The 6th
of the
United States Constabulary
Sept. 6 - 9, 2001

Greetings fellow Troopers, spouses and friends:
As most of you know, our National Convention / Reunion for this year was held at the
Galt House Hotel in Louisville, KY

September 2001:

Thur.  6th,  1300-1900
     Reunion registration was held all day while the Hospitality Room remained opened for the pleasure of our troopers and their guest .  We had a lot of cold drinks, snacks, and coffee to enjoy.  There were many Constabulary  items for sale at a table set up just for that main purpose.  A table was set up with displays of fantastic photos of the Constabulary troops during 1946-1952.  Documents were available to be viewed along with scrap books and photos.
Everyone stayed busy talking and sharing stories until Dinner this first evening.   A large group of the members walked along the beautiful river walk to have dinner at Joe's Crab Trap.  The food was great and the beer was even better. Others found a nice restaurant in the hotel to have their meal.  All in all, I would say everyone enjoyed themselves tremendously.

Fri.     7th,  0900-1000
     We were transported to Fort Knox by chartered busses.  We had such a great turn out that 4 buses were needed to accommodate all the members.  Everyone enjoyed the bus ride and the tour of Fort Knox was fantastic.  Over 200 people attended the Memorial Ceremony.

            1000-1030   The Welcoming and Memorial ceremony was held at our Constabulary Monument in Armor Park.  The General Officers made their welcoming remarks and National Chaplain Rev. Oscar McDuffy conducted the benediction.  The former Nat'l Chaplain, Matt Winters was ill and not present.  Later we learned he has passed on.  Our sincere condolences goes out to all his family.

Wedding Bells Ring

A Marriage Ceremony took place in the front of the US Constabulary Monument, Fort Knox, KY. following the Memorial Ceremony.
It was a wonderful event to witness.

It was a surprise and an honor to witness a beautiful wedding ceremony.  A Trooper of our Association took his vows of matrimony to a beautiful lovely bride in front of the United States Constabulary Monument.  Chaplain {LTC} James Neely performed the wedding ceremony.

                  1030-1200   Tour of Patton Museum and Wedding photos

                  1200-1315   We travel to the 1/16th Cav. dining facility for lunch.  It was amazing to buy lunch and it not cost much more than 3 dollars per person.

                  1315-1530   We Continued our tour of Fort Knox enjoying everything.

                  1530-1630    We returned to the Galt House Hotel that afternoon excited about the great time we had touring Fort Knox.   Everyone shared their stories and memories of their Constabulary Days.  I give this trip a rating of a number "10."

                  1630-????     The Hospitality Room was opened for all to sit, relax and chat.  Refreshments were available to all once again.

Sat.     8th,    0800-1030 National Business Meeting.

                     1030-1100     Installation of newly elected National Officers.
Click here to read the list of appointed officers.

                  1100-1200     Outpost meetings.
                 1700-1800     Cocktail hour, no-host bar.
                  1800-1900     Dinner  - The last evening together.
                  1900-1930     Speech

John F. Antal
Colonel Armor
Commander, 16th Cavalry Regiment
 Fort Knox.
 Banquet Guest Speaker

                  Col. John F. Antal  was present as our guest speaker.  He gave a very moving speech about the US Constabulary and what the Constabulary did for the United States, as well as for Germany and Austria in 1946 - 1952.  The speech was much like attending an up beat rally.  Everyone showed much enthusiasm as Col. Antal  continued to use his all in expressing what he believed to be an important part of history that should not and will not to be forgotten.  Strong words were being lashed out,  letting us know he believed in what the US Constabulary stood far.  He loudly and firmly got his message out to us, on how he knows the US Constabulary was and still is a great influence of the way training programs are being held at Fort Knox.   By the time Col. John F. Antal  was finished with his speech, everyone was yelling to the top of their lungs,

"Mobility, Vigilance, Justice".
It was a great speech.
To read his speech click here.

No Photos Available

Combined Leadership of Outpost 5 and 6

Again the leadership of  5 and 6 are showing that there is a benefit in getting together to plan and implement combined meetings.  We did it together for a combined Outpost meeting as was proved at Lake Geneva in  2000 and now a  National Reunion/Convention here at Louisville and Fort Knox.  We must compliment PNC, Director and Outpost 8 Commander Don Purrington for his invaluable assistance in dealing with the Galt House.
As this is being written we have not received the names of the speakers from Fort Knox.  Therefor there is a separate program addendum for the Memorial Service and the speakers from the Military. Col. Lineberger and his staff have given us exceptional assistance and corporation.  We are very grateful to all that have assisted us in this endeavor.

