Asperger's Syndrome


What Asperger's Syndrome is

Diagnostic Criteria For  Asperger's Syndrome

The Pattern of Abilities and Development of Girls with Asperger’s Syndrome

Asperger's: Distant Lives

Blinded By Their Strengths: The Topsy-Turvy World of Asperger's Syndrome

Nonverbal Learning Disorders

Ok, if you know I have Asperger's Syndrome (A.S) then you probably looked at my profile in chat. Now you are probably wondering what it is, well I’ll tell you what it is:

Asperger Syndrome or (Asperger's Disorder) is a neurobiological disorder named for a Viennese physician, Hans Asperger, who in 1944 published a paper which described a pattern of behaviors in several young boys who had normal intelligence and language development, but who also exhibited autistic-like behaviors and marked deficiencies in social and communication skills. In spite of the publication of his paper in the 1940's, it wasn't until 1994 that Asperger Syndrome was added to the DSM IV and only in the past few years has AS been recognized by professionals and parents.

Individuals with AS can exhibit a variety of characteristics and the disorder can range from mild to severe. Persons with AS show marked deficiencies in social skills, have difficulties with transitions or changes and prefer sameness. They often have obsessive routines and may be preoccupied with a particular subject of interest. They have a great deal of difficulty reading nonverbal cues (body language) and very often the individual with AS has difficulty determining proper body space. Often overly sensitive to sounds, tastes, smells, and sights, the person with AS may prefer soft clothing, certain foods, and be bothered by sounds or lights no one else seems to hear or see. It's important to remember that the person with AS perceives the world very differently. Therefore, many behaviors that seem odd or unusual are due to those neurological differences and not the result of intentional rudeness or bad behavior, and most certainly not the result of "improper parenting".

By definition, those with AS have a normal IQ and many individuals (although not all), exhibit exceptional skill or talent in a specific area. Because of their high degree of functionality and their naiveté, those with AS are often viewed as eccentric or odd and can easily become victims of teasing and bullying. While language development seems, on the surface, normal, individuals with AS often have deficits in pragmatics and prosody. Vocabularies may be extraordinarily rich and some kids sound like "little professors." However, persons with AS can be extremely literal and have difficulty using language in a social context.

At this time there is a great deal of debate as to exactly where AS fits. It is presently described as an autism spectrum disorder and Uta Frith, in her book Autism and Asperger's Syndrome, described AS individuals as "having a dash of Autism". Some professionals feel that AS is the same as High Functioning Autism, while others feel that it is better described as a Nonverbal Learning Disability. AS shares many of the characteristics of PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder; Not otherwise specified), HFA, and NLD and because it was virtually unknown until a few years ago, many individuals either received an incorrect diagnosis or remained undiagnosed. For example, it is not at all uncommon for a kid who was initially diagnosed with ADD or ADHD be re-diagnosed with AS. In addition, some individuals who were originally diagnosed with HFA or PDD-NOS are now being given the AS diagnosis and many individuals have a dual diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism.


what spirit are you?


Diagnostic Criteria For  Asperger's Syndrome

A. Qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following:

1. marked impairments in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction
2. failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level
3. a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people (e.g. by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people)
4. lack of social or emotional reciprocity
B. Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities, as manifested by at least one of the following:
1. encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus
2. apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals

3. stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements)

4.persistent preoccupation with parts of objects
C. The disturbance causes clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning
D. There is no clinically significant general delay in language (e.g., single words used by age 2 years, communicative phrases used by age 3 years)

E. There is no clinically significant delay in cognitive development or in the development of age-appropriate self-help skills, adaptive behavior (other than social interaction), and curiosity about the environment in childhood

F. Criteria are not met for another specific Pervasive Developmental Disorder or Schizophrenia


The Pattern of Abilities and Development of Girls with Asperger’s Syndrome

 Dr. Tony Attwood: September 1999

The overwhelming majority of referrals for a diagnostic assessment for Asperger’s Syndrome are boys. The ratio of males to females is around 10:1, yet the epidemiological research for Autistic Spectrum Disorders suggests that the ratio should be 4:1. Why are girls less likely to be identified as having the characteristics indicative of Asperger’s Syndrome? The following are some tentative suggestions that have yet to be validated by academic research, but they provide some plausible explanations based on preliminary clinical experience.

It appears that many girls with Asperger’s Syndrome have the same profile of abilities as boys but a subtler or less severe expression of the characteristics. Parents may be reluctant to seek a diagnostic assessment if the child appears to be coping reasonably well and clinicians may be hesitant to commit themselves to a diagnosis unless the signs are conspicuously different to the normal range of behaviour and abilities.

We have a stereotype of typical female and male behaviour. Girls are more able to verbalise their emotions and less likely to use physically aggressive acts in response to negative emotions such as confusion, frustration and anger. We do not know whether this is a cultural or constitutional characteristic but we recognise that children who are aggressive are more likely to be referred for a diagnostic assessment to determine whether the behaviour is due to a specific developmental disorder and for advice on behaviour management. Hence boys with Asperger’s Syndrome are more often referred to a psychologists or psychiatrist because their aggression has become a concern for their parents or schoolteacher. A consequence of this referral bias is that not only are more boys referred, clinicians and academics can have a false impression of the incidence of aggression in this population.

One must always consider the personality of the person with Asperger’s Syndrome and how they cope with the difficulties they experience in social reasoning, empathy and cognition. Some individuals are overtly active participants in social situations. Their unusual profile of abilities in social situations is quite obvious. However, some are reluctant to socialise with others and their personality can be described as passive. They can become quite adept at camouflaging their difficulties and clinical experience suggests that the passive personality is more common in girls.

Each person with Asperger’s Syndrome develops their own techniques and strategies to learn how to acquire specific skills and develop coping mechanisms. One technique is to have practical guidance and moral support from one’s peers. We know that children with Asperger’s Syndrome elicit from others, either strong maternal or ‘predatory’ behaviour. If the person’s natural peer group is girls, they are more likely to be supported and included by a greater majority of their peers. Thus girls with Asperger’s Syndrome are often ‘mothered’ by other girls. They may prompt the child when they are unsure what to do or say in social situations and comfort them when they are distressed. In contrast, boys are notorious for their intolerance of children who are different and are more prone to be ‘predatory’. This can have an unfortunate effect on the behaviour of a boy with Asperger’s Syndrome and many complain of being teased, ignored and bullied by other boys. It is interesting to note that some boys with Asperger’s Syndrome actually prefer to play with girls who are often kinder and more tolerant than their male peers.

The author has conducted both individual and group social skills training with boys and girls with Asperger’s Syndrome. Experience has indicated that, in general, the girls are more motivated to learn and quicker to understand key concepts in comparison to boys with Asperger’s Syndrome of equivalent intellectual ability. Thus, they may have a better long-term prognosis in terms of becoming more fluent in their social skills. This may explain why women with Asperger’s Syndrome are often less conspicuous than men with the syndrome and less likely to be referred for a diagnostic assessment. The author has also noted that, in general, mothers with Asperger’s Syndrome appear to have more ‘maternal’ and empathic abilities with their own children than men with Asperger’s Syndrome, who can have great difficulty understanding and relating to their children.

Some individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome can be quite ingenious in using imitation and modelling to camouflage their difficulties in social situations. One strategy that has been used by many girls and some boys is to observe people who are socially skilled and to copy their mannerisms, voice and persona. This is a form of social echolalia or mirroring where the person acquires a superficial social competence by acting the part of another person. This is illustrated in Liane Holliday-Willeys intriguing new autobiography, titled, "Pretending to be Normal’.

"I could take part in the world as an observer. I was an avid observer. I was enthralled with the nuances of people’s actions. In fact, I often found it desirable to become the other person. Not that I consciously set out to do that, rather it came as something I simply did. As if I had no choice in the matter. My mother tells me I was very good at capturing the essence and persona of people. At times I literally copied someone's looks and their actions. I was uncanny in my ability to copy accents, vocal inflections, facial expressions, hand movements, gaits and tiny gestures. It was as if I became the person I was emulating." (p.22)
Girls are more likely to be enrolled in speech and drama lessons and this provides an ideal and socially acceptable opportunity for coaching in body language. Many people with Asperger’s Syndrome have a prodigious memory and this can include reciting the dialogue for all characters in a play and memorising the dialogue or ‘script’ of real life conversations. Knowing the script also means the child does not have to worry about what to say. Acting can subsequently become a successful career option although there can be some confusion when adults with Asperger’s Syndrome act another persona in real life as this can be misconstrued as Multiple Personality Disorder rather than a constructive means of coping with Asperger’s Syndrome.
When a child would like more friends but clearly has little success in this area, one option is to create imaginary friends. This often occurs with young girls who visualise friends in their solitary play or use dolls as a substitute for real people. Girls with Asperger’s Syndrome can create maginary friends and elaborate doll play which superficially resembles the play of other girls but there can be several qualitative differences. They often lack reciprocity in their natural social play and can be too controlling when playing with their peers. This is illustrated in Liane Holliday-Willey’s autobiography.
"The fun came from setting up and arranging things. Maybe this desire to organise things rather than play with things, is the reason I never had a great interest in my peers. They always wanted to use the things I had so carefully arranged. They would want to rearrange and redo. They did not let me control the environment."
When involved with solitary play with dolls, the girl with Asperger’s Syndrome has total control  and can script and direct the play without interference and having to accept outcomes suggested by others. The script and actions can be an almost perfect reproduction of a real event or scene from a book or film. While the special interest in collecting and playing with dolls can be assumed to be an age appropriate activity and not indicative of psychopathology, the dominance and intensity of the interest is unusual. Playing with and talking to imaginary friends and dolls can also continue into the teenage years when the person would have been expected to mature beyond such play. This quality can be misinterpreted as evidence of hallucinations and delusion and a diagnostic assessment for schizophrenia rather than Asperger’s Syndrome.

