About The Site

The site was founded on May 31st 2003 for your gaming pleasures

Roms and isos are intended only for the purpose of backups. You must own the roms you download or delete them within 24 hours of download. Emulators are made to play roms and isos. You need a emulator to play any rom or iso. That it for the rules. Enjoy the site and what it has to offer.

News and Updates

DATE: June 3 2003 - POST BY: RayBan

I finally got some roms up. I have 21 roms avaliable for download at this time. All roms are in english but i plan to put "one foreign rom" up just because it is so good...That rom is FFTA and it will be the first preview avaliable in the gba game preview section. Enjoy the roms.

Pages Done:3 (Home,GBA Roms,Thanks)

Terms & Conditions

1. The Roms contained in this site ARE legal if you own the original cartridge and have the means to restore the Rom image to it's original media, and use Emulators for testing purposes of rom validity.

2. The ONLY way roms will ever be truly free and legal if you don't own the original cartridge is if the rom copyright holders have released them as public domain.

3. ONLY download roms if you own the roms or be willing to LIE about it ; )

Animé © respective owners. Site is owned by RayBan. Layout designed by Miko Reznor.