Welcome Remarks


Hi! I'm your webmaster. Welcome to UPLB People  Website. Here is the short story about this site. 

Background. The University of the Philippines at Los Baņos has its official website at However, In many of my informal gatherings with some colleagues from UPLB, most often than not, we were brought to a topic discussing a need to have a website where the members of the UPLB community can conveniently find  updated and reliable source of information about their classmates, batch mates, faculty, and organizational colleagues in the University. I think this is everyone's need, which emanates from the natural human desire to hear news about each other, to keep in touch with each other, and to maintain communication, friendship, and goodwill with each other. We can't afford to lose our friends in the university. I took the issue seriously because on my part, I believe that an on-line info resource is necessary as I consider each one in the UPLB community as part of a strong network of contacts and strategic allies. How can we help each other if we can't find one another? Hence, the date February 20, 2001, I started building this Web site.

Concept. The original concept is simple. I just wanted to create index-type homepages for each batch, class, and organization; then, link these group sites to and from the mother UPLB People  Website (where you are in now). By interactive links, the visitor can jump to the target individual homepage to get an update and first-hand news about the person. Design? Well, I would like to keep the design as simple as possible so that it can be read by any Internet browser and also for the users' convenience of quicker download.

Use. This website is very useful for everyone in UPLB - students, alumni, faculty. But this is specially designed for those alumni who are "LOST" - they may want to take a glimpse at UPLB. In this virtual place, the user can get instant information about their classmates, org-mates, batch-mates, and faculty in UPLB. The members of organizations can find their alumni here and vice versa. This website will contain the thesis and final papers of the alumni - making it a great information resource for researchers. For students, they can find old exams here. It will also serve as a window where everyone can see the progress of their friends in LB. Can you think of any other benefits this website can give?

Access. Access to information and homepages contained herein is absolutely quick and FREE - no credit cards, no passwords. Though, I request the user to sign the guest book to get some feedback and know exactly how to improve this site. 

Joining. Joining or Registering, that is, to be included in this directory website is only for people who are or were connected with the University of the Philippines at Los Baņos as a student, alumni, or faculty. To be added here, you must follow the Registration Process. 

Contents. We don't hunt, research, and put personal information or profile of people here without their knowledge and permission. Joining is purely voluntary and information in every personal profile are also volunteered. You might ask why joining cannot be done automatically by on-line forms. Technically, it can be done, but here is the short explanation why it is not being done here: I would like to protect the integrity of this website, in short, I would like uniformity of information an layout in every homepage here.  Of course the registrants are given freedom to be very smart, artistic and creative in choosing the right words and pictures to contain their homepages, BUT BUT BUT there is NO WAY that it would deviate with the normal format and NO WAY that statements and images discriminately offending a gender, religion, political group, race, animal, or certain group of people, can get through the moral gates of this website - but we have a venue for these sensitive issues located at the Forum Section. For this reason, I painstakingly read and screen the Registration Forms manually before having them encoded by the homepage-building contractors in the computer and before uploading it to the Internet. That is why I get myself personally involved in the check-up process of creating, building, and constructing the individual homepages of all UPLB People who wish to be registered here.

Limitation. The information we encode here, which is based on the submissions and registrations, are what everyone will get. The power of this website depends on participation of each member of the UPLB Community. Hence everyone is encouraged to join and contribute useful information here. If you know some members of the UPLB Community who are still not here, please be responsible to inform them of the existence of this website and convince them to join. Remember, this is our website - what we encode is what we get.

Operator. The webmaster and creator of this site is yours truly. I am a member of batch 91, class 96, BS Economics, UPLB Kaiban. Out of passion and entrepreneurial spirit, I took the road not-yet-traveled to work fulltime to maintain this site and also earn a little with every web page I build. Business-wise, I am the General Manager of JRP Web Consulting - an enterprise duly registered with the DTI-BTRCP NCR as a sole proprietorship and characterized as a Software Development business. 

Finally, thank you so much for your time. Being here is a proof of your membership in the UPLB Community. By the way, please invite our UPLB colleagues to register here, or at least, tell them this website exists. There is also a lot of info they can get here for free. If you want to tell me something to improve this site, please feel free to do so. 

Very truly yours,

John Odonnell R. Petalcorin