sexual universe
Bill Wright, cover artist



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Thank you for your interest in the Sexual Universe. If you wish to buy the books individually, please return to the main page and click on which book you wish to buy now. If you wish to buy all three at once (and save on shipping and handling), then read on.

As these books are rated for mature readers only, in order to purchase them you must first register with Lulu (the publisher) and then set your access clearance levels to a mature level. The other links allow for individual purchases only. Don't ask me why, I didn't make the rule. Anyway, it's simple. Just follow the 10 easy steps.

  1. Click to go to the Lulu website
  2. Click on "Sign-Up" (just below the Browse tab at the top)
  3. Fill out the simple registration form. They need your email address in order to send you a receipt and shipping information.
  4. Click on "Sign Up" button
  5. Click on "My Account" tab.
  6. In the left margin is a section called "Account Preferences". Click on "Change Access Levels"
  7. Click on "Mature"
  8. Click on "Save"
  9. Do not log out. Open the tab with my website on it (Sexual Universe) and click on the button that says "Buy Now"
  10. That should bring you successfully to the storefront where all three books are available for purchase. If you still have
    problems, click on Live Help and a support technician will assist you. They're great at that.

Thanks again, and remember, when visiting the Sexual Universe, practice safe sex. Use a bookmark.
