martin baby.

Date:2004-12-02 21:28
Subject:six weeks, busy muscles complain

Six weeks. Or thereabouts, until baby Tobias comes into the world.

**with that said, note that the next paragraph will have some "graphic" details of what my pregant body has been up to these days. Males and other squeamish people (though it's not THAT graphic) might want to skip.**

These last couple days I feel like an old person. I can't get up from sitting or laying down without cringing. My pelvis must be really loosening up for preparation for birth because my muscles SCREAM when I try to stand. Doesn't matter how slow or fast I move (a gradual slide off the couch or a leap to save a falling Caleb), where or how I'm sitting (floor or couch)...I feel old. Crunchy, even.

The great thing is, once I manage an upright position, it's not so bad at all. I can walk, dance (per Caleb's demands whenever music is playing...which has been often now that Christmas music is in full swing around here), wash dishes, whatever. It's just that getting up that is killer.

In other Tobias happenings, I've finally heard him hiccup! I'm sure he's been doing it for weeks/months now, but I've never caught him at it. He definately isn't slowing up much...still kicks and punches his way through this in-utero life.

Caleb: newest words...."bath", "sssssssss" (in response to, "What does a snake say?"), "cheese". And I'm not quite certain yet, but I think he's saying both "bowl" and "spoon". Total consistant words said: around 25.

personally speaking
my caleb
adam and stef
caedmon's call
