Founded in Fall 2003, the SAS was designed to bring together UVa student amateurs, astro majors and minors, and the Astronomy Department faculty. For further excuses, see the Goals page.

One warning: As of September 2004, the SAS is NOT a UVA CIO. You will not find us on any UVA website. You won't even find us on the astronomy department website (we're working on that). If you want any info on the club, you've got to email and get on the mailing list.

Calendar of Events
Upcoming meetings, guest speakers, observing nights, telescope operating sessions, volunteer events 
Observatory Calendar
See when the SAS is signed up fortelescope use, 
public nights, and what else is being offerend at 
McCormick Observatory.

SAS goals
"The Whole Point" or
"Reasons the club was formed in the first place and what members get out of joining"
Past events
Brief summarys and descriptions
to see what the club has been up to lately
Fun astronomy websites: 
APOD, ISS flybys, UVA astro stuff


Email for information and/or to join the mailing list.

Page created January 2004
Page last updated: September 2004
Curator: Laura Cole (