Description of Lunar Phase Angles

0 to 44 degrees | New Moon

The angle between 0 degrees to 44 degrees with the Moon zodiacally ahead of the Sun encompasses the Conjunction, the Semisextile (30 degrees) and leads to the Semisquare (45-degree). The New Moon occurs immediately after the 'Dark Phase', and there is only a little visible evidence of the Moon's presence. It is about to begin to 'wax' or 'grow' until the Full Moon, when it will 'wane' or decrease in apparent size. The New Moon represents a clean start, like a new seed breaking the surface after a period in the darkness. It heralds a time when there is a movement towards the future and has a particular sort of sensitivity. Imagine this tentative seed - it may survive, it may be at the mercy of the elements. This is reflected in the nature of the individual born at that time. It signifies vitality and the urge to survive but also a certain vulnerability.

45 to 89 degrees | Crescent

The Moon is 45 degrees to 89 degrees ahead of the Sun. This encompasses the Sextile, Quintile and leads towards the Square. The unfolding phase begun with the New Moon is gathering impetus now, the Moon is waxing larger in size so this person is very aware of the future, even more keen to experience it, has some insight into what the future might hold, including its pitfalls. The New Moon personality often doesn't have a clue about potential problems, but the Crescent personality has an innate sense of the positives and negatives and so is no less keen but more cautious, weighing things up before taking the initiative. But he can lack clarity because of this and there is often both eagerness and resistance, an urge to both move forward and at the same time stay comfortable in the safety zone of what is familiar.

90 to 134 degrees | First Quarter

From 90 degrees to 134 degrees. This begins with the Square and includes the Trine. So this personality varies from the 'hard aspect' type to the 'soft aspect' type. It is necessary to bear this in mind and modify interpretation by the actual 'aspect' of the phase. However, personalities born at this phase will maintain a similar 'style' of expression - the urge for growth through change and simply go about it a different way.

135 to 179 degrees | Gibbous

135 degrees to 179 degrees, this includes the Quincunx and leads to the Opposition. This is a phase when conscious attention is paid to personal growth, at the same time as it embodies relationships with others. This personality is fully aware of his potentials and keen to understand and develop them. He does not seek to do so in a crisis ridden way but is more patient and accumulative. He acquires skills and understands the need for deliberation in achieving in life. He is blessed with an intuitive faculty that is not impulsive, but balanced between personal subjective goals and awareness of how other might help him achieve them. It is less driven than the phases that have gone before. The person is keenly aware of social norms and expectations, takes what is of value to him and easily rejects the rest. He does so with an intuitive understanding that by accumulating material, knowledge and information he will gain later life. He is more a 'gatherer' than a hunter is with a direct approach, a progressive and optimistic outlook and a willingness the use whatever skills and material comes to hand to achieve.

180 to 224 degrees | Full

180 to 224 degrees, the personality reaches the externalised world of others. We see this phase most clearly. The Moon is at its 'largest' about to begin its waning stage. Relationships with others and with the world at large loom largely in this person's life experience. They are born in anticipation that to be who they are, largely depends on other people in their lives so there is a paradox in balancing the 'me' with the 'you'. They are capable of alternating between riding rough-shod over the needs of others, or of being so aware of the others needs that they neglect their own.

225 to 269 degrees | Disseminating

225 degrees to 269 degrees ahead of the Sun. This is a phase of distribution, communication and illumination. The Disseminating Moon person has an inborn need to spread the word - to announce his presence and even boast of his prowess! He is well able to publicise ideas and is strongly motivated at a social level. Social structures and society at large benefits from this personality, and he benefits from it, but he is in danger of becoming swamped by his own enthusiasms. He is vested with a desire to instigate social reform, but at times needs to stop and take into consideration that the world may not be ready for him! He is a visionary and his vision of the future leaves no room for limiting structures and traditions. He pushes the boundaries, and like his Gibbous cousin, can do so in an almost amoral way, but does so less for personal gain and more for the 'cause'. They may embody the motto - the End justifies the Means!

270 to 314 degrees | Last Quarter

270 degrees to 314 degrees behind the Sun. This closing or waning square is similar to that of the First Quarter but at a more social level. Those first tensions were felt in an active, subjective, personal and directional way but this waning square presents a different set of challenges, those of tension in social consciousness or ideological awareness. This person is fraught with the stress of testing beliefs and ideologies, his own, those of others and those of society. He questions the validity of everything. He tends to a very objective point of view, and is capable of being quite demanding in the search for resolution of the questions he raises. Those born at this phase are confronted with many tensions between personal ideologies and beliefs and the realities of systems and facts.

315 to 359 degrees | Balsamic

315 to 359 degrees. The cycle is ending. This is the phase of transition and preparation for transformation. This personality experiences life in the knowledge and anticipation of radical change, but knows instinctively that this will only come after some sacrificial or ritual death. Society and hierarchies, people with power sit uneasily with them. Yet they do not rebel. They are the introverts who take everything life dishes out deep into the psyche for analysis and transformation. They are often hesitant to make long term commitment in worldly activities as though prompted that 'there just isn't enough time' to waste. So they are best equipped to make commitment in less achievement oriented fields and more in 'backstage' ways where, they can question, query, hypothesise, postulate and investigate future potentials. They are the prophets, and the 'sensitives' with an intuitive understanding and clairvoyant view of the future.