Here are some reference guides for a few UNIX commands
For useless information they are taken from the man pages.
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check out our new DOS command reference.

MS/DOS commands and Windows Commands


For information on LINUX stuff - which is pretty much the same as UNIX check out this place

useless information

commands to modify and create user accounts - usually run by superuser root

these UNIX commands are normally used by the super user account ROOT to create new UNIX userids, delete existing UNIX userids, and change existing UNIX userids. they also allow the UNIX super user to mess with group id's. for most of the stuff in the commands you will need the powers of being a root superuser.

Sometimes these commands are not in your default path and you will have to execute them by going to the directory the are stored in which is usually


unix commands to move data to and from ms/dos floppy disks

these commands allow you to read your ms/dos floppy disks from UNIX, and copy your UNIX data to floppy disks that can be read by MS/DOS, and WINDOWS. They are often called the mcommands. Vinie doesnt know jack shit about the mcommands, but iggi thought they were pretty cool.

They usually come in a a package called MTOOLS or MCOMMANDS. All this documentation came from a SUN box.

And of course they are usually free.

They run on everything from those LINUX boxes, to those over priced SUN boxes, HP, AIX, and all the other standard flavors of UNIX.1

And their not limited to floppy disks. One site I worked at had MTOOLS set up so you could treat your files on the IBM MAINFRAME running MVS as UNIX files. Such as:

mcat /sys1.linklib

standard unix commands

these are the UNIX commands used by most normal users. maybe thats a oxymoron.

