Universal Revelations

what you and I reveal about each and everything...


All men and women under Heaven

View everything with same common intelligence.


            What Are Known Invariably From Each and Everything?         is the  question this piece of writing asks and answers.

 Everybody spends a considerable time, money, energy and other resources in the name of ‘training the intellect’ and ‘gaining knowledge’. This vital question thus concerns everybody.

 Everybody can answer this enlightening question directly by reviewing everybody’s details about each and everything. No special education, training or intelligence is needed to do this.  

One purpose of general education is to train everybody’s intellect to every topic of faith, delight, or research. Ironically, in these days of intellectual turmoil everybody concludes, ‘it is impossible to train everybody’s intellect to the details of every topic because there are too many different topics and things in everybody’s universe’.  On contrary, this writing argues, ‘there may be too many different things in everybody’s universe. Yet, it should be possible to perfect everybody’s intellect to every topic because the human revelations about anything are same as everything’. 

Knowledge of ‘those universally revealed’ is imperative for the proper education of students. Difficulties and problems to perfect to everybody’s intellect to every topic stems not from too much knowledge to comprehend; but, from everybody’s tendency to ignore the universals; everybody’s failure to take the common ground of all. Tracing the universals should be the beginnings of research and studies.

 This writing grew from my teaching and explaining experience. Practices I have found useful in classroom to perfect student’s mind to analyze the details of each and every topic are the content of this writing.

My thanks go to many who have helped me directly or indirectly, but it is to my students and colleagues over the years I owe the greatest gratitude, for it is through their questions, responses, ideas and implied criticisms that I have sharpened and reshaped the way I look at the human intelligence and revelations. 

This concise piece of writing is the revised version of ‘features portrayed for anything by one’s intelligence: the seven senses’.  Sivashanmugam welcomes every suggestion of the reader to correct this article. Good Luck. 


17th day of August 2002


What are invariably known from each and everything?

the universal revelations

dear reader,

                        The everyday discussions with fellow men and women and the readings of their books, news magazines, speeches and research articles convince me, ‘The Human Revelations about Anything are same as Everything’, and Everybody about Each and Everything Invariably Reveals or Tries to Reveal None Other Than,


        I.  The List of The Components of the Thing,

§        The feature of ‘splitability’ of the thing: - parts, components, constituents, elements, items, segments, sections, ingredients, factors, fragments, fractions, bits, cuttings, slices, particles, entities.


§        Is the thing (it) splitable?

Everything is a splitable complex of several pieces or components. In turn, every piece is splitable complex.



Every sentence is a splitable complex of its words and their meanings. Every word is a splitable complex of its alphabets.


Every drama is a splitable complex of its characters and events. Every event is a splitable complex of its sub-events.


Every dance is a splitable complex of its body movements and their significances. Every body movement is a splitable complex of its sub-movements.


Every matter is a splitable complex of its massive substances and the space occupied by them.


Every plant is a splitable complex of its parts – leaves, stems, buds, flower and roots and the space occupied by them. Every flower is a splitable complex of its sepals, petals, anthers, stigma and ovary. Every fruit or seed is a splitable complex of its constituent parts.


Every animal (including human) is a splitable complex of its organs and the space occupied by them. Every organ is a splitable complex of its tissues and the space occupied by them. Every tissue is a splitable complex of its cells and the space occupied by them. Every cell is a splitable complex of its organelles and the space occupied by them. Every organelle is a splitable complex of its compounds and elements and the space occupied by them. Every compound is a splitable complex of its atoms and the space occupied by them. Every atom is a splitable complex of its sub-atomic particles – protons, electrons and neutrons and the space occupied by them.


Every line or curve is a splitable complex of its spatial points. Every spatial point is a splitable complex of its sub-points. Every plane is a splitable complex of its lines. Every solid or volume is a splitable complex of its planes.


Every set is a splitable complex of its elements. Every matrix is a splitable complex of its elements. Every vector is a splitable complex of its components.


Every algebraic equation is a splitable complex of its variables and their values. Every number is a splitable complex of its fractions. Every series is a splitable complex of its elements.


Every program is a splitable complex of its sub-programs. Every sub-program is a splitable complex of its sub-sub-programs. Every operation is a splitable complex of its sub-operations. Every process is a splitable complex of its sub-processes. Every procedure is a splitable complex of its sub-procedures. Every study is a splitable complex of its sub-studies.


