Hello everyone, and welcome to my wonderful world of bishies! *^_~*
I caught all these fine specimen myself...so please don't try and steal them! If you'd like to catch your own bishies go *here* to catch them...Anyway, on with the show!

BTW, I made the background myself...but feel free to take it if you like it! ^_^


First of all, my own personal bishie. MINE. Try to take him and I shall beat you with a big ecchi stick. ^.^


My (pride and joy, the) Gundam Bishies...

Duo...yummy! Quatre...also yummy!

*laughs* Duo and Quatre are my fave G-boys... ^_~

Zechs...'nuff said...

And, of course, the rest of the cast...

*laughs* To me, these three are just a lil less yummy than Duo and Quatre...still chou kakkoii, though!

Last but not least...it's fun to control someone who has that much power ^_~


More favourites, the Sailor Moon Bishies...

Yay for an endless supply of roses... ^_~

The 'Lights...yummy...

And, of course...

*wishes he were always human*

Of course, my favourite white-haired baddie... ^_~


Vision of Escaflowne Bishies...

Both are yummy...and Van has wings... *^_~*


Utena Bishies...

Chouuuu kakkoii... And again... *drools*


Still yummy, I present the following assorted Bishies (from various places)...

From Anne Rice's Vampire novels...yay for badass vampires...

Again, kakkoii...he's from Mono-hime...

Ranma...'nuff said...
(If you don't at least know *of* Ranma, you need to watch more anime!)

Chou kakkoii...this Spike is from Cowboy Bebop...

Trent Lane...again, yummyness! ^_~
(For all you clueless people, yes, this is an *american* cartoon...he's from Daria!)

This fine Bishie has, among other things, a fine sword...*laughs* ^_~


Real life Bishies...

Tall, dark, and chou glomp-worthy... ^_~

*laughs* Not exactly a bishie per se, but still...

He plays Mulder. 'Nuff said.

Not quite my Steven Page-sama...but close as I could get!
Besides, he's still *kinda* kakkoii...

ATASHI NO! (*MY* Steven Peeji-sama yo!)

Another Barenaked Ladie. Gotta catch 'em all yo! ^.~

Jude Law...captured (mainly) for my friend Jessyka... ^_~

Yummmmmmy....and mine! All mine!

Last (for now) but not least...
Seeing as how I have the rest of the Buffy boys, I can't leave him out!


And that, for now, is all the bishies I have in my posession...hey, I only have a few...I need more! *^_~*

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