More homecoming drunks
(above)  Here some of the Alcohol Consumption Center employees take time out from drinking for a photo.  This was taken down on the Cornor of 3rd and something on top of the fountain of L-town.  Moments later the cover to the fountain would fall victim to Jake and his rage.  17 and Jager does not mix well
(Left)  Brady Vision - 5 bottles of Jager and multiple beers and this is what the world looks like.  Brady shows us all how to look like a pimp when we are not able to walk.

" I'm a little tea pot short and stout, here is my handle, here is my spout"  Brady Jewell
(Right)  Jake shows us his face after a night of 17 shots of Jager and then 17 beers and then 17 more.  

"I am a pussy bitch, all I do is bitch.  Its not that I suck that much, I am just good at what I do... bitching"  Jake Spahr
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