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This page is intended to be a resource for my Riddle of Steel campaign entitled, as I'm sure you've guessed, Tor's Edda.

It has character sheets, maps, stats, house rules, and other things I've worked up for the campaign. It has a running recap of the story, that is only a month or so behind at the time of my writing this. It has links to things I found useful, and thought might be handy for my players.

It's not fancy. It's done with raw HTML code, and simple graphics. But it's what you've got. I hope it appeals to someone, at least.

Campaign Maps
House Rules and Resources

Take a look at my DragonLance page

This page created by Davyd Atwood. All contents not otherwise noted © 2005 by Davyd Atwood.
The Riddle of Steel and associated terms are copyright Driftwood Publishing.
Last altered 23 October 2005

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