  • at - create a job to run at a later date/time
  • atrm - kill a job that will start at a future time
  • atq - list jobs scheduled to be started in future
  • awk - a high level programming language that looks like C
    see nawk
    see gawk
    see perl - which combines sed and awk in a superset of both languages
    note:modern versions of UNIX combine awk, nawk, gawk and place the program in awk
  • BASH shell - bash
    see sh - bourne shell
    see ksh - korn shell
    see csh - C shell
    along with the KORN shell the BASH shell is probably the most powerfull shell
  • bc - a caculator
  • bourne shell - sh
    see bash - BASH shell - Bourne again Shell
    see ksh - korn shell
    see csh - C shell
  • C shell - csh
    see bash - BASH shell - Bourne again Shell
    see ksh - korn shell
    see sh - Bourne Shell
    C programmers often like this shell - because it you can program it like C
    but after using the C Shell and the KORN Shell I think the
    KORN Shell is much more powerfull then the C Shell
  • cal - prints a calander for any year or month
    watch out for September 1752 - its an odd year for countries that were ruled by England
            $cal 9 1752
                September 1752
              S  M Tu  W Th  F  S
                    1  2 14 15 16  - where did 3 thru 13 go in Sept 1752 
             17 18 19 20 21 22 23
             24 25 26 27 28 29 30
  • cc - C compiler
  • cpio - copy files to tape
    see tar
  • cpp - C compiler pre-processor
  • cron - schedule a job to run in the future
    see at command
    see crontab
  • crontab - schedule job in the future
    see at command
    see cron
  • cut
  • date - returns date and time 100's of formats
  • dd - convert EBCDIC to ASCII and vise versa
  • diff - compares 2 files and shows differences
    IBM'ers will be sick when they see that
    diff does not die after finding 10 differences like IEBCOMPR
    even if the files have hundreds of differences
    diff will tell you what they are
  • ed - a line editor replaced by ex, vi and sed
  • egrep - a more powerfull version of grep
    see grep - a program used to search for text in files
  • emacs - the newest full screen editor
    see vi & ex for the old editors - also see vim - a fancy freeware version of vi
  • eval - used to build commands from variables
    eval sort $inputfile $outfile
    1) eval scan it once giving
    sort mikes_file >the_outfile
    2) eval executes the command
    sort mikes_file >the_outfile
  • ex - a line editor that is part of vi
    see vi - which stands for VIsual editor
    see vim - a fancy freeware version of vi
    you can switch between vi and ex by
    issuing the Q command in vi to switch to ex
    or by
    issuing the :vi command in ex to switch to vi
  • expr - do math or logic on an expression
    very usefull in writting scripts where math is required
    to get the result go
    x=`expr $a + $b`
    echo "$a + $b = $x"
  • fake e-mail - the ends and outs on sending fake e-mail
  • false
    a program that always returns false when run
    usefull in script testing
    see true
  • fgrep - fgrep sucks use grep or egrep
    fgrep stands for Fast GREP and as any UNIX geek will tell you it ain't fast
  • file - tells you about the contents of a file
    tell if a file contains C code, executable code, text, ......
  • find - find all files that match and do something to them
    often xargs is used with find command
    and you can search thru several levels of directorys
    find . -name '*frog*' -print
  • finger - find information on computer users
  • fmt - simple formatting tool
    IBM users think of a simple script or DCF program
    UNIX users think of simple nroff
    UNIVAC users think of a simple @DOC program
  • ftp - transfer files with a remote computers
  • gawk - a newer version of awk
    see awk
  • grep - grep search for text and prints it
    grep was named after the ex and vi g command
    which means print all the lines which contain the regular expression RE
  • groff - used to implement nroff
    see nroff
    see troff
  • groupadd - add a UNIX groupid
  • groupdel - delete a UNIX groupid
  • groupmod - modify a UNIX groupid
  • gunzip - a UNIX version of PKUNZIP - Uncompress a file using Lempel-Ziv coding
    see gunzip, gzip, unzip, zip, pkzip, pkunzip, gzcat, zcat, tar, unzip, zipinfo
  • gzip - a UNIX version of PKZIP - Compress a file using Lempel-Ziv coding
    see gunzip, gzip, unzip, zip, pkzip, pkunzip, gzcat, zcat, tar, unzip, zipinfo
  • head - display 1st few lines in a file
  • hexdump
    list a file in hex, octal, ..... - replaces od
    see od
  • if - if statements in a script or even at terminal
  • ipcrm - remove a semaphore, shared memory, or message queue
    see ipcs
  • ipcs - create a semaphore, shared memory, or message queue
    see ipcrm
  • kill - kill a process
  • korn shell - ksh
    see sh - bourne shell
    see bash - BASH shell
    see csh - C shell
    the webmaster says this is the most powerful shell along with the BASH shell which is a freeware version of the KORN Shell - and yes the webmaster has programmed in the C Shell
  • last
  • ld - UNIX linker
  • lex - LEXical analysis program
    see yacc
  • lp
    print files or control printers - varies between BSD & SVR4
  • lpc
    print files or control printers - varies between BSD & SVR4
  • lpd
    print files or control printers - varies between BSD & SVR4
  • lpq
    print files or control printers - varies between BSD & SVR4
  • lpr
    print files or control printers - varies between BSD & SVR4
  • lprm
    print files or control printers - varies between BSD & SVR4
  • ls - list files. UNIX version of dos DIR command
  • lynx - a text based web browser - ie: not pictures, just text
    if your a cheep bastard like me many free e-mail services allow you
    to use lynx to browse the web in character mode.


    mostly for copying files to and from ms/dos floppy disks from unix computers.

