Bonjourno earthlings, and welcome to my site. I know NOTHING about website building or designing so this may be pretty basic and you will have to bear with me. Im planning to build a pro choice ana/mia site, with information about SI. CERTAINLY not pro-SI. I plan to inform and educate-not promote. The site will include poetry; art-work; photography and any other visual methods of artistic expression. It will NOT contain SI pictures. Please feel free to email me (the address is below).
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Put your arrow over the links belows to see what else my site has to offer...
Info about me
EDs control your life and can make it hellish. If you are not ana/mia then I would suggest you dont browse my site. An ED is NOT a diet. Nor is it a quick-fix for weightloss. If you are not ana/mia I would STRONGLY recommend you do not get into it. My ED certainly makes my life miserable, do you want yours to be too? I dont think so.
ED categories?
Healthy Ana Eating Tips
SI Myths VS Facts
Strength Through Lyrics
Visual Thinspiration
Health Problems Associated With EDs
Depression - How to Help Yourself
Cheats Guide To Burning Cals