The most popular special interests of boys with Asperger’s Syndrome are types of transport, specialist areas of science and electronics, particularly computers. It has now become a more common reaction of clinicians to consider whether a boy with an encyclopaedic knowledge in these areas has Asperger’s Syndrome. Girls with Asperger’s Syndrome can be interested in the same topics but clinical experience suggests their special interest can be animals and classic literature. These interests are not typically associated with boys with Asperger’s Syndrome. The interest in animals can be focussed on horses or native animals and this characteristic dismissed as simply typical of young girls. However, the intensity and qualitative aspects of the interest are unusual. Teenage girls with Asperger’s Syndrome can also develop a fascination with classic literature such as the plays of Shakespeare and poetry. Both have an intrinsic rhythm that they find entrancing and some develop their writing skills and fascination with words to become a successful author, poet or academic in English literature. Some adults with Asperger’s Syndrome are now examining the works of famous authors for indications of the unusual perception and reasoning associated with Asperger’s Syndrome. One example is the  short story, "Cold" in ‘Elementals: Stories of Fire and Ice’ by A.S. Byatt.

Finally, the author has noted that some ladies with Asperger’s Syndrome can be unusual in their tone of voice. Their tone resembles a much younger person, having an almost child like quality. Many are concerned about the physiological changes during puberty and prefer to maintain the characteristics of childhood. As with boys with Asperger’s Syndrome, they may see no value in  being fashionable, preferring practical clothing and not using cosmetics or deodorants. This latter characteristic can be quite conspicuous.

These tentative explanations for the apparent under representation of girls with Asperger’s Syndrome have yet to be examined by objective research studies. It is clear that we need more epidemiological studies to establish the true incidence in girls and for research on the clinical signs, cognitive abilities and adaptive behaviour to include an examination of any quantitative and qualitative differences between male and female subjects. In the meantime, girls with Asperger’s Syndrome are likely to continue to be overlooked and not to receive the degree of understandinand resources they need.


Asperger's: Distant Lives

        From The Good Weekend: Sydney Morning Herald Magazine: May 25, 2002

"They may be able to rattle off the train timetable or arcane footy stats, but when it comes to interacting with others, people with Asperger's Syndrome haven't got a clue. Jane Cadzow reports on the growing prominence of a once - obscure medical condition."

Sam Wells is a 13 - year - old Melbourne boy with a hesitant smile and a head full of football statistics. Ask him the result of any AFL game of the past three years - a total of more than 500 matches - and he can tell you which team won, by how much, at which ground. How does Sam do this? He doesn't really know, though he says it feels almost as if he has a video clip of the final moments of each game imprinted on his brain. " I can kind of see what the players were doing when they won," he says. "And then I can remember the score." Sam is a promising footballer himself, and a champion cross - country runner. He excels at art, math's and chess. But despite his many talents, he has a hard time at school. "He gets teased a lot," says his mother, Judy Wells. "Other kids tell him he's weird, and that upsets him." Eight years ago, Sam was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, a cousin of Autism and sometimes called the "little professor syndrome" because of its links with IQ and prodigious powers of recall. Recent studies suggest that it affects as many as one in 500 children. In California's Silicon Valley, the condition's prevalence in the offspring of computer tech - heads has led to the coming of another term - the Geek syndrome. Asperger's seems to have come from nowhere. After languishing in obscurity for more then half a century, having been first described by Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger in 1944, it is suddenly the disorder on everyone's lips. "Asperger's Syndrome!", says a friend when I tell her that I am working on this story. "I hadn't heard of it three months ago. Now two children I know have been diagnosed with it. What's going on?"

Around the world, researchers are scrambling to account for a surge in the past decade in recognized cases of Asperger's and other disorders within the autism spectrum. In California, the number of children within the spectrum seeking social services has more then quadrupled in the past 15 years. In Australia, no official count is kept, but psychologists and state autism associations report increasing numbers of children and adults freshly diagnosed with Asperger's walking through their doors looking for help. "We've got a deluge of genuine referrals coming through," says Brisbane clinical psychologist Dr. Tony Attwood, who has seen the condition - he sums it up as "a different way of thinking" - in hundreds of individuals of widely ranging ages and abilities, from preschoolers to professors. He contends, however, that the boom is in diagnosis rather than incidence. "We are uncovering what has always existed," he says.Professor Bruce Tonge, head of the center for developmental psychiatry at Monash University, agrees that "what is happening is that professionals are now better trained to detect and diagnose the disorder. As a community, we're better able to pick it up." Dr Hans Asperger's study of a group of Viennese boys with sharp, unusual minds and no playmates - his "little professors" - was largely ignored for decades. His thesis wasn't published in English until 1991; the syndrome named after him didn't enter the diagnostic manuals until 1994. But the idiosyncratic cluster of characteristics Asperger identified is now the subject of a burgeoning number of books and research papers. Such is the appetite for information that Attwood author of the best - selling "Asperger's Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals", spends 18 weeks a year on the international talk circuit. This year, he will make five lecture trips to the U.S alone. The  exact relationship between Asperger's syndrome and autism is unclear, though people with Asperger's are sometimes described as having "a dash of autism". Classic autism is characterized by language impairment, unresponsiveness and an inclination to repetitive behavior, usually accompanied by some degree of intellectual disability. The terms "Asperger's syndrome" and "high - functioning autism" tend to be used interchangeably to refer to people with autistic traits and normal - or even superior - intelligence, but Bruce Tonge argues that they actually describe two  distinct conditions. Children with high - functioning autism learn to speak late and have ongoing language problems; those with Asperger's Syndrome do not. "And that's very significant," he says, "because it points to basic differences in the brain." Still the two groups have much in common. Both have extreme difficulties with social interaction. Both have a crippling dependence on ritual and repetition. As Tonge says, Asperger's and high -  functioning autism can be severely debilitating. Yet both groups include individuals with extraordinary abilities in areas such as math's, music and art. Some have almost supernaturally good memories. "I have a patient who can tell me what tie i was wearing on the 4th of May 15 years ago," says Tonge. Many think visually: US animal science academic Temple Grandin explains at  her web site that she translates both spoken and written words "into full - color movies, complete with sound, whicch run like a VCR tape in my head". A leading designer of equipment for the livestock industry and author of "Thinking In Pictures", an insiders account of high - functioning autism, Grandin says her brain operates like a fancy computer graphics program: when she is working on a design, she can "view it from any angle, placing herself above or below the equipment and rotating it at the same time ". Like Grandin, Sam Wells looks at things from a different angle from the rest of us, literally. While other kids in his primary school class were drawing a swimming pool in a conventional way, he was depicting it from directly above, as if from the viewpoint of a flying bird. His fresh take on familiar objects has always delighted his art teachers. "Sam's creativity leaves us mind - boggled," says his father, Kim. Seeing the world slightly differently from others can have advantages. "Many advances in science and art have been made by people with Asperger's syndrome," says Tony Attwood, naming Mozart, Thomas Jefferson, philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, mathematician Alan Turing and pianist Glenn Gould as likely candidates for retrospective diagnosis. But people  with Asperger's and high - functioning autism lack some skills that the rest of us take for granted. Crucially, they have little intuitive understanding of the way others think and feel. They cant read  body language or facial expressions: to them, a raised eyebrow is just a raised eye brow. (Cambridge University psychologist Simon Baron - Cohen once asked three academically brilliant adults with Asperger's syndrome - a physicist, a mathematician and a computer scientist - to identify the emotions conveyed in photographs of people's eyes. They couldn't.)Oblivious to the unspoken signals we send each other, they are equally floored by the myriad unwritten rules governing social behavior: "Don't stand too close, don't talk too loudly, give the other person a chance to speak ..." Most of us do these things automatically; because those with  Asperger's have no such instincts, their attempts at social interaction are inept. Classmates and work colleagues tend to avoid them. They're the office oddball, the college nerd, the gauche young  boy/girl who is never invited to birthday celebrations. Not that children with Asperger's like parties: too many people, too noisy, too hectic. To them, the world is a stressful, confusing place, as it is with those with textbook autism. Attempting to impose order on the chaos, they line their toys up in rows and adhere rigidly to routines. "Some might have to wear specific clothes - for example, only orange shirts," says Bruce Tonge. "Or they may have to do things in a particular order: for instance, they always have to brush their teeth after they've had a glass of water." At the same time, they develop intense, obsessional interests in subjects ranging from astronomy and marine biology (a couple of Sam Well's past enthusiasms) to trains, dinosaurs and ancient  Egypt. Their overall academic performance may be patchy - most are of average intelligence and  many have great difficulty in concentrating in class - but because they absorb so much informaation on their favorite topics and share their knowledge with anyone who will listen, they can give impression of startling precocity. Bus timetable, sport results, the Titanic's passenger list ......cataloging and data gathering comes naturally to these kids. What's difficult is relating to the rest of the human race. Sam sometimes goes into his bedroom and makes lists of things he must remember to do in order to get better with his classmates. "smile," he writes carefully. "Ask them  about themselves. Talk about what they want to talk about. Compliment them." He hankers for friends but is only gradually winning acceptance at the private secondary school he started attending this year. "I get left out of games," he reports without rancor. In lunch breaks, "I mostly just walk around and try to find a game."Although people with Asperger's syndrome never outgrow the condition, they hone their survival skills as they get older and gradually become more socially adept. Already, Sam has earned that's it's best to keep a brave face in the school yard. "When people are teasing me. I try to take it as a joke," he says. But Judy Wells knows how hurt and bewildered the taunts leave him. "I cry at least once a week," she says. "And so does my son."