Willis Smith, Commander Outpost 5
William M. Tevington, Commander Outpost 6

Speech provided by Major Shaun Wurzbach, Executie Officer, 2nd Sq., on behalf of Maj. Gen Steven Whitcomb
Commander of the Armor Center and Fort Knox

  Good Morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Fort Knox, the home of Armor.  On behalf of Maj. Gen. Steven Whitcomb, commander of the Armor Center and Fort Knox, we are pleased to have you with us today.
     The Constabulary is an organization with an interesting history.  The U.S. Army organized Constabulary units to act as a police force for civilians in wartime situations.  Today Fort Knox is pleased to host veterans of the Constabulary forces in Germany and Austria.
     The history of the Constabulary in Germany and Austria is interesting because of the types of missions they performed.  Life Magazine wrote and article about the newly established Constabulary of  33,000 specially trained troops in the Aug. 26, 1946 issue.  The mission of these troops was to check other troops behavior, keep displaced persons in hand, hunt illegal travelers, smugglers and black marketers and track down Germans concealing illegal arms or furthering Nazi ideas.
      The Constabulary were converted from Armor, Cavalry, Infantry and Signal battalions.  Soldiers were then trained to perform their mission as a  member of the Constabulary.
      Form 1946 until 1947 the Constabulary operated with three regiments in Germany and  a 4th Regiment in Austria.  In July 1947 reorganization took place that affected virtually every element.  One third of the squadrons were inactivated, when the reorganization ended 11 of the 32 squadrons were eliminated.
      In 1948 the 2nd, the 6th and 14th Constabulary Regiments reorganized as armored cavalry regiments.   These armored cavalry regiments were responsible for guarding the border. The remaining Constabulary units continued with he Constabulary traditional mission.
     In 1950 the headquarters was inactivated, leaving two units to conduct the Constabulary mission.  In 1952 the final two squadrons were deactivated.  All together the Constabulary existed in Germany and Austria for six and one half years.
      The mission of maintaining general military and civil security in an area covering more than 40,000 square miles required men of the highest caliber.
     The soldiers operated in small groups, many times a long distance from headquarters.  The selection process was to find individuals who could be trusted not to give in to temptation.  Troopers were empowered with authority in matters of arrest, search and seizure.
       Working with the German police, government and the military authorities the Constabulary troops helped to maintain order in a population of 16 million German citizens and one half million displaced persons.
     During the last six months of 1946, over 26,000 undocumented transients were turned back from the borders.  Approximately 22,000 people were apprehended within the ten mile border zone.
      During its first six months of operations, the Constabulary made 168,000 patrols in jeeps, tanks, armored cars, on foot and on horseback and Troopers uncovered  2,681 black market transactions and 173 subversive acts.  All of these efforts contributed to the stabilization of a country that is today one of America's staunchest allies.
     Today's soldiers are performing much the same mission in different areas of ht world.  Your successes in the 1940's gave us a yardstick by which to measure the mission today.
      Describing the contributions of World War ll era soldiers, former Secretary of the Army William Cohen said, "The men and women f America's armed forces, those who inherited your spirit who defend the consecrated ground on which you fought, today carry on your noble work, preserving what you have created, defending the  victory you achieved, honoring the great deeds and ideals for which you struggled and sacrificed.  All of us, are truly and deeply in your debt forever."
     Today, the line of selfless service stretches around the globe.  At this time, there are about  20,000 American soldiers deployed to more than 80 countries, as part of joint and combined operations and exercises.
     In Europe, following in your footsteps, more than 7000 American soldiers are deployed in helping to enforce the Dayton Peace Accord, they are nurturing fledgling democracies and helping to rebuild villages ripped apart by civil wars.
     Today as we remember all those who served in the Constabulary we are reminded of the differences their sacrifice has made.  Today, the countries you patrolled are peaceful nd self governing.
      You made history and we have an opportunity to learn the  lessons of the past from the men and women who learned the lessons through experience.
     Reunions like this provide us an opportunity to learn from others.  The lessons are being passed on through the  oldest form of communication - storytelling.
     It's in the storytelling we come to know those brave individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice.  We honor them by keeping their memory alive, not only on special occasions, but every day.  By remembering them we insure their sacrifice served a purpose.