  • make - makefile
    used to compile and link based on date of changes in source and object code
  • mail - send and receive e-mail
    mail is very usefull way to send mail in UNIX scripts
    see mailx - a better mail program
    see sendmail - the most powerfull program to send mail also the most confusing
    see pine - an even better better mail program
    see netscape - a real mail program as opposed to pine, mail, and mailx
    see fake e-mail unix allows you to send fake e-mail
  • mailx - a e-mail program
    mailx is very usefull way to send mail in UNIX scripts
    see mailx - a better mail program
    see pine - an even better better mail program
    see netscape - a real mail program as opposed to pine, mail, and mailx
    see sendmail - the most powerfull program to send mail also the most confusing
    see fake e-mail unix allows you to send fake e-mail
  • mime - information on mime format data
  • mmencode - convert to and from mime text
  • nawk - a newer version of awk
  • nm - list the names in an object module library
  • nohup cmd & - run the command even after you logoff
    another way of running a batch job
    see at
    see cron
  • nroff - format output for printers
    implemented thru groff
    see troff
  • od - list files in octal and hex
    replaced by hexdump
  • paste
  • pine - a full screen e-mail program
    mail and mailx are probably more usefull in scripts to send mail
    see fake e-mail unix allows you to send fake e-mail
  • perl - a powerfull language that contains the the best of AWK and SED + much more
  • pr - print a file
    print files or control printers - varies between BSD & SVR4
  • printf
    not the C printf command but
    a printf command for use in scripts to produce formated output
  • ps - list processes (BSD version)
  • ps - list processes (LINUX version)
  • ps - list processes (SYSTEM V version)
  • rwho - report who is on local network
  • sed - a line editor that is usefull in scripts
    you can use ex or ed in scripts but sed is much easier to use
    mainly because ex and ed often quit if something doesnt match
  • sendmail - the most powerfull mail program
    see mail
    see mailx - a better mail program
    see pine - an even better better mail program
    see netscape - a real mail program as opposed to pine, mail, and mailx
    see fake e-mail unix allows you to send fake e-mail
  • sleep - go to sleep for n seconds
    usefull in writting scripts, do something then wait, then do it again
    for example to moniter a batch job till it finishes
  • sort - sort text
    sort can delete duplicate lines of text with the -u option
    the UNIX sort is much more powerfull then the MS/DOS sort
  • spell - check spelling
  • stty - set RS-232 parameters for terminal or line
  • su - temporarly log on as another user
    su allows you temporally suspend the current session
    and logon as another user. the user can be the super user or just
    another normal unix user
  • tail - list the end of a file
    usefull when your writting to a file and want to have a 2nd window display whats at the end of the file as you write to it
  • talk - talk to another user on the system
  • tee - tool to get a copy of output to STDOUT and a disk file
    ls | tee krapola
    1) ls command is piped to tee
    2) tee writes output of ls to your STDOUT which is normally your terminal
    3) tee also writes a copy of ls to disk file krapola
  • telnet - login to a remote computer
  • test - the if command is really a form of test
  • true
    command always returns true
    usefull in testing scripts
  • tr
  • tset
  • tty
  • uniq
    passed a sorted file it only returns unique lines
  • unzip - unzip a file
    see gunzip, gzip, unzip, zip, pkzip, pkunzip, gzcat, zcat, tar, unzip, zipinfo
  • users
  • uudecode
  • vi - a full screen editor
    ex - the line editor is a part of vi
    you can switch between vi and ex by
    issuing the Q command in vi to switch to ex
    or by
    issuing the :vi command in ex to switch to vi
    see emacs - for the latest and greatest full screen editor
    see vim - a fancy freeware version of vi
  • vim - a fancy version of vi that does everthing but blow your nose
    see emacs - for the latest and greatest full screen editor
    see vi - the orginal model of vim
  • which - tell which path a command will be found in
    $ which ls
    $ which aztec
    see whence - korn shell only
    see type
  • who
  • whois
    get info about a internet domain name

    $ whois
    Domain Name: COMPUSERVE.COM

    CompuServe Interactive Services, Inc.
    5000 Arlington Centre Blvd
    Columbus, OH 43220

    Created on..............: Jan 25, 2000
    Expires on..............: Oct 04, 2001
    Record Last Updated on..: Jan 27, 2000

    Administrative Contact:
    Domain Support, CompuServe
    614 457 8600
    Technical Contact:
    Domain Support, CompuServe
    614 457 8600
    Billing Contact:
    Domain Support, CompuServe
    614 457 8600