Wendy Lawson used to open all her conversations with, "Did you know.......?" She was well into adulthood before she realized she got a better response from people if she started with "Hello" or "How are you?" Now 50, with two university degrees, she is the first to acknowledge that she will never be able to make small talk. "I don't see the point of it and i cant engage in it," she says. But at least she conducts dialogues rather than monologues these days: "I've learned a lot more of the rules." Lawson was 42 when told she had Asperger's Syndrome. As a child, she'd been labeled intellectually disabled. In her teens, she was diagnosed as schizophrenic - and she realizes how the mistake happened. "The psychiatrist could see that I seemed to be living in a different world," she says. "He could see that I didn't relate to people. He asked me questions like "do you hear voices?" Now, if someone is autistic or has Asperger's syndrome, they're very literal. So I said to him, "yes I hear voices." He interpreted that to mean I had auditory hallucinations." A pleasant, unassuming woman, Lawson lives in Warrnambool, on the south - western Victorian coast, in a house painted in primary colors. She says the vivid interior decor is not just cheering but practical: like many others on the autism spectrum, she has difficulty differentiating between foreground and background. The use of contrasting shades on walls and doors helps her avoid bumping into things. Where she still stumbles is in social situations requiring her to skirt the truth. People with Asperger's and high - functioning autism are hopeless at deception: in most circumstances, their guilelessness is part of their charm, but Lawson knows her honesty can be disconcerting. "If someone gives me a present and I've got six already, instead of saying "that's lovely thank you", I say, "I've got six of these, can I change it? Have you got the receipt?" That's the sort of thing that gets me into trouble."She particularly regrets a faux pas she made at the funeral of her son, killed in a car accident three years ago. Concerned that a couple of hundred mourners who had missed out on pews in the small chapel were standing out in the rain, she pointed out to them that there was plenty of space to sit on the floor near the coffin. "I said to them, "come on in. He's dead. He won't bite." And people got upset with me because that was insensitive ...... I misread situations sometimes."People with Asperger's don't dwell on the past; they live in the tangible present. So, though Lawson loved her son, she recovered quite quickly from his loss. "My daughter still cries over his death," she says wonderingly. "I move on ........ It's almost like, if i can't see it it doesn't exist." One of Lawson's surviving sons has Asperger's. The other, a gifted musician she describes as "an amazing young man ...... he came third in the world in a math's competition at the age of 12", seems to her to have a few "Aspergery" traits. "It's not a problem for him," she adds. "He doesn't need a label because he's doing very well." Superficially, Sam Wells and Wendy Lawson could not be more different. Sam is a lithe, athletic 13 - year - old with rapid, occasionally indistinct speech. Lawson is a middle aged woman with the flat voice and slow, awkward gait sometimes found in people with autism spectrum disorders. But after spending some time in their company, I'm struck by their similarities. Both have open, trusting faces. Their vulnerability is frightening, their honesty disarming (we're so inured to conversational subtexts that it's quite exhilarating to encounter people with no hidden agenda, who say exactly what they mean and no more). But despite their directness, I feel as if I'm talking to them across a divide. They're on one side of some invisible wall, and I'm on the other. Describing their sense of isolation, people with Asperger's Syndrome say they feel as if they come from another planet. What is it that separates them from the rest of us? Despite intensive research both Asperger's and autism remain a profound mystery. Abnormalities in the structure and electrical activity in the brain are consistently found in people with the disorders, but we don't know what causes them or why they seem to be more common in males. What we do know is that predisposition to the disorders runs in families. Tony Attwood points out that when a child is diagnosed with Asperger's, there's an almost 50 percent chance that a close relative will have an Asperger's personality type: they're  likely to be socially - and in many cases, physically - clumsy,, totally immersed in subjects that enthrall them, and good with numbers. Dr Jacqui Roberts of the New South Wales Autism Association notes that in the families of children diagnosed with Asperger's, "we see a disproportionate number of people who are involved in the computer industry, accounting or engineering". The genetic link is well established: recent research suggests that several genes interact to create susceptibility to Asperger's and autism. But what triggers their development?  Debate rages over possible environmental causes, including exposure - before or after birth - to drugs, infections or heavy metals such as mercury. The measles - mumps - rubella vaccine used to be high on the list of suspects but "there's good evidence now that it is not due to the MMR vaccination," says Bruce Tonge.

In previous eras, a person with the Asperger's profile was likely to lead a solitary life. He/she was the eccentric bachelor uncle/aunt you saw only on Christmas Day, when his/her turkey got cold as he/she talked on and on about the life cycle of the dung beetle or the history of the steamengine, blissfully unaware of people yawning and rolling their eyes. Or the unemployed cousin who lived with his/her elderly parents, tinkering with machines in the garage by day, and tending his/her huge science - fiction comics by night. But geekiness has gained a measure of respectability in the past 20 years. In the information technology industry, particularly, Asperger's type personalities seem to thrive. Back in Vienna, Hans Asperger noted that the boys in his case study were attracted to complex machines and highly organized systems: computers might have been invented just for them. Microsoft boss Bill Gates is rumoured to bristle with Asperger's characteristics (reclusive, emotionally detached, obsessed by technical detail, tuneless speech, rock back and forth under pressure) and he's the richest man in the world. The foot soldiers of the IT revolution have prospered, too: people who might once have been dismissed as walking encyclopedias with no social graces are now making $300,000 a year with stock options. These days, notes Attwood, "nerds drive Mercedes". They also marry and have children. There's a theory that the growth in Asperger's cases is explained partly by the fact that people with the condition are reproducing at a greater rate then in the past. But most experts lean towards the view that the biggest contributor to the increase in diagnoses is heightened awareness of the syndrome. Jacqui Roberts says clubs and community groups lap up her talks on Asperger's. "People are really interested," she says. "You see them starting to think about Uncle Fred. Quite often they will identify somebody in their family who they  think definitely fits that picture."The danger, of course, is that the amateur psychologists will decide anyone a bit bookish or introverted needs professional help. As Roberts says, "You Don't have to be in the autism spectrum to have poor social skills." Most people have some Asperger's traits in their make - up. Most of us take comfort in sameness and routine, for instance, but it's a matter of degree. "How many of you need to sit down on the path outside of a supermarket and do breathing exercises because they have changed the tinned soup aisle?" asks Wendy Lawson, who so urgently requires constructure and predictability in her life that she wears a watch on each wrist - just incase one of them fails.  Lawson writes lucid books about autism spectrum disorders but cannot cope with the vagaries of public transport: she needs to be driven to and from the autism workshops she runs, feels safest tucked away in her multi colored house. "I have a lot of problems negotiating the outside world," she says. As a child, she would sit transfixed while she watched a bicycle wheel spin or ran  pebbles through her hands. She still takes solace in repetitive actions such as rubbing her fingers against the soft insides of her pockets. Monash University's Bruce Tonge says ritualistic, obsessive behaviors are an attempt to beat back the acute anxiety felt by many people with Asperger's and autism. "while they're rocking back and forth, the anxiety provoking world is at bay," says Tonge, whose research confirms overseas findings that adolescents with Asperger's are particularly prone to depressive illnesses. This may be partly genetic - depression occurs with unusual frequency in their relatives - buts it's also due to acute awareness of their difference from their peers. "A lot of these kids really cop an enormous amount of teasing," he says. Tonge's study also shows and increased risk of delinquency in teenagers with Asperger's. He attributes this partly to anger and frustration, partly to a lack of understanding the consequences of their actions and partly to their tendency to be easily led. If other kids tell them to go into a shop and take a packet of chewing gum, they are likely to do it "because they've learned that to have friends, you've got to do what they say". Brisbane writer Josie Santomauro says her 12 - year - old son has trained himself to conceal many of the outward signs of his disorder. "I call it the mask," says Santomauro, president of the Asperger's syndrome support network in Queensland. " He can put on such a good act that he appears normal." But keeping the mask in place at school is a strain. "He holds it together all day then comes home and takes it out on me and his sister," his mother says ruefully. "His release is to get on the computer and play for hours." Like Santomauro, Judy Wells finds it dispiriting when all well - meaning acquaintances protest that her son seems perfectly "normal". She can't help resenting the implication that Sam's problems are largely in her mind. "He isn't the same as everybody else," Wells says. "Just come to our house for one week and you'll know." People with Asperger's get so good at imitating ordinary behavior that it's easy to fail to appreciate what a serious disability it can be. Tony Attwood cites the case of an exceptionally skillful office - machinery repairman - "he almost had the intuitive ability to work out what was wrong with a machine and fix it" - who was promoted to management with dissastrous results. "The man was brilliant at repairing photocopiers," Attwood says, "but the moment her had to manage more than 20 other technicians, he really didn't know what to do, because that meant dealing with minds rather than machines." So traumatic did the repairman find office politics that eventually he attempted suicide. "He tried desperately to cope," says Attwood, "but it was so much beyond him that he questioned the value of life."

