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  The one and only! All that's weird and wonderful. Some damn fine downloads as well.

Strange things are afoot.......or are they?

U.k. hardcore at its finest (sorry chaps it's music we're talking). For all you angst filled metal mongers out there. A word from our sponsor. Click here

The other kind of hardcore (still talking music) ,drum 'n' bass, techno. If it's Ravin' around Redditch your after this is the place to find out what's on.

When not being a geek and making dodgy sites I'm also in a band. This is the place to find out more this is the place to go. It's still in construction but there's a few tunes to hear.

The best place for world wide weirdness. And that's just the forums.

As good as search engines get.

Hassled by the man? Check out these guys, they no what time it is. Ahem. sorry.

Theft, piracy, file sharing, call it what you like this is where you get it.

Most comical cartoon capers. Who's yo Daddy?

Absolutely pointless but amusing. You get one dancer free but I wouldn't bother paying for the rest. Unless you really have got money to burn. I'm going to investigate the program to see if I can make some new animations for it. Shouldn't be too hard.

Normally I would have no association with football but I'll make this one exception as it's a friend o' mines site.