      Fort Knox is a perfect example of a place where these lessons are passed on to the next generation.  Today and everyday we have more than 4,000 students in training.  Young soldiers are absorbing  lessons from everyone around them.   And, memories from former soldiers like you will become part of their knowledge.  They will use the lessons from the past to insure our future.
      Thank you for being here today and especially thank you for being there when you were needed.

To the National Commander, Louis Lynn.

You have provided steady and dedicated leadership to the Association over the past two years.  You have experienced some difficult issues during his tenure and have always handled them well.  Your presence, as well as that of your wife, Lenora, has added a great deal to the many Outpost Reunions that you have attended while in office.  Little did we know that you are a great auctioneer.  You will be missed as our Commander, but we know that you will continue to work for the betterment of the Association and to keep alive the traditions of the United States Constabulary.

The idea of forming our own Constabulary Group was born at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia at a gathering of the  6th Cavalry Association.  This took place in late 1990.  Although there were more than twelve former Constabulary Troopers in attendance this formative group ws dubbed, "the Dirty Dozen."  Through the efforts of Bud Groner, our first National Commander and now deceased, along with several other of our charter members, a meeting was organized and held in Helen, Georgia in May of 1991.  There were approximately 115 Troopers, wives, friends and guests present at that meeting.  Bud Groner was elected National Commander, Ed Yetsko, National Vice Commander, Don Purrington, National Adjutant and Joe Maloney, now deceased as National Chaplain.  We were divided into eight Outposts and Outpost Commanders were appointed.  We were incorporated as The United States Constabulary Association in the State of Washington in November 1991.

Our second National Convention/Reunion was held at Fort Mitchell Kentucky in June of 1993.  Bill Tevington was elected National Commander and Bob Jarrett Senior Vice Commander and Ray Guillaume, Vice Commander, West.  Don Purrington continued on as Adjutant.  Bill Tevington resigned as  National Commander and was succeeded by Bob Jarrett.

Our third National Convention/Reunion was held at Kansas City, Missouri in 1995.  Don Purrington was elected National Commander, Lou Lynn and John Sweeney, Vice Commanders, with Ed Yetsko staying on as Adjutant.

Our fifth National Convention/Reunion was held at Philadelphia in September 1999.  Lou Lynn was elected National Commander, Jim Deming and Bob Plath Vice Commanders and Bob Monasmith National Adjutant.

 Our sixth National Convention/Reunion  was held in Louisville, KY.  William "Bill" Strub has been elected as National Commander.  Vice Commander East is Jim Deming and Vice Commander West is Robert F. Plath.  Bob Monasmith as National Adjutant.

We are a fraternal organization.  We have no political agenda and do not support nor oppose any cause, except as they may affect Veterans.  The purpose of our Association is, "To promote a spirit of camaraderie, fellowship and brotherhood among the members and their spouses and to keep alive the spirit and history of the United States Constabulary.   "All officers of the Association whether at the National or Outpost level have a solemn obligation to uphold that purpose and the traditions of the United States Constabulary.

The Last Evening Together
Sept. 8, 2001

The Master of Ceremonies  was Don Purrington.
Following the "Attitude Adjustment" everyone in the dining room was seated to enjoy the grand event.

Presentation of the Colors
VFW POST 1170 of Middletown, KY
Commander Richard Estee

The Invocation was delivered by Chaplain [LTC] James Neely.

A Message from the National Commander Louis A. Lynn

Greetings fellow Troopers, Wives, Associate Members and Guests. It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the sixth National Convention/Reunion hosted by Outpost 5 and 6,  and with the able assistance of Don Purrington, Commander Outpost 8.  A special Thanks to all the Troopers and Wives for the hard work in the planning and attention to detail that has made this Reunion possible.

My two year tour of duty, as your elected National Commander has afforded me great pleasure and also has been a learning experience for me.  I hope that the many items accomplished during the past two years will leave the Association a more stronger and energetic organization.  I made as many Outpost Reunions as possible, Lenora and I met many new friends and each year renewed old friendships.  To say we enjoyed our close relationship with all , is not adequate in any way.  We know that may have gone to  "Fiddlers Green" and will not be forgotten.

