Upson Neighborhood Association
Photo Albums
Turning Neighbors Into Friends
Upcoming Community Events
Soup's On - Free Hot Meal                       Every Wednesday
BLOCK PARTY! E. 257 St.                     
Bulletin Board
Mission Statement / Officers
Page last updated:
Aug. 8, 2008, 9:00 am
A place to post notices, ads, notes, or anything else you want to share with your neighbors and friends.
Main page for pictures of neighborhood events and more.
In order to keep newcomers coming back to our site, we need to refresh and add to the content on a regular basis.  Any suggestions/materials to add to this site can be sent to
Email to Upson
Neighborhood Assn.
Meeting Format
This will be the notification that new stuff was added.
Newsletter, July 2004
Newsletter, February 2004
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NOTICE:  New Minor Curfew Laws for 2007