Ron Hedgcock's friends were amazed when he was diagnosed with Asperger's last year. For Hedgcock, 66, the reaction was pure relief. For as long as he could remember, he'd had an unnerving sense of disconnection from other people. At last he had an explanation for it. "If only I'd known 40 or 50 years ago!" he says. "It would have transformed my life." Through three failed marriages and a lackluster career as a clerk in the lower reaches of the public service, Hedgcock had puzzled over his difficulties with tasks that others seemed to accomplish effortlessly and his apparent inability to form lasting relationships. "Am I mad, bad or just disgustingly thoughtless?" he asked himself. Now he accepts that both his intellectual limitations - he's incapable of switching his attention quickly from one subject to another, for instance - and his difficulties in bonding are part and parcel of his neurological condition. "I still have no concept of what it means to know another person," He says. "If anything, I find people more unknowable the longer I associate with them." Hedgcock relates better to cats, three of whom live with him 90 minutes drive from Melbourne in a bungalow crammed with books on art history, philosophy and the theatre - "my aspie fads", he says. (People with Asperger's refer to themselves as "Aspies" and to the rest of us as "neurotypicals".) The good thing about feline companions is that they're self reliant and unsentimental: "Cats have a lot in common with us. They're honest. They don't play games." Much  more confidant and articulate then, say, Wendy Lawson, Hedgcock hopes to carve out a second career as an actor. "Just to give you an idea of my Shakespeare, this is out of Macbeth," he says, leaping to his feet and assuming a dramatic pose in the middle of the lounge room. "Is this a dagger which I see before me?" A natural performer, he is enjoying himself immensely: "There's nothing like showing off."Acting seems an odd job choice for a person with Asperger's. Don't you need empathy to portray different emotional states? Not at all, says Hedgcock. You just need to be a keen observer with a flair for copying others' behavior. Tony Attwood agrees: he says Asperger's people are not infrequently drawn to the stage and screen. "Quite a few have found acting at high school an excellent way to be taught body language, posture and tone of voice," he says. In fact, Attwood suspects Hollywood is full of borderline Asperger's cases. A script that tells you what to say and a director who tells you how to say it: to Attwood that sound like Asperger's heaven. US academic Temple Grandin has described NASA as an encalve for people with autism spectrum disorders. After visiting the US space agency, where she met a lot of people who reminded her of herself, Grandin concluded that it was probably their fierce concentration, dogged perseverance and fanatical attention to detail that put men on the moon. She joked that if it had been left to neurotypicals, we'd still be sitting around talking about it over lunch. Similarly, Wired magazine writer Steve Silberman wonders if "the first tools on earth might have been developed by a loner sitting at the back of a cave, chipping at thousands of rocks to find the one that made the sharpest spear, while the neurotypicals chattered away in the firelight". We need people with Asperger's, agrees Tony Attwood. Apart from anything else, our society would be duller without them. What's important, says Attwood, is to encourage and extend their talents, thereby bolstering their fragile self - esteem. Education departments are starting to respond to the challenge: a few schools now offer special support for children with autism spectrum disorders, training them in social skills and providing sanctuaries - quiet rooms equipped with computers - where they can escape the mocking voices in the playground. "The problem for kids with Asperger's is other people's attitudes," says Judy Wells. "It's not them. It's the way the world reacts to them." Attwood agrees. He says he knows many smart, successful Asperger's individuals, "and I know one or two who would exchange their Ph.D. for a friend".



Blinded By Their Strengths: The Topsy-Turvy World of Asperger's Syndrome

"I've come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom... As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child's life miserable or joyous... In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or de-humanized." - Haim Ginott

Few could disagree with the sentiments expressed by Ginott, at least in theory. Unfortunately,
theory doesn't always translate into practice, at least not for children with the enigmatic and
complex disorder known as Asperger's Syndrome (AS). Thus, when a crisis occurs, or worse
yet escalates, it is often the child who is held accountable, and the teacher who is exonerated!

Consultants are rarely asked to look at what the school staff needs to know and do to better
understand and address the challenges that accompany Asperger's Syndrome. Rather, they are
all too often directed to focus their efforts on "fixing" the child, as though his or her actions are
the result of behavioral decisions, rather than the reflection of a neurological impairment.

Could it be that Ginott's words were intended only for teachers of typical children? That is most
unlikely. Then what is there about AS that "invites" placing the burden of responsibility with
respect to aberrant behavior on the children who manifest the disability, rather than on those
who have the wherewithal to operate with far greater freedom and flexibility (i.e., their teachers or

One parent's search for answers to a particularly distressing school situation led her to
characterize the plight of her 8 1/2 year old son with AS thusly: "The good news is he's bright,
and the bad news is he's bright!" This revealing description makes a poignant, and sadly
accurate statement about an educational system that not only fails to understand the child with
Asperger's, it fails to recognize that such understanding is in fact necessary if positive change
is to occur. An analysis of what this parent meant by her statement gives one a window on the
topsy-turvy world of Asperger's syndrome.

In most disorders, descriptors such as "more able" and "high functioning" are excellent
prognostic indicators - hence, the good news. How then can intelligence be considered bad
news? The answer to this question lies in the paradoxical nature of Asperger's syndrome itself.

Individuals with Asperger's are cognitively intact. That is, they possess normal, if not
above-average intelligence. This creates an expectation for success. Further, the pursuit of their
restricted repertoires of interests and activities often results in the amassing of impressive facts,
and in an expertise beyond their years. Therein lies the problem! Given their enormous
strengths, and the expectation that they generate, and given the fact that intelligence is a
highly-prized trait in our culture, intellectual prowess in the child with Asperger's syndrome
virtually eclipses the social-emotional and other deficits that are at the heart of the unusual
behavior and interests are often seen.

Stated more succinctly, unmindful of their neurologically-based weaknesses, teachers and/or
clinicians get blinded by the strengths of these children. This situation inevitably leads to a
mental set that can be summed up as follows: "If he/she is that smart, shouldn't he/she know
better?" The answer to that question is a resounding "no". In fact, because of the
social-emotional and communication deficits, as well as the presence of symptomatology
unique to Asperger's syndrome, these children can't "know better" until they are taught simply
to know (i.e., to understand).

Consequently, in order to create an hospitable environment for children with Asperger's
syndrome in a world that is often inhospitable to their needs, it s vital that teachers and other
caregivers employ direct teaching strategies to address the following specific areas:

     Sociocommunicative understanding and expression
     Reading/language comprehension
     Executive dysfunction (i.e., problems in organizational skills/planning)
     Problem solving

Together, these target areas constitute a kind of life skills curriculum for the more able student.
Their inclusion in the student's IEP can help to ensure that each of these important skill areas
gets the attention it deserves. After all, life skills are far too important to be left to chance!

Nonverbal Learning Disorders

An Introduction

There is no question that most scholastic accomplishments are measured and defined through
language-based communication. Yet, it has been found that more than 65% of all
communication is actually conveyed nonverbally. We are all familiar with "non-verbal
communication," but few professionals have been specifically trained to look for deficits in this
area. Although intelligence measures are designed to evaluate both the verbal and nonverbal
aspects of intelligence, educators tend to ignore evidence of nonverbal deficiencies in students.
Or worse, they brand students with nonverbal learning disabilities as "problem" children.

We are all aware of the important role language plays in human learning. The competence of an
individual, in our present-day society, is most often judged by their verbal proficiencies. A
person who speaks eloquently and has a well-developed vocabulary tends to be accorded more
credibility than an individual who makes constant grammatical errors and demonstrates a
limited vocabulary. A student who has innate difficulties reading, spelling, and/or expressing
herself stands out in most classroom situations. And likewise, a student who is a top reader,
achieves excellent spelling scores, and expresses herself articulately usually does not prompt
her teacher to consider a learning disorder. But, this is often exactly the presentation a child
with nonverbal learning disabilities (NLD) syndrome manifests in the early elementary grades.

Nonverbal learning disorders (also called "right-hemisphere learning disorders") often go
unrecognized and unaided by teachers and other professionals for a large part of a child's
schooling. Overall, there has been an inadequate awareness of the underlying causes for the
difficulties these students encounter in school. There are currently few resources available for
the child with NLD syndrome through schools or private agencies. It is still difficult to find a
professional who understands nonverbal learning disabilities. These children are often labeled
"behavior problems" or "emotionally disturbed" because of their frequent inappropriate and
unexpected conduct, but NLD is known to have a neurological rather than a deliberate and/or an
emotional origin.

The NLD syndrome reveals itself in impaired abilities to organize the visual-spatial field, adapt to
new or novel situations, and/or accurately read nonverbal signals and cues. It appears to be the
reverse syndrome of dyslexia. Although academic progress is made, such a student will have
difficulty "producing" in situations where speed and adaptability are required. Whereas
language-based learning disorders have been shown to be genetic in origin, heredity has not, as
yet, been linked to NLD. It is known that nonverbal learning disabilities involve the performance
processes (generally thought of neurologically as originating in the right cerebral hemisphere of
the brain, which specializes in nonverbal processing).

Brain scans of individuals with NLD often confirm mild abnormalities of the right cerebral
hemisphere. Developmental histories have revealed that a number of the children suffering from
nonverbal learning disorders who have come to clinical attention have at some time early in their
development: (1) sustained a moderate to severe head injury, (2) received repeated radiation
treatments on or near their heads over a prolonged period of time, (3) congenital absence of the
corpus callosum, (4) been treated for hydrocephalus, or (5) actually had brain tissue removed
from their right hemisphere.