Thank you all, Troopers, Wives and Associates, for your friendship, comradeship, concerns, support and prayers.  Please give to the incoming Commander all the backing, support and cooperation that he and his Staff needs.

Thank you and the warmest regards to all.
Louis A Lynn
National Commander

Raffle drawings
 There were many lovely gifts in the raffle drawing.
A special Thank You
goes out to everyone who donated their item for the raffle.

Speech given by Colonel John F. Antal

Constabulary Association Reunion
 8 September 2001 [As Delivered by Col. John F. Antal]

Mr. And Mrs. Deming, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn, veterans, families and friends of the Constabulary Association.  Good evening and thank you for inviting my wife and I here tonight to share this great reunion with you … and DON, thank you for that very kind introduction.

 I must say that I really did enjoy talking with many of you earlier and that the years have done nothing to diminish your espirit de corps.

I want you to know you're always welcome at Fort Knox.   You're a wonderfully spirited group of true American heroes, and it's a privilege to be able to join in you here tonight.

Two of the things I enjoy the most are training leaders for our Army … and addressing veterans’ reunions.  Both groups are inspiring because of their enthusiasm for our Army.

The young leaders who enter the 14 schools in the Regiment that I have the honor to lead are eager and ready to learn.  This is because they are embarking on a great adventure - the challenge to lead their first tank platoon, M1 Abrams tank company, or cavalry troop.

And the veterans like you are VERY special … because you know first-hand the serious responsibilities a soldier must shoulder … and, by your commitment you have proven your great love for our Nation, the Army, and the comrades you served with.

I admit, that it is exciting for me to talk with you.  Long ago, General Douglas MacArthur captured the source of the excitement I've felt here tonight.

McArthur said: "People grow old only by deserting their ideals.  Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up interest wrinkles the soul…
You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt …
As young as your self-confidence …. as old as your fear ….
As young as your hope …. as old as your despair.

In the central place of every heart there is a recording chamber, so long as it receives messages of hope, cheer, and courage …so long are you young."

That's the secret, really, and the reason that I jump at every chance to talk to veterans like you … at occasions like this.

These reunions are great sources of hope, cheer, and courage.  And it's obvious the ideal of America still burns brightly in your hearts.

I am also pleased to know that, as a cavalryman, many of you served in armor and cavalry units during the Second World War.

This was natural, as the organizers of the US Constabulary wanted … and needed … soldiers of the highest caliber with the best discipline and morale.
Don, my apologies to eh artillery. I am fond of a saying:  Combined arms wins!  All the branches are equally important.

I've studied your history … and may I say, you have written quite a story.

Following the war, when the guns became silent, you performed a very special mission and YOU never faltered.

Most people today cannot fathom what it was like in 1946, after the World War.  The War was over, but the peace had yet to be won.

You did that.  You won the peace.
Your motto: "Mobility, Vigilance, Justice,” explains it all.

The Circle C Cowboys, the Blitz Polezie, are a very special unit … an elite force ... and were absolutely essential to stabilize Germany and Austria after the devastation of World War II.
Although the US Constabulary existed for only six and a-half years, your efforts transformed Germany and Austria into self-sustaining, democratically inclined countries.
When you consider this, it is incredible.

YOUR HONOR, YOUR COURAGE, AND YOUR SENSE OF JUSTICE, turned defeated enemies into friends and allies.

You spread democratic principles and impressed upon the Germans and Austrians that the Constabulary was a straightforward product of American democracy  … a force that stood for the rule of law.

Your unselfishness also made a difference. You shared your rations with people who …. months before … had been doing their very best to kill you.

 You, and Constabulary troopers like you … patrolled the cities and borders.
You conducted search and seizures for weapons, Nazi propaganda, and black market items.  You mounted joint patrols with the local police authorities in highly populated areas …. literally creating order from chaos … and established the rule of law among 16 million German and Austrian citizens and over a half million displaced persons.

If anyone ever tells you this was not important, tell him or her to think again.

One only needs to contrast the difference between the zones policed by the US Constabulary and those areas ruled by the Soviet Red Army to understand the difference between light, and darkness …. Freedom and Tyranny.

 I imagine, for many of you, if you only close your eyes, it is easy for the years to fade away and to suddenly recall … with deadly clarity … the dark days of the war.
All those who have served know that there are others … fellow soldiers who fought and brave comrades who died … who made it possible for us to be here today.

