Vahn Sefine
Leiwen's Tavern
Vahn is a mercenary from the land of Ayenee and now co-owns a tavern. He isnt originaly from this land, he arrived here when he was only about ten years of age. (For age check Current Status link) Though respectful to those who respect him, Vahn is usually distant and cold to those he doesn't know when traveling about the lands. Within his own tavern however, can at times be a different story. Truly trusting only a handful of people, most allies now long dead or disappeared, gaining the trust of the mercenary is not an entirely easy task. Respect is one thing, trust is another. He will fight along side any if it is the job requirments but other wise he is a really a solo fighter, preferring to work alone. Showing a mutual respect for all beings, Vahn would not assault anyone unless hired or provoked. He mostly keeps to himself traveling through the lands of Ayenee in search of those with need of his combat knowledge and abilities. One can find him sitting in a quiet forest training or relaxing, or sitting in a tavern enjoying a pint of ale. Over the many years within Ayenee, Vahn has grown and changed extensively within the mostly harsh environment. His perceptions would lighten softly, as time would allow him to relax and find some manner of peace, only to have them hardened again through some vile complication with friend or foe. Several times has this mercenary been jolted back and forth through the woes of life, yet he still persists.. As of now things have settled, most enemies and allies alike long since faded. He generally doesn't mind the simple minded masses, as he now owns a tavern and can be found at times conversing over a pint. Though he's not as easily provoked these slightly peaceful days, if disrespected Vahn will not hesitate to show disliking for the situation and even offer up a juste retaliation. With the number of people that Vahn can trust with a sincerity rising ever so slowly with the addition of Kyril, Amory, Opehlia and Xanvger to the list,Vahn begins to find himself not as hostile, but even more cautious and aware..And ever training to hone himself for whatever to come. He cannot help but contemplate over the chances of history repeating itself, of betrayal and loss tainting his thoughts and perceptions once again. Or, if he will succumb to the growing power sustained within him.
Trusted Friends
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