    Domain servers:
  • xargs
  • zcat - a UNIX version of PKUNZIP - Uncompress a file using Lempel-Ziv coding
    see gunzip, gzip, unzip, zip, pkzip, pkunzip, gzcat, zcat, tar, unzip, zipinfo
  • zipinfo - get information about a zipped file
    see gunzip, gzip, unzip, zip, pkzip, pkunzip, gzcat, zcat, tar, unzip, zipinfo
  • as - UNIX assembler
    see dis
  • banner - create a banner page
  • basename - get file name from file/path name
    see basename
  • cat - list contents of a file
  • cd - move to another directory
  • chgrp - change group of a file
  • chmod - change propertys of a file
  • chown - change ownership of a file
  • clear - clear the terminals screen
  • compress - compress a file
    see uncompress
    see zcat
    uses same logic as pkzip
  • cp - copy a file
  • crypt - encrypt a files
    but the logic is so old any 16 year old with a 486 can crack it
  • ctags - generate ctags file
    with the file vi and ex can find C names
  • cu - connect to another computer
  • dc - desk caculator
  • dirname - get directory name from file path name
    see basename
  • zcat - uncompress a file
    see gunzip, gzip, unzip, zip, pkzip, pkunzip, gzcat, zcat, tar, unzip, zipinfo
    see compress
    see uncompress
    uses same logic as pkunzip
  • uncompress - uncompress a file
    see compress
    see zcat
    uses same logic as pkunzip
  • du - display disk usage
  • echo - print a line
    used in scripts a lot
  • env - set or display enviornment variables
    see printenv
  • groups - show groups a person is in
  • hostname - show name of machine
  • id - list group and user id's
  • line - read a line from the terminal
    used in scripts a lot to read 1 line from the terminal
  • ln - create a link or alias name for a file
    see cp
    see mv
  • logname - get userid
    used in scripts to get a persons userid
  • man - tell how a UNIX command works
  • printenv - set or display enviornment variables
    see env
  • mesg - allow other users to write to your terminal
  • mkdir - create new directorys
  • more - system pager or scroller
    see pg
    see page
  • mv - move a file
    see cp
    see ln
  • news - get system news
  • nice - run slower
  • notify - disable/enable mail notification
  • passwd - change your password
  • pwd - print current directory
  • CVS - Concurrent Versions Systems
    used to control version of software checked out by programmers
    see sccs - Source Code Control System and RCS
  • rcs - Revision Control System
    used to control version of software checked out by programmers
    see sccs - Source Code Control System and CVS
  • reset - reset terminal
    see tset
  • rm - delete or remove a file
  • rmdir - delete or remove a directory
  • ruptime - status of network machines
    see sccs - Source Code Control System
  • sccs - Source Code Control System
    used to control version of software checked out by programmers
    see rcs - Revision Control System and CVS
  • shutdown - shutdown the UNIX machine
  • size - list size of object file
  • tar - backup files to tape, restore files from tape, also used to store and extract files from tarfiles which can be disk files
    see gunzip, gzip, unzip, zip, pkzip, pkunzip, gzcat, zcat, tar, unzip, zipinfo
  • time - execute a program and time it
  • tin - read internet news groups
    read postings from internet news groups
    post messages to internet news groups
    you know, alt.2600,
    see trn - threaded read news program
    see rn - read news
    see nn
  • touch - update a file
  • trn - read internet news groups
    read postings from internet news groups
    post messages to internet news groups
    you know, alt.2600,
    see tin - threaded read news program
    see rn - read news
    see nn
  • troff - format output for typesetting
    see nroff
    see groff
  • umask
  • uname - get system name
  • units - convert from one unit to another
    convert pounds to ounces
    kilos to pounds
    feet to meters
  • uptime - display system time stats
  • useradd - add a UNIX userid
  • userdel - delete a UNIX userid
  • usermod - modify a UNIX userid
  • uuname - list all uu systesm we know about
  • vacation - tell mail your on vacation
    and mail will tell everybody that sends you mail your out of the office
  • w - tell what everybody on the system is doing
    yes it will tell your boss your looking at dirty pictures with netscape
    7:15PM up 42 days, 8:44, 20 users, load averages: 0.32, 0.26, 0.21
    daddio p0 207-218-50-168.n 6:59PM 2 isca
    reck p1 reck-laptop.phx. Wed04PM 1:59 -tcsh (tcsh)
    brianh p2 208-178-107-51.e 6:53PM 2 -bash (bash)
    jfb p3 gebirg.symlink.c Fri02PM 2days -bash (bash)
    steveg p4 6:33PM 0 tin
    mfried p5 farrah.primenet. Tue05PM 2:32 telnet
    pcj p6 Wed03PM 20 -bash (bash)
    holee p7 Wed03PM 0 pine 0 ""
    ljericho p8 radsl-ljericho-0 6:12PM 14 bash
    dvieira q5 pool0978.cvx28-b 7:13PM 0 tin
  • wait - wait till a process finishes
    usefull in scripts
  • wall - send message to all users
    have to be root to do this
  • wc - count words, characters and lines
  • whoami
    $ whoami
  • write - write to another users terminal
  • yacc - Yet Another Compiler Compiler
    see lex Jump to the legal research section