All of these neurological insults involve significant destruction of white matter (long myelinated
fibers in the brain) connections in the right hemisphere, which are important for intermodal
integration. Hence, current evidence and theories suggest that early damage (disease, disorder,
or dysfunction) of the right cerebral hemisphere and/or diffuse white matter disease, which
leaves the left hemisphere (unimodal) system to function on its own, is the contributing cause of
the NLD syndrome (definitely not dysfunctional home lives). Clinically, this learning disorder
classification resembles an adult patient with a severe head injury to the right cerebral
hemisphere, both symptomatically and behaviorally.

Nonverbal learning disorders appear much less frequently than language-based learning
disorders. Whereas it is approximated that about 10% of the general population could be found
to have identifiable learning disabilities, it is thought that only 1 to 10% of those individuals
would be found to have NLD (or between 1.0 to 0.1% of the general population). Unlike
language-based learning disabilities, the NLD syndrome affects females as often as males
(approximately 1:1 sex ratio) and incidence of left-handedness is uncommon.

Even though NLD is, by definition, a "low incidence disability," there are indications that, as
school assessment/intervention procedures improve, a higher proportion of children will be
identified with the NLD syndrome. The low rate of occurrence (as low as 1 out of 1,000), is no
excuse for the lack of identification and services victims of this devastating impairment currently
receive. The symptoms are distinct and display themselves early in a child's development.

The discovery of the NLD syndrome began in the early 1970s, with research involving groups of
children with learning disabilities identified by discrepancies between their verbal and
performance IQs. It is unfortunate that 25 years later, even professionals in the field of education
are largely uninformed about and/or unfamiliar with nonverbal learning disorders as these
disabilities can be much more devastating to a child than language-based learning disorders in
the long run.

Since diminished access to and/or disordered functioning of the right-hemisphere systems
impedes all understanding and adaptive learning, it is fair to say (as Helmer R. Myklebust did in
1975) that nonverbal learning disabilities "are more debilitating than verbal disabilities." The
specific central processing abilities and deficits that characterize this syndrome are now well
defined. Still, nonverbal learning disorders remain predominantly misunderstood and largely go

A child's earliest mode of communication should be nonverbal. Both parents and teachers will
often suspect that "something is amiss" early on, but they can't quite "put a finger on it." Three
categories of dysfunction present themselves: (1) motoric (lack of coordination, severe balance
problems and/or difficulties with fine graphomotor skills), (2) visual-spatial-organizational (lack of
image, poor visual recall, faulty spatial perceptions, and/or difficulties with spatial relations), and
(3) social (lack of ability to comprehend nonverbal communication, difficulties adjusting to
transitions and novel situations, and/or significant deficits in social judgment and social

Early consultation with a school psychologist or family physician typically only serves to
dismiss or minimize a teacher's or parent's worries about this child. More often than not,
parents are assured that everything is fine; perhaps their child is "just a perfectionist" or
"immature" or "bored with the way things are normally done" or "a bit clumsy." Rarely are a
parent's or teacher's concerns given any credence until the child reaches a point in school
where he is no longer able to function given the limitations of his disability and/or, in some
cases, the child suffers a "nervous breakdown" (or worse).

The child with nonverbal learning disorders commonly appears awkward and is, in fact,
inadequately coordinated in both fine and gross motor skills. She may have had extreme
difficulty learning to ride a bike or to kick a soccer ball. Fine motor skills, such as cutting with
scissors or tying shoe laces, seem to be impossible for this child to master. She "talks her way
through" even simple motor activities. A young child with NLD is less likely to explore her
environment motorically because she cannot rely upon her kinesthetic processing and spatial
perceptions. This child learns little from experience or repetition and is unable to generalize

In the early years, such a child may appear "confused" much of the time (he is confused)
despite a high intelligence and high scores on receptive and expressive language measures.
Closer observation will reveal a social ineptness brought about by misinterpretations of body
language and/or tone of voice. This child is unable to "look and learn." He does not perceive
subtle cues in his environment such as: when something has gone far enough; the idea of
personal "space"; the facial expressions of others; or when another person is registering
pleasure (or displeasure) in a nonverbal mode.

These are all social "skills" that are normally grasped intuitively through observation, not directly
taught. If a child is constantly admonished with the words, "I shouldn't have to tell you this!,"
this should alert everyone that something is awry because you do have to tell them (everything).
The child's verbal processing may be proficient, but it can be impossible for her to receive and
comprehend nonverbal information. Such a child will cope by relying upon language as her
principal means of social relating, information gathering, and relief from anxiety. As a result, she
is constantly being told, "You talk too much!"

The child with NLD often develops an exceptional memory for rote material; a coping skill he has
had to hone in order to survive. Since the nonverbal processing area of his brain is not giving him
the needed automatic feedback, he relies solely upon his memory of past experiences, each of
which he has labeled verbally, to guide him in future situations. This, of course, is less effective
and less reliable than being able to sense and interpret another person's social cues (because
of the vast array of differences in human nature).

Cumbersome monologues are another trait of a child with nonverbal learning disabilities. Normal
conversational "give and take" seem to elude her. Teachers complain of a child who "talks
incessantly" and parents resolve, "She just doesn't seem to know when to be quiet!" Owing to
visual-spatial disturbances, it is difficult for this child to change from one activity to another
and/or to move from one place to another. A child with NLD uses all of her concentration and
attention to merely get through a room. Imagine the frustration produced when attempting to
function in a complicated and/or new social situation. Owing to her inability to "handle" such
informational processing demands, she will instinctively avoid any kind of novelty.

The importance of identifying and servicing children with nonverbal learning disorders is
especially acute. Overestimates of the child's abilities and unrealistic demands made by
parents and teachers can lead to ongoing emotional problems. A favorable prognosis seems to
depend upon early identification and accommodation. The child with NLD is particularly inclined
toward seriously debilitating forms of internalizing psychopathology, such as depression,
withdrawal, anxiety, and in some cases, suicide.

Dr. Byron P. Rourke of the University of Windsor and his associates have found that nonverbal
learning disabilities "predispose those afflicted to adolescent and adult depression and suicide
risk." The child with NLD is regularly punished and picked on for circumstances he cannot help,
without ever really understanding why, and he is in turn often left with little hope that his
situation will ever improve. After amassing years of embarrassing and misconceived
unintentional social blunders, it is not too difficult to comprehend how a person with nonverbal
learning disorders could come to the conclusion that his environment is not structured to
accommodate him.

Identifying Nonverbal Learning Disorders

Whereas language-based disabilities are usually readily apparent to parents and educators,
nonverbal learning disorders routinely go unrecognized. Many of the early symptoms of
nonverbal learning disabilities instill pride, rather than alarm, in parents and teachers who
ordinarily applaud language-based accomplishments. This child is extremely verbose and may
"speak like an adult" at two or three years of age. During early childhood, he is usually
considered "gifted" by his parents and teachers. Sometimes the child with NLD has a history of
hyperlexia (rote reading at a very young age). This child is generally an eager, enthusiastic
learner who quickly memorizes rote material, only serving to reinforce the notion of his

Extraordinary early speech and vocabulary development are not often suspected to be a coping
strategy being employed by a child who has a very deficient right-hemisphere system and
limited access to her nonverbal processing abilities. The child with NLD is also likely to acquire
an unusual aptitude for producing "phonetically accurate" reproductions of words (spelling), but
few adults will consider this to be a reflection of her over-dependence upon auditory perceptions
(as opposed to visual or tactile). Likewise, remarkable rote memory skills, attention to detail,
and a natural facility for decoding, encoding, and early reading development do not generally
cause red flags to go up. Yet, these are some of the important early indicators that a child is
having difficulty relating to and functioning in her world nonverbally, and a warning that she has
developed an excessive reliance upon her verbal strengths.

Dr. Rourke and his associates have found that the dysfunctions associated with NLD are "less
apparent at the age of 7 to 8 years . . . than at 10 to 14 years," and that they become
"progressively more apparent (and more debilitating) as adulthood approaches." Although this
child has a history of poor coordination and was probably slow to acquire motor skills, typically
initial academic concerns will generate from the fact that he is not completing and/or turning in
written assignments during his late elementary school years. This child produces limited written
output and the process is always slow and laborious for him.

When the skills for organizing and developing written work don't advance at the expected rate for
this student, finally the red flags go up. However, by this time, the child may have already "shut
down" or become locked into an oppositional struggle, as a coping mechanism to deal with the
academic pressures and performance demands which have been placed upon him by
unsuspecting parents and teachers and which he is unable to meet.

The three broad aspects of development in which NLD presents deviations and abnormalities are
(1) motoric, (2) visual-spatial-organizational, and (3) social. If a child has right hemispheric
dysfunction, deficits in these areas should be quite evident to an observer during the child's
early years, despite his valiant efforts to compensate for them. The more novel the
psychomotor, visual-spatial, and/or social situation, the more evident his impairments will be.
Following are some of the early adjustment problems to be aware of in each category.


This child generally has a history of poor psycho-motor coordination. Motor clumsiness is often
the first concern his parents observe. There may be a recognizable difference between the
dominant and non-dominant sides of the body with more noticeable problems on the left side of
the body. He will avoid crossing his body midline. Later, in school, he may exhibit problems with
dysgraphia and impaired tactile-discrimination abilities, including finger agnosia.

His lack of motor control can manifest in social rejection, as this child is constantly "getting in
the way," bumping into other people and objects, and is generally unaware of the position in
space his body encompasses. In addition to social ostracism, his motor disabilities (along with
spatial misconceptions) put him at an increased risk for personal injury.

