Gokou's Family Son Gokou - Gokou means sky (this may because when Grandpa Gohan found him he came from the sky) Also sangoku means monkey.
Son Gohan - Gohan means rice
Son Goten - Goten means heaven
Chi-chi - translates to breasts.
The Saiya-Jins~
Saiya-Jin - Vegetable people
Bejita - pun on vegetable (Note* The japanese dont have"v"s)
Kakarot - pun on carrots
Raditzu - pun on raddish
Nappa - Japanese cabbage (I am not sure on this one if you can confirm it tell me)
Taurus (or Turles) - Japanese lettuce (Again if you can confirm this tell me)
Brolli - Pun on brocolli
Paragus (Brolli's dad) - Pun on Asparagus
Bardock - I am not sure what this is (if someone knows please tell me)
Toma - I dont know this one either (Anyone know it?)
The Tsufuru-Jin~
Tsufuru-Jin - Fruit people
The joke of planet plant (planet vegeta) was the war was between the fruits and vegetables
Bulma's Family~
(All are articles of clothing)
Buruma (Bulma) - bloomers, female gym shorts.
Dr. Briefs - Self explanatory
Trunks - Self explanatory
Bra - Another Self explanatory
Seru - Cell, He is made up of the cells of the best fighters in the world.
(Scary aint it?)
Bi-bidi - The creator of Majjin Buu, father of Ba-bidi
Ba-bidi - The new (temporary) master of Buu
Buu - The ultimate evil
Bi-bidi, Ba-bidi, Buu= Bippity Boppity Boo (Cinderella)
Kuririn - Chestnut
Tenchinhan - fried rice
Yamucha - fried dumplings (If you know this for sure tell me)
Chao-Tzu - another fried rice dish
Master Roshi - Kamesennin
King Kai - Kaiou-sama

All of piccolo daimou's offspring were named after types of instruments: Drum, Tambourine, Cymbal, Ma Junior (Piccolo), I cant remember the other one...
Saichirou - Guru's real name, however does not mean Guru.

Some Japanese Terms~

Shi'ne! - Die!
Shinda - Dead
Shouten - Death
Gaki - Punk
Nani?! - What?!
Masaka! - Impossible
Ja ne - informal way to say Good-bye
Hai - yes
Gomen - Sorry
Nuu - no
Demo - but
Arigatou - Thank you
Henshin - Transforms
Kawaii - cute
Chibi - small/young