Urdu to English dictionary English to Urdu dictionary | اردو سے انگلش  
This Urdu - English dictionary is focused for people who don't know Urdu that well and are not conversant with the Urdu alphabets and their English pronunciations (like capitalization of alphabets in middle of a letter or usage of "." or "'"). Some words appear more than once as they can be spelt in more than one way in English (though not all of them are correct), for example Zaahiraa and Zaahirah. This Urdu - English dictionary does not specify and give meanings according to their usage in grammar (i.e., adjective, noun, verb etc). Because of this reason, some of the meanings that occur together may not appear to be correct.you can search for meaning of an Urdu dictionary word, or part of a word in English or vice versa. If you do not get the expected search results, please try variations of the spelling of the Urdu work. 
English to Urdu Meanings
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 Urdu dictionary - Online english urdu dictionary more than 114433 english urdu words meanings. English Urdu dictionary helps to find english translation of urdu words and urdu dictionary translation of english word. You can also search urdu to english by using urdu keyboard given at page. If you are unable to find your desired word's meaning then you can suggest us.



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