By: XxTeenTrunksXx8
DragonBall AL

This series takes place after GT all of the warriors have died of natural causes which means they can not be wished back with the dragon balls this is saga one "Return of Cell"
This series takes place after DragonBall GT.All of the warriors have died of natural causes which means they can not be wished back with the dragon balls. The fighters left are Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr., eventually Pan dies as well all of the warriors are in the After Life with King Kai. Goku Jr. is a super saiyan as for Vegeta Jr. he is not, just like Vegeta he is furious at Goku Jr. They are both at the age of 15 and they eventually become best friends and train together. One day when they are training together as usual a strange pod lands in the distance as for Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr. there pretty shook up about it. They both have ascended to a the super saiyan level but what is this creature? They both go to the landing of the pod. As they look at it in curiousity it slowly opens. The stranger steps out looking at them, he describes himself as the greatest saiyan in the universe his name is Koshen he is father of Bardock and grandfather of Kakarott. He was told the story of Goku in his dreams while froze in a freeze chamber created by Frieza, he was taken by his henchmen because of his unusual power for the time. Before Frieza destroyed planet Vegeta he was tossed from Frieza's ship and landed on another planet. When he awoke he realized what happen by then years have passed so he left to earth for Kakarott (Goku) but when he lands there they tell him that Goku is dead. He decides to become pure hearted and defend earth with Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr. He is at super saiyan level two so he trains Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr. Four years later a voice is heard its our old friend Goku! He has called to tell them that there is a great evil coming Cell has escaped from the H.F.I.L(home for infinite losers) and has made his way to earth but is training in outer space at the time which gives the three super saiyans five years to prepare for him. Between that time Koshen meets a young woman named Tanya. They have a child in the first year, his name is Goshen. As the last year comes he is four years old and the warriors have trained hard. The day has come Cell returns they fly to is exact landing as Cell introduces himself and Goshen at the age four comes to his father wanting to fight, but Koshen refuses to let him and sends him home. As he walks home he thinks of a plan he hides in a tree unnoticed by anyone and watches the fight. The strongest warrior, Koshen steps up to Super Cell as he describes himself. The battle begins, Koshen powers up to his maximum level, super saiyan level two. The battle started and it seemed that Koshen had it won but Cell was only toying with him. As Goshen watched Cell kill his father he became furious, as Cell beat his father to a pulp the others, Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr. stepped in knowing they were not a chance against him they wanted to help they were easily defeated and barely alive Goshen revealed a furious cry. Cell and the others looked at him in amazement he gave a furious kamehameha waveat Cell killing him with ease. Goshen then passed out and everyone else was amazed knowing the attack was never taught to the boy and his amazing power. He was at a higher level of super saiyan than Koshen, super saiyan level three. Then after everyone has recovered safely Goshen still remembers that day. Is it defeat or victory that awaits in the dark…?