As a toddler, she will be hesitate to explore her environment motorically, instead she explores
the world verbally by asking questions and receiving verbal answers to her questions about the
environment. Extreme vacillations with balance are often first evident when the child is learning
to walk. She may appear "drunk" in her early attempts at walking. An unusual amount of falling
will cause this child to be reluctant and to cling to objects and/or a parent's hand to gain
stabilization long after this would normally be expected. She may also have a fear of heights
and avoid climbing up on the jungle gym. It is believed that because of these deficiencies, this
child receives little benefit from the sensorimotor period of development, which consequently
hinders her development of higher-order concept formation and problem-solving abilities.

Often, when the toddler with nonverbal learning disorders is set down after being held, it takes
several seconds for him to cognitively secure his equilibrium. As this function of the central
nervous system is not integrated for him through the right hemisphere, his body will not
automatically resume a position of balance. The child must "remember" a previous experience
of equilibrium and restructure that memory cognitively to achieve a position of bodily balance.
His everyday experience is similar to the unbalanced sensation a well-integrated adult
encounters when stepping off of a boat onto "solid" land after a time at sea.

These faulty balance perceptions will make learning to ride a bike laborious beyond belief. A
child with NLD takes years, not days or weeks to conquer riding a two-wheel bicycle unaided.
At the dinner table or (upon entering a school situation) at a desk, this child needs to muster an
extraordinary amount of determination to remain seated in her chair. And, as soon as she
diverts her attention to the task at hand (i.e. eating or school work), the cognitively maintained
balance is gone, and over she topples. This child naturally prefers to eat and do school
assignments on the floor, where she senses more security and support.

Simple athletic skills cannot be mastered in early childhood. When this child lifts his foot to
kick a soccer ball, while concentrating on the ball rather than his balance, he will subsequently
lose (forget) his balance and tumble over. When jumping up to shoot a basket, he cannot land
solidly on his feet. When attempting to do "jumping-jacks," it is impossible to coordinate the
two sides of his body. The ridicule suffered by this child is catastrophic, even at the hands of
possibly well-meaning "coaches" and P.E. teachers.

Fine motor skills are also impacted. The NLD toddler resists eating with a spoon or fork owing
to the lack of dexterity in his fingers. Learning to tie her shoe laces can take years and she will
have to "talk herself through" the process well into adolescence and beyond. Using scissors
can be a difficult to hopeless task, as is holding a pencil correctly. This child will adapt a "static
tripod" pencil grip and press very deeply in an attempt to control her writing, often producing
dark, heavy lines.

It has been said that such a child always "draws" and never actually learns to "write" (it's not
too difficult to imagine the consequences this causes in school). The child with NLD's
handwriting may be quite neat, but the process remains slow and arduous for him. His daily
experience with fine motor skills has been likened to an adult who, after a stroke or being
prescribed a muscle relaxant, have extreme difficulty controlling their handwriting.


Problems with spatial perceptions; spatial relations; recognition, organization, and synthesis of
visual-spatial information; discrimination and recognition of visual detail and visual relation-ships,
visual-spatial orientation (including right-left orientation problems); visual memories, coordination
of visual input with the motoric processes (visual-motor integration); visual form constancy;
gestalt impressions; and concept formation are rooted in basic deficits in visual perception and
visual imagery. This child does not form visual images and therefore cannot revisualize
something he has seen previously. He focuses on the details of what he sees and often fails to
grasp the "total picture."

Visual-spatial confusion underlies many of the unusual behaviors which are evident in a young
child with nonverbal learning disorders. This child will endeavor to "bind" to an adult, through
continuous dialog, in order to stabilize her position in a room. She needs to "verbally" (albeit
subconsciously) label everything that happens around her, in order to memorize and try to
comprehend the everyday circumstances which others instantly and effortlessly recognize and
assimilate. Experiences are stored in her memory by their verbal labels, not by visual images or
by propreoceptive recall. She will have a relatively poor memory for novel and/or complex
material and/or material which is not easily verbally coded.

The child with NLD must employ intense forethought to label everything he comes into contact
with in his environment. Owing to faulty perceptions, these labels may be incorrect, but the child
perseveres because this is his only accessible means of processing the information. He does
not form the visual images which help the rest of us to recognize and comprehend something
we've seen or a place we've been before. This causes extreme difficulty for him in trying to find
his way in new places.

Spatial reference is often neglected entirely (i.e., the child may recall many distinct details of a
house she has just visited, but she will not be able to describe its location in reference to other
houses on the same block and/or to her own home; she cannot conceptualize the details she
has memorized in an integrated fashion to form a holistic view). This child, naturally, is not
drawn to building or construction toys. Once in school, she will have difficulty figuring out where
and how to place written responses on a sheet of paper and/or how to get back to her
classroom from the nurses' office. Specific problems in arithmetic can result from deficits in
visual-spatial reasoning and visual perception. She will commonly have problems aligning
columns of numbers, observing directionality, and in organizing her work.

The child with nonverbal learning disorders constantly "talks himself through" situations as a
means of verbally compensating for his motoric and visual-spatial deficiencies. Although he may
be unaware of the spatial position his house occupies in the neighborhood, he will find his way
back from a friends house by counting homes which come in between, labeling environmental
markers, and/or recounting a sequence of details which he has taken pains to label and commit
to verbal memory.

Such a child is able to achieve a limited degree of comfort in her environment through
well-developed rote memory skills. This coping technique, however, breaks down whenever the
child encounters novel or highly complex situations. She is conditioned to prefer predictable
situations in which she has had some previous success. Tossing in a new variable to an already
fairly constant situation (such as a substitute teacher taking over the control of a classroom
where the child has previously gained a certain degree of stability with his regular teacher) can
totally disrupt this child's coping strategies and generate an increased level of anxiety for her.

Along with the aforementioned graphomotor and pencil grip problems, the child with nonverbal
learning disorders may have difficulty remembering the shapes of letters (visual memory) and
using the correct sequence of strokes to form letters (visual-sequential memory). He will have
difficulty with the concept of visual form constancy; the ability to perceive that an object
possesses unchanging properties, such as specific shape, position, and size, in various
representations of its image. All writing tasks will be slow and arduous. Copying accurately from
the board or a book are impractical and agonizing for this child.


Deficits in social awareness and social judgment, though the child is struggling to fit in and her
actions are certainly not deliberate, will often be misinterpreted as "annoying" or "attention
getting" behavior by adults and peers alike. It is clear that these students are motivated to
conform and adapt socially, but sadly, they perceive and interpret social situations inaccurately.
The blunders committed are usually not flagrant in nature, but rather incessant and tenacious;
hence the label "annoying." Social competence disabilities are an integral component of the
NLD syndrome and this aspect of the impairment may lead to an overdependence upon adults
(especially parents).

The social indiscretions frequently committed by the child with NLD are representational of his
inability to discern and/or process perceptual cues in communication. The aforementioned
visual-spatial-organizational deficits cause him to be ineffective at recognizing faces, interpreting
gestures, deciphering postural clues, and "reading" facial expressions. Conventions governing
physical proximity and distance are also not perceived. Changes in tone and/or pitch of voice
and/or emphasis of delivery are not noticed or distinguished. Likewise, this child will not
appropriately alter his expression and elocution in speech. This can be evidenced in what may
appear to be terse or curt response styles.

The importance of nonverbal signals and cues was noted previously. It has been shown that
more than 65% of the intent of an average conversation is conveyed nonverbally. However, the
child with nonverbal learning disorders will try to resolve all quandaries by employing her strong
verbal skills. She has to piece together the meaning of a conversation or directive from this
approximately 35% (verbal) that she actually receives and processes. She totally "misses" the
large amount (majority) of relevant content which is being conveyed nonverbally and, as a result,
much of her conversational responses don't "fit" with the tone and mood of the occasion. This
child is likely to become withdrawn in novel social situations and/or to appear "out of place."

The impairments of NLD also lead to a preponderance of very literal translations which, in turn,
precede continuous misjudgments and misinterpretations. The child with NLD is naively trusting
of others (to a fault) and does not embrace the concept of dishonesty (even in terms of white
lies) or withholding (even inflammatory) information. He also will not recognize when he is being
lied to or deceived by others. Deceit, cunning, and/or manipulation are beyond this child's scope
of assimilation. He assumes that everyone is friendly who displays that front verbally and that
the intentions of others are only that which they expose verbally. This inability to "read" the
intentions of others often results in a lot of unfortunate "scapegoating" of this child. He needs to
be taught to question the motives of others - he won't learn from experience.

A child with nonverbal learning disorders is very "concrete" in her translations, expression, and
outlook of the world. Her social relationships tend to be routinized and stereotyped. Everything
is seen in terms of black or white - true or false. "Hidden meanings" have to be pointed out to
her - they will not be intuitively detected or conceived. She may be regarded as a "smart aleck"
because of her constant misinterpretations. This child is frequently reprimanded with the words,
"You knew what I meant!" when, of course, she didn't have a clue. She had no way to access
what was "meant," but not actually said.

Perceptual cues serve in the same capacity as traffic signals; they govern the flow,
give-and-take, and fluctuations in our conversations. The child who cannot "read" these
nonverbal cues is frequently determined to be ill-mannered, discourteous, curt, immature,
lacking in respect for others, self-centered, and/or even defiant. This child is none of the above.
Like the color blind driver who cannot respond appropriately to traffic lights, this is a child who is
utilizing all of the resources available to him in order to try and make sense of a world which is
providing him with faulty cues and unreliable information.

