2008 Reunion
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Email Received from Frank Morgan (famorgantx@yahoo.com)

Everyone receiving this email has previously expressed interest in the reunion. I can now tell you a few more things about it. It will be held on Monday, September 1 and Tuesday, September 2, 2008, in Fort Worth, Texas. The venue will be a hotel in downtown Fort Worth, hereafter called the host hotel. There are two candidates, both very nice, and the choice will be finalized this summer. In either case, the hotels will not accept individual reservations more than a year ahead, so I will have that information for you in plenty of time. I have decided to keep this event as simple as possible in terms of scheduled activities (see below). Details about them, including the associated costs (which will have to be collected in advance), will be forthcoming in a future update as well.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Daytime – arrive (of course, you can also arrive the previous day if that will make your travel arrangements easier). Evening – “Meet & Greet” at the host hotel. No-host cocktails and oer d’ouvres.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Daytime – on your own Hang out with old shipmates in the hotel bar or around the pool. There are many good places to eat within easy walking distance of either candidate host hotel. Fort Worth has many tourist attractions – the Stockyards (including Billy Bob’s), a Cultural District, good shopping malls, etc. Since the national Subvets (USSVI) convention will be going on at this time, there are a few additional possibilities:   the convention will offer numerous tours (JFK Museum in Dallas, Indian Gambling Casino, etc.).  Unless you are a USSVI member, you won’t be able to pre-register for these, but can join them on a space-available basis. the convention will also have a vendors room selling submarine-related items in a nearby hotel.

Evening – Dinner, either at a downtown hotel or nearby restaurant. I am checking on getting a speaker for the dinner. I’d also like to arrange for a photographer for both group and individual pictures. At the 1993 reunion, the photographer offered for sale both the group picture and a “memento” book with all individual (as well as some informal function) pictures in it. So, that’s all the information I have for you at this time. In order to get additional details for future updates, I need better information from you.

Specifically, I am asking that you respond as follows:

    1. Your current BEST guess as to whether or not you will attend. IF you think you will, please ALSO provide

    2. Who else will come with you (spouse or other significant other, etc.)

    3. Are you:

        (a) just coming for the Boone reunion, or

        (b) attending the USSVI convention as well (i.e., staying all or most of the week).

I realize that even if you are serious about coming, circumstances can change, but I need to get the best possible estimate of the total number of people coming in order to talk intelligently with the hotels and/or restaurants about details of the two scheduled functions described above. Even if you don’t think you’ll come, I would really appreciate hearing that from you, rather than having to guess at your intentions.

Frank Morgan (former) Lt., USN D. Boone 1/67-7/70