This poem is for all my on-line friends. You know who
you are!


You are half the world away,
And my today is your tomorrow.
I have never seen your face,
Nor heard words from your lips.

I do not know your sounds of laughter,
Or the softness of your sigh.
I have not a clue as to who you are,
Or the customs for which you live.

I do know that you are kind and sweet,
You are a thoughtful and caring soul.
You think of others before yourself,
others, young and old.

These things I know about you,
Even though we have never met.
I have learned this by coming home
Each day and finding you here on the net.

You are not here in body and soul,
But as a lighted rectangle.
You come to me every day as
A message on my screen,
A message that I can rely on
To cheer me up and make my day.

Through a keyboard we share
Our ups and downs
Our smiles and our frowns.
I have opened my inner self to you,
And you have to me as well.

We have traded secrets and laughs,
As well as sorrows and pain.
I have never met you, but feel as if
I have known you most of my life.
To most this might sound silly,

But I assure them, it is not.
Even though we have never met,
I feel a bond between us.
A bond that should have taken years to build,
Yet was built in a month or two.
A bond that lifelong friends should have,
Although most never do.
A bond that I am glad to share with you...
My Friend Now and For Always.

Author Unknown

I would like to take this opportunity to thank: Marisa, Joel, Ivy, Lisa, Danny, Dela & Shiloh, Nathan, Sam, Enrico, Jeoff, Robert, Amanda, Simon, Tobias, Russ, Russell, Alberto, Christy, Mat, Jenn, Erinn, Truly, Ubaldo, Diii, Amy & Johan, Legend, Noel, Jessica, Michelle, Brent, Cookie, Mimi, Krystal, Christina, Tara, Yvonnegal, Alex, Dao, Tammy and all the other people I may of forgot!.
Thanks for being such good friends!

I would also like to thank all my other friends: Joseph, Cameron, Chris, Ken, Ryan, James, Gord & Felice, Joel, Calab & Michelle, Nathan, Tim & Diane, Barb, Jane, Tanya, Aron & Ken, Tammy, Barbara, and the Rempel Family.
Thanks for being such great friends! Your always there when I need you and I appreciate that. I'm ALWAYS here for all of you. This poem is for you all.

Sometimes in life,
You find a special friend,
Someone who changes your life
Just by being a part of it
Someone who makes you laugh
Until you can't stop.
Someone who makes you believe
That there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you that
There really is an unlocked door
Just waiting for you to open.
This is a Forever Friendship.
When you're down,
And the world seems dark and empty,
Your forever friend lifts you up in spirit
And makes that dark and empty world
Suddenly seem bright and full.
Your forever friend gets you through
The hard times, the sad times,
And the confusing times.
If you turn and walk away,
Your forever friend follows.
If you lose your way,
Your forever friend guides you
And cheers you on.
Your forever friend holds your hand
And tells you that everything
Is going to be okay.
And if you find such a friend,
You feel happy and complete,
Because you need not worry.
You have a FOREVER FRIEND for life,
And forever has no end.

Author Unknown