It is currently difficult to locate a professional who understands nonverbal learning disorders, but
such professionals are out there. If a child exhibits the developmental deficiencies described
above, she can be helped to lead an easier, less troublesome life. An effective remedial
approach incorporates constantly and explicitly "spelling out" to this child what other children
would be able to pick-up or infer intuitively with a strong verbal component because this is the
only way the child will process and assimilate accurate observations of her environment.
Appropriate accommodations will have to be made by the family and the school staff working
with this child to lessen the likelihood of shattering consequences resulting from the disability.
Professionals in the field of Special Education must hone their diagnostic skills in order to
identify and provide services for NLD students at an earlier age.

Servicing Nonverbal Learning Disorders

Nonverbal learning disorders are often overlooked educationally because the student is, as a
means of compensating, very verbal. He has a highly developed memory for rote verbal
information so early reading and spelling skills usually constitute a strong domain. If you
observe all, or most, of the early adjustment problems detailed earlier in this article, an
intelligence screening may support your suspicions. An IQ measure, such as the WISC-III,
which reveals a performance IQ (PIQ) scale score depressed (by 10 - 15 points or more) relative
to the student's verbal IQ (VIQ) score, denotes a deficient right-hemisphere system.

It is not relevant to the diagnostic process whether one or both of these scores is above the
norm; the crucial determinate is the relative discrepancy between the VIQ and PIQ. It is not
unusual for a child with nonverbal learning disabilities to have a VIQ in the very superior range.
When subtest scores are grouped, the verbal conceptualization cluster will generally be the
strongest for the child with NLD while the spatial cluster will be the weakest.

Depending upon the severity of the disorder, and also upon the child's intelligence and the
coping techniques which she has already put into place, the discrepancy can be 20 points or
more. This is severe and warrants immediate attention no matter what the child's full-scale IQ
(FSIQ). You are not merely discovering that the child has a dominance of the left cerebral
hemisphere, but rather that she is having difficulty accessing the processes specialized in the
right cerebral hemisphere. A 10-point discrepancy is generally considered significant.

Once a child has been diagnosed, parents should not accept the rationale of some
well-meaning professionals who may tell them that NLD will play a minor role in their child's
ability to perform well in school. Physicians and psychologists may assume that a child with
superior expressive language skills can easily compensate for a deficit in nonverbal skills. This
assumption is true only in relation to the child's capacity to "parrot" back school work in the
early grades and does not address the child's inability to "flow through life."

As the child moves into the higher grades, where less and less will be "spelled out" for him, he
will reach a point where functioning in school is impossible without specific compensations,
accommodations, modifications, and strategies (CAMS). The incredible rote memory which
served this child very well in the lower grades, before he was asked to interpret and evaluate
information, fails him when academic demands shift to more complex applications.

At this point he may cease to try or "burn-out" attempting to succeed under the impossible
demands now being placed upon him. Recognizing this eventuality and employing interventions
early in the child's schooling is certainly preferable to waiting until junior or senior high to
accommodate his disability when he finally "bottoms out." Early implementation of CAMS will
maximize his success in school. Unless appropriate CAMS are initiated during the elementary
years, prognosis for success in school is poor for this child.

A child with NLD is especially inclined towards developing depression and/or anxiety disorders if
the nonverbal learning disorders are not recognized early and accommodated in a
compassionate, responsible, and supportive fashion. If the child is continually being told by the
adults around her, "You could do better, if you really tried," or, "You're just not applying
yourself" (both false observations in this case) her level of frustration will naturally intensify and
her self-image will plummet. It is not unusual for the child with nonverbal learning disorders to
become increasingly isolated and withdrawn as failures in school multiply and intensify.

At this point, the child may be treated for the secondary complaints which now overshadow the
underlying primary disorder of NLD. Misdiagnosis, or an incomplete diagnosis (many learning
disorders have a comorbid-morbid relation), will only serve to compound the problems a child is
experiencing. It is not uncommon for a child with nonverbal learning disorders to be
misdiagnosed with conditions such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or emotional

Even when a child has been correctly diagnosed with NLD, it may still be difficult for him to
receive the program modifications and accommodations he needs in school. After all, he is
probably performing at or above grade level on most academic achievement tasks which are
routinely measured at school, especially during the early elementary years. Although the
deficits in motor, visual-spatial, and social skills may be obvious to any interested and observant
persons, these impairments will not necessarily evoke the concern and/or compassion of any
but the most caring of teachers.

If the "formula" for language-based (specific) disabilities is called upon, parents may be told that
their child does not "qualify" for the Special Education services because there is not a "severe
discrepancy" between the child's intelligence and her achievement in the academic areas. In
fact, the child's level of accomplishment in academics may even appear to go beyond her
potential if the measurement techniques are largely verbal (oral/written). "Overlearning" is
common in individuals with the NLD syndrome.

Nonverbal learning disorders constitute a dysfunction in the basic cerebral processes and, as
such, denote a disability which warrants specialized support and program modifications for the
student. "Traumatic brain injury" was added to IDEA by the Education of the Handicapped Act
Amendments of 1990. Since this child's condition seriously interferes with his ability to perform
in school, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) can and should be developed and
implemented for this child. Or, since this child's NLD impairments "substantially limit one or
more major life activities," a 504 plan can be drawn up to help define appropriate
accommodations for him.

This child will often have already been mislabeled by unenlightened adults at her school. Today,
thankfully, intelligent parents are not so quick to accept educators' misguided declarations that
their child is "lazy," "purposefully disruptive," "a troublemaker," "disturbed," "defiant," and/or
merely "being annoying" as if these presentations were a diagnosis rather than an indicator of
symptoms to be considered within the context of a syndrome. It is always wise to locate the
underlying cause of behavioral observations (i.e., a disorder of the central nervous system) so
that appropriate, helpful, and nonpunitive measures can be implemented, knowing that the
child's behavior is not deliberate and that mistakes and misdeeds are the result of her disability
and are unintentional on her part.

Parents should be especially leery of self-righteous educators who use the superficial
psycho-babble "he chose" implying that this child has made a conscious choice to put himself
in a position of disadvantage. If a child has been determined to have NLD, it is important for
everyone to understand that this impairment is neurological in nature and there is no choice
involved for that child. No child chooses to fail. To dismiss or label the adjustment problems
(which are symptoms) as "attention getting" behavior, is as harmful as it is unprofessional.

The child with NLD can usually be accommodated in a "fully-included" mainstreamed
educational setting if her unique academic and social needs are understood by her parents and
her school staff. A comprehensive and detailed Individualized Education Program (IEP) put
together by a team of informed experts will aid in a successful outcome. The more extensive the
IEP, the less likely the child will encounter unforeseen roadblocks and/or fall through the
cracks. She may also benefit from some Special Education support services such as speech
and language therapy for deficiencies in linguistic pragmatics and occupational therapy for gross
and fine motor skill concerns.

All too often though, the coping behaviors of the child with NLD are misinterpreted by uninformed
adults as "emotional" and/or "motivational" problems. However, when this child's verbal
strengths are capitalized upon and her teachers are flexible and receptive to her needs, she can
be quite successful in school. It is so easy for adults to punish and to try to put the
responsibility back on the child, but a true professional will recognize that if a child is not
fulfilling expectations, it is due to faulty planning on the part of the educational team, and is in
no way a reflection on the child.

The child's parents have probably already gained an intuitive or learned appreciation of what
works best for their particular child with NLD. Often this child prospers at home because of his
parents' insightful adaptive strategies, while continuing to struggle at school. It is wise for
educators to benefit from the knowledge that these parents can offer regarding their child.
School staff and parents should work closely together in planning to accommodate this child's
unique needs.

Although often suggested, "insight-oriented," dynamic psycho-therapy has proven to be
counterproductive as a model of intervention for an individual with NLD and is not advised.
Individuals with NLD are often assumed to be very perceptive because they display
well-developed verbal skills. Since their symptomology can appear to be emotionally-based,
insight-oriented psychotherapy is frequently attempted. Dr. Byron P. Rourke has found that
"formal educational intervention" is the treatment modality most likely to "increase the NLD
youngsters probability of success." Treatment within a class or center for the emotionally
disturbed is also not recommended, as therapeutic approaches to emotional problems are quite
different from those which have proven effective for the NLD syndrome.

The child with NLD requires individualized approaches to educational intervention in order to
succeed in school because her right-hemisphere systems are dysfunctional or inaccessible to
her. The left cerebral hemisphere processes information based upon fixed systems of rules and
is not equipped to deal flexibly with problem-solving strategies. Effective remedial methods
include direct verbal training in planning, organizing, studying, written expression, social
cognition, and interpersonal communication.

Unlike Individualized Education Programs in which the primary goal is to master a continuum of
curricular skills, the educational program for the child with NLD consists of providing additional
coping skills, practical support, and CAMS. Interventions for this child are not curative in nature,
but rather designed to offer compensatory skills and to lessen the daily stress he encounters.
Some of the specific compensations, accommodations, modifications, and strategies which
should be employed to help this child follow:


   1.This child will have difficulty with internal and external organization and coordination.
     Tardiness is something he may struggle with (despite great pains to be punctual) and
     this should not be treated as a misbehavior. Help this child by allowing him extra time to
     get places and by giving him verbal cues to navigate through space. Continually assess
     his understanding of spatial and directional concepts.

