United States Constabulary

6th.  Coburg, Germany
1946 - 1947




Ralph Judd

     I went in the Army Nov. 1944.  I left Bavaria Germany 10 Nov. 1945. I was in the US CONSTABULARY in Coburg when the Constabulary first started. I can't remember the town we were in before moving to Coburg but it was there that we scraped paint off the vehicles and repainted with the Circle  "C" ect.  At the time I was stationed with the 6th in Coburg, A troop. I was there in 1946 & 1947. The first Sgt. was Sgt. Cassarborn. I remember that the troop was in big trouble for a while because most of the troop got drunk one night and one of my buddies beat up the burgermaster.  We all got hell for that but in the end everything turned out ok.

     Captain Jack was the troop commander. Sgt. John Winaskie, Sgt. Pain was there and Thomas Kelley. We had lots of beer at the Big Brown Derby & the Little Brown Derby. I was very proud of being in the US CONSTABULARY and patrolling the border. The Russians at times like to see how much they could get away with but we kept them where they belonged.

     My discharge from the ARMY was May 1947 with the rank of T/5.
I live in Maine.  

     Have a good day TROOPERS and will catch you later.

Ralph L Judd Jr.
25 Hewey St
Lisbon Falls Me. 04252

        Front Gate - Coburg, Germany                                           Ralph Judd [ in back on right]

  Ralph Judd [on right]

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