You shared their letters from home, their coffee, their rations, and the photographs of their loved ones.

With them you celebrated births, anniversaries and holidays.  With them you faced danger, confronted fear, nurtured hopes, and chanced to dream.
With them, you shared that strange mixture of laughter and sorrow that soldiers in danger recognize and understand.

For you, the bonds that were forged on distant battlefields … in another place and time … are still intact today.  They cannot be broken.   And it is these bonds that bring you together at gatherings such as this … to remember … and to reconfirm.

 America as a nation is committed to four great defining concepts: liberty, justice, equality, and opportunity.

By your service, you have secured those concepts.  You, the select of your generation, who answered the call to duty … showed your commitment for the United States, The Army, the US Constabulary and each other.

For me, you are all a part of The Greatest Generation.

Your generation enabled America to close out the 20th Century as the greatest nation in the history of mankind - the only remaining superpower, with the strongest economy, and the most respected military force in the world.

But, in my opinion, winning World War II isn’t the only reason that you are the greatest generation.    It was also what you did after the war, and when you came home.  You and your families put America on the road to greatness.
It was the leadership you provided in government, in business, in education, in your families, and in the many other areas that brought America to the prosperity it enjoys today.

It was the sense of service that you brought back with you -- of sacrifice and of having become a part of something bigger than yourself.

Please, continue to share your stories so that the next generations can understand what it took to provide them the opportunities, the comforts, and the privileges they enjoy today.

As Dwight David Eisenhower said at his first inaugural address in 1953: "In the final choice, the soldier's pack is not so heavy as the prisoner's chains.”

I want to thank all of you for shouldering that soldier's pack all those years ago.  It has meant freedom for America, and indeed for scores of other nations around the globe.

Again, thank you for asking my wife Angel and me to be here this evening.

I trust your visit to Fort Knox was a gratifying one and that you will come back and visit us again.

I also hope you had a chance to see some of the great young Americans I am privileged to serve with.

Although the challenges we face today are different from those of 60 years ago, one thing is still the same.  All Americans must understand that the freedom we enjoy today comes with responsibility.

The best way to prevent global tragedies such as the last century's world wars is to ensure that we have done everything possible to keep America as strong as it is today - politically, economically, spiritually and militarily.

Never forget, that like you, a new generation of Americans is standing tall, proud to wear the Army Uniform, and willing to do whatever it takes to keep our Nation free and strong.

Never forget that we learned that sense of sacrifice and commitment from you.  This is your gift to those who follow.  This is why you are truly our greatest generation.

You gave us an example to live by, and, as I said, you are our heroes.  Your lives reaffirm for us the idea that America is worth fighting for and freedom is worth striving for.

So, to you, the soldier-veterans of the US Constabulary, and your wives and families, I wish you the very best and I offer the sincere thanks of a grateful nation.

May God bless you, our Nation and the United States Constabulary.

"Mobility, Vigilance, Justice!!

Colonel John F. Antal

Colonel John F. Antal is a tank officer and a 1977 West Point graduate who has served in tank and infantry units for the past 24 years.  His previous assignments also include service in the United States, Germany, Kuwait, Korea, and duty in the Pentagon as a Special Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington, D.C.

He has served 71 months in Korea with the 2d Infantry Division and commanded of the 2d Battalion, 72d Armor, 2 Infantry Division [M].

Today, Colonel Antal is the commander of the 16th Cavalry Regiment at Fort Knox, Kentucky and responsible for the training and education of all tank officers in the United States Army and Marine Corps.

Colonel Antal has written five books -- two concerning the Korean War.  His latest novel Proud Legions, America's Next War is about a hypothetical war in Korea.  [http://www.oocities.org/Pentagon/Base/3006/antalbooks.htm] He speaks frequently at military related events and has appeared regularly on the History Channel concerning battles and military history.

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Dancing to the Dick Sharpe Orchestra live band.

To the ones who attended the Reunion.
Troopers and our honored friends of the United States Constabulary Association.
We have enjoyed meeting with you again .  The Committee wishes all of you a safe trip and may "He" hold you in the palm of his hand  until we meet again.

The Committee

Sun.  9th,   Breakfast and farewells --'til we meet again!

This sums up the National Reunion.  I hope you enjoyed this page.
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God Bless America