   2.Never underestimate the gravity of this disability. Dr. Rourke states, "One of the most
     frequent criticisms of remedial intervention programs with this particular type of child is
     that the remedial authorities are unaware of the extent and significance of the child's
     deficits" and he emphasizes that "the principal impediment to engaging in this rather
     slow and painstaking approach to teaching the child with NLD is the caregiver's (faulty)
     impression that the child is much more adept and adaptable than is actually the case."
     Dr. Rourke also warns that: "Observers tend to overvalue the intelligence of NLD
     adolescents…(and) this is the principal reason for an unwillingness to adopt an approach
     to formal educational intervention that would increase the NLD youngster's probability of

     The naiveté of parents and educators regarding the significance of the NLD syndrome
     inevitably leads to inappropriate expectations being placed upon this child. Expectations
     for this child should always be applied with flexibility, taking into consideration the fact
     that she has different needs and abilities than her peer group. (Note: This individual's
     progress is almost always further impeded by anosognosia-the "virtual inability to reflect
     on the nature and seriousness of [her own] problems").

   3.Do not force independence on this child if you sense she is not yet ready for something
     (trust your instincts and be careful not to compare her with other children of the same
     age). It is detrimental to isolate her, but don't make the mistake of thinking she can be
     left to her own resources when faced with new and/or complex situations. Give her verbal
     compensatory strategies to deal more effectively with novel situations. The world can be
     very scary for someone who is misreading 65% of all communication and she will
     naturally be reluctant to try new things. The social skill development of this child has
     been delayed by misconceptions which may have caused serious issues of insecurity to

     The myth of the "overprotective mother" needs to be dismissed; parents and
     professionals must both assume a "protective" and helpful role with the child with NLD.
     Dr. Rourke states, "Although sensitive caregivers are often accused of 'overprotection', it
     is clear that they may be the only ones who have an appreciation for the child's
     vulnerability and lack of appropriate skill development." Care and discretion need to be
     taken to shield the child from teasing, persecution, and other sources of anxiety.
     Independence should be introduced gradually, in controlled, non-threatening situations.
     The more completely those around her understand this child and her particular strengths
     and weaknesses, the better prepared they will be to promote attitudes of personal
     independence. Never leave this child to her own devices in new activities or situations
     which lack sufficient structure.

   4.Avoid power struggles, punishment, and threatening. This child does not understand rigid
     displays of authority and anger. Threats, such as "if you (do this), then (something
     unfortunate) will happen to you," only serve to destroy this child's sense of hope. The
     goals and expectations assigned to him must be attainable and worthwhile. Remember
     that taking away "privileges" will not cure a child of a neurological disability (but may very
     well establish him on the path to depression). This is an inappropriate intervention model
     on the part of the adults involved and it is detrimental and damaging to this child's
     development and well-being. The "confusion" and social awkwardness he displays are
     real and unintentional; they should not be viewed as conduct to be penalized.

   5.All adults owe it to this child to always assume the best - to always take a positive rather
     than a negative approach. As we have seen, life is very demanding and difficult for the
     child with NLD. Most of her unusual behavioral responses serve a purpose and usually
     represent the child's own attempt at compensation. It is wise to try to uncover the reason
     for the behavior and to help the child devise an appropriate (more acceptable)
     replacement behavior (usually through a detailed verbal explanation). Parents and
     professionals need to make the effort to have the child explain his dilemma and to try to
     determine what purpose the behavior might be serving. Then serve the child's need rather
     than punishing her resulting behavior. Remember, as with all children, at least 90% of
     your interactions with this child must be positive in nature!


   1.School assignments which require merely copying text need to be modified or omitted,
     owing to the visual-spatial nature of such an exercise. Active verbalization and/or
     subvocalization are the best memory approaches for this child.

   2.Test answer sheet layouts and the arrangement of visual-spatial math assignments need
     to be simplified (no credit should be lost for a correct answer placed in the wrong column
     or space). Whenever possible, use of graph paper is recommended to keep columns
     aligned in written math assignments or consumable math texts should be provided for
     this student.

   3.Paper and pencil tasks need to be kept to a minimum because of finger dexterity and
     visual-spatial problems. Occupational therapy is a consideration for the younger child.
     Verbally mediated practices to improve handwriting may result in improvements in control
     and fluency, but the process will remain laborious. Use of a computer word processor is
     highly recommended for all written school assignments, as the spatial and fine motor
     skills needed for typing are not as complicated as those involved in handwriting.

   4.The global confusions which underlie nonverbal learning disorders also result in limiting
     the student's ability to produce the quantity of written work normally expected of her
     grade-level peers. This child requires continuous assistance with organizing information
     and communicating in writing. Adjustments must be made in teacher expectations for
     volume of written products. Additional time will be needed for all written assignments.

   5.Tasks requiring folding, cutting with scissors, and/or arranging material in a visual-spatial
     manner (maps, graphs, mobiles, etc.) will require considerable assistance, provided in an
     accommodating manner or they should be eliminated entirely.

   6.Any timed assignments will need to be modified or eliminated. Processing of all
     information is performed at a much slower rate when you are compensating for any type
     of cerebral dysfunction. Time constraints often prove to be counterproductive, as this
     student is easily overwhelmed by the unrealistic expectations of his teachers.

   7.Adults need to check often for understanding and present information in plain and clear
     verbal terms (i.e., "spell out" everything). A "parts-to-whole" verbal teaching approach
     should be utilized. This child will need to ask a lot of questions, as this is her primary
     means of gathering information.

   8.All expectations need to be direct and explicit. Don't require this child to "read between
     the lines" to glean your intentions. Avoid sarcasm, figurative speech, idioms, slang, etc.,
     unless you plan to explain your usage. Write out exact expectations for any situation
     where the child may seriously misperceive complex directions and/or proper social cues.
     Feedback given to the student should always be constructive and encouraging or there
     will be no benefits derived.

   9.This student's schedule needs to be as predictable as possible. He should be prepared
     in advance for changes in routine, such as assemblies, field trips, minimum days,
     vacation days, finals, etc.

  10.This child needs to be assigned to one case manager at school who will oversee her
     progress and can assure that all of the school staff are implementing the necessary
     accommodations and modifications. Inservice training and orientation for all school staff
     that promotes tolerance and acceptance is a vital part of the overall plan for success, as
     everyone must be familiar with, and supportive of, the child's academic and social needs.


   1.This child needs to be in a learning environment that provides daily, non-threatening
     contact with nondisabled peers (i.e., not a "special" or "alternative" program) in order to
     further his social development.

   2.This child will benefit from cooperative learning situations (when grouped with "good role
     models"). Active verbalization is an important element in how this child learns. She
     usually has extensive verbal information to share with the others and can be exposed to
     the "give and take" of a miniature social environment in a non-threatening, controlled
     milieu. Obviously, the child with nonverbal learning disorders would not be expected to be
     the "scribe" in a cooperative grouping - her contribution should be in the verbal arena. The
     least effective learning model for this child is isolation. She must be allowed to verbalize
     and to have verbal feedback in order to learn.

   3.Transitions will always be difficult for this child so he will need time during the school day
     to collect his thoughts before "switching gears." This may mean: extra time before and
     after breaks to disengage and readjust to the changes in pace; less changing of rooms
     and more time spent with one teacher; a study hall that is built into the student's
     schedule at middle and high school levels; and/or a carefully selected non-NLD peer
     "buddy" to help guide him through the day.

   4.Placement must be in an environment which has a well-established routine because this
     child will not decipher non-verbal cues. She cannot adjust well to constant changes in
     routine (this child lacks the ability to "wing it" in times of doubt) and has learned to fear
     all new and/or unknown situations and experiences. She needs to know what will happen
     next and to be able to count on consistent responses from the staff who work with her.

   5.Special presentation procedures need to be adapted for those subjects requiring
     visual-spatial-organizational and/or nonverbal problem-solving skills. Or, as Rourke
     suggests, "avoid such material altogether."


   1.Do tell this child everything and encourage her to give you verbal feedback. The most
     effective instructional procedures are those that associate verbal labels with concrete
     situations and experiences. "I shouldn't have to tell you" does not apply - assume you do
     have to tell her. She cannot "look and learn."

   2.Verbally teach (don't expect the child to observe) cognitive strategies for the skills of
     conversational pragmatics (the "give and take" and comfortable beginnings and endings
     of a conversation, how and when to change the subject, formal versus informal
     conversational idiosyncracies, tone and expression of voice, etc.) and nonverbal body
     language (facial expressions, correct social distance, when the limit or cut-off point has
     been reached, etc.). this child will not perceive that he is trying someone's patience until
     that person verbally explodes! Give him some additional verbal cues before the boiling
     point because he does not "sense" tension or displeasure.

   3.Observe and expand the coping techniques that the child has already acquired on his/her
     own. Focus on developing flexible concepts and time order.

   4.Group the child with "good role models" so that she can label and learn appropriate
     behavior. Remember she won't differentiate between appropriate versus inappropriate
     behavior unless the distinctions are verbally pointed out to her. Isolation is the "kiss of
     death" for this child.

   5.Adult role models should "talk their way" through situations in the presence of this child
     in order to give him a verbal view of someone else's "internal speech" process. In
     essence, you will be making your internal speech external so that the child can pick up
     the skills needed to coordinate his own problem-solving approaches. Help the child
     devise a sequence of steps for self-questioning and self-monitoring, verbalizing each

6.Isolation, deprivation, and punishment are not effective methods to change the behavior of
     a child who is already trying his best to conform (but misinterpreting all kinds of
     nonverbal cues). If inappropriate behaviors are causing problems at school, a functional
     analysis and behavioral intervention plan detailing a course of action which is designed to
     be useful and nonpunitive in nature may need to be a part of this child's IEP or 504 plan