Every law or rule is a splitable complex of its constituents [conditions] and their decisions [terms]. Every statistical function is a splitable complex of ‘what is in’ and ‘what should be in’ and the ‘function’ relating them. Every probability function is a splitable complex of ‘what is in’, ‘what should be in’ and the experiment (trial or function) relating them.


Every concept is a splitable complex of its ideas. Every idea is a splitable complex of its sub-ideas. Every conditional logic is a splitable complex of a rule [statement of relation] and the pieces of evidence concerning the rule. Every derivative logic is a splitable complex of the major and minor premises. Every premise is a splitable complex of its terms.


Every color is a splitable complex of its constituent colors. Every light is a splitable complex of its electric and magnetic components.


Every economy is a splitable complex of its goods, services, firms, households, factors of production and market. Every history is a splitable complex of its events and characters of past.


Every society, family, organization or association is a splitable complex of its constituent members.


Every polymer is a splitable complex of its monomeric residues and the space occupied by them. Every monomeric residue is a splitable complex of its constituent atoms and the space occupied by them. Every protein [polypeptide] is a splitable complex of its aminoacid residues and the space occupied by them. Every aminoacid residue is a splitable complex of its constituent atoms and the space occupied by them. Every polynucleotide (DNA/RNA) is a splitable complex of its nucleotide residues and the space occupied by them. Every nucleotide residue is a splitable complex of it’s a nucleobase, a sugar and a phosphoric acid and the space occupied by them.


Every compound is a splitable complex of its constituent atoms and the space occupied by them. Every water molecule is a splitable complex of its hydrogens and oxygens and the space occupied by them. Every carbon dioxide molecule is a splitable complex of its carbons and oxygens and the space occupied by them.


Every solution is a splitable complex of its solutes and solvents and the space occupied by them. Every solvent is a splitable complex of its constituent species and the space occupied by them.


Every crystal is a splitable complex of its unit cells and the space occupied by them. Every unit cell is a splitable complex of its constituent groups and the space occupied by them.


Every system or universe is a splitable complex of its constituents. Every expression is a splitable complex of its sub-expressions. Every appearance is a splitable complex of its sub-appearances.


Every machine is a splitable complex of its parts and the space occupied by them. Every use is a splitable complex of its user and the used. Every war is a splitable complex of its battles.



     II.  The Binding Forces of its Components,

§        The feature of ‘binding each other’: - attractive forces, repulsive forces, feelings, perforce, affection, cohesive forces, sticking, cohering, adhesive, agglutinate, gluey, glutinous, firm hold, cling, adhere to, stick to, clinch, grip, clench, love, hatred, dislike, love of mankind, pulling force, gummy, liking, affinity, attract, bind, bond, pull, push, uniting forces, drive, urge, esprit de corps, assembling forces, the feelings, forces that compel the pieces hold each other.


§        What binds the pieces to complex?

Every piece is bound to the rest of the pieces of the splitable complex by the attractive forces that bind them together. Every bond is a force that binds and holds the pieces to be together.



The human intellect and the need to inform, convince and persuade others binds the pieces of a sentence, a word, a drama, a dance, a line, a plane, a set, a matrix, an algebraic equation, a vector, a number, a series, time, a program, an operation, a processes, a procedure, a study, a law, a concept, logic, history, or pieces of a machine to complex.


The electrostatic and gravitational forces bind the pieces of a plant, a flower, a seed, an animal, an organ, a tissue, a cell, a molecule, a polymer, a DNA/RNA, a nucleotide, oxygen or pieces of a crystal to complex.


The human feelings and needs bind the pieces of an economy, a family, an organization, a society, a game or pieces of war to complex.



   III.  The Inequalities Among its Components,

§        The feature of ‘differing with each other’: -dissimilarity, unlikeness, contrast, inequality, distinguishment, non-identical, not the same, is same as, equal to, not equal to, analog, homologue, resemblance, similitude, identicalness, selfsameness, analogousness, parallels, alikeness, sameness, uniformity, homogeneity, equivalence, comparability, replica, copy, twin, clone, exact match, perfect likeness, be similar to, appear like, seem like, sound like, look like.


§        Do the pieces of the splitable complex differ with each other or not?

Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


All pieces are equal in a homogeneous complex. Not all pieces are equal in a heterogeneous complex.



The pieces of a sentence differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a drama differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a dance differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a matter differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a plant differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of an animal differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a tissue differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a cell differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a cell organelle differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a molecule differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of an atom differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a line differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a plane differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a solid differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a set differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a matrix differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a vector differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of an algebraic equation differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a number differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a series differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a computer program differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of an operation differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a process differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a procedure differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a law or a rule differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a statistical function differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a probability function differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a concept differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a conditional logic differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a derivative logic differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The elements of a color differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of an economy differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a history differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a family differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a polymer differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a protein differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a polynucleotide (DNA/RNA) differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a solution differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a water molecule differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a machine differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.


The pieces of a war differ with each other. Every inequality among the pieces quantifies, qualifies, distinguishes, classifies and counts them as same, different, equal, unequal, different, similar, dissimilar, distinct or unique.



  IV.  The Interactions among its Components,

§        The feature of ‘acting upon each other’: -interaction, intercourse, interplay, interrelation, correlation, correspondence, concern, regard, with respect to, be involved with, use (play upon), be affiliated with, be connected with, pertain to, appertain to, interactive arrangement (structure, sequence), relative actions (functions), relative importance, relevant, relative proportion (of a piece to another piece or whole), ratio, reason (relating), relative distribution, with respect to, respectively, respecting, intersecting, overlapping.


§        Do the pieces of the splitable complex act upon each other or not?

Every piece of the splitable complex intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions.


The actions of a piece exerted on itself cannot be realized by others. The pieces are ‘related’, if they influence each other’s activities. The pieces are ‘unrelated’ or ‘independent’, if they do not influence each other’s activities. The extent to which their activities are influenced is the ‘strength’ of their relation. The strength of the relation may be ‘strong’ or ‘weak’.


Their relations are ‘normal’, if they act equally likely and ‘skewed’ or ‘distorted’, if one piece dominates the others. The ‘proportion’ of a piece is its relation to the rest.


The interactive arrangement of the pieces is the ‘structure’ of the splitable complex. A piece is said to be ‘in intersection’, ‘central’, ‘shared’ or ‘in common’, if it influences or be influenced by more than one other pieces of the complex. In other words, the common piece in intersection is shared by many pieces or relates many pieces or interfaces many pieces.



Every word of a sentence intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions.


Every piece of the drama intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions.


Every piece of the dance intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions.


Every piece of the matter intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the substances to the space occupied by them is their structure. The proportion of the amount of mass of the substances to the space occupied by them is the density of the matter. The proportion of the number of substances to the amount of space occupied by them is the concentration of the matter.


Every piece of the plant intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts to the space occupied by them is the structure of the plant.


Every piece of the animal intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts to the space occupied by them is the structure of the animal.


Every piece of the organ intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts to the space occupied by them is the structure of the organ.


Every piece of the tissue intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts to the space occupied by them is the structure of the tissue.


Every piece of the cell intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts to the space occupied by them is the structure of the cell.


Every piece of the organelle intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts to the space occupied by them is the structure of the organelle.


Every piece of the molecule intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts to the space occupied by them is the structure of the molecule.


Every piece of an atom intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts to the space occupied by them is the structure of the atom.


Every piece of line intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation among the parts is the shape of the line.


Every piece of the plane intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation among the parts is the shape of the plane.


Every piece of solid intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation among the parts is the shape of the solid.


Every piece of a set intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation among the parts is the structure of the set.


Every piece of a matrix intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The serial relation among the parts is the structure of the matrix.


Every piece of vector intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation among the parts is the structure of the vector.


Every piece of an algebraic equation intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. Consider the equations (1). Ax = Bn and (2). Nx = Mr. In these equations the term x is at the intersection of both equations and the equations are related to each other through x only.      The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The serial relation among the parts is the structure of the algebraic equation.


Every piece of a number intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of a part to the rest is its role or function.


Every piece of a series intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation among the parts is the structure of the series.


Every piece of computer program intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation among the parts is the structure of the program.


Every piece of a operation intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation among the parts is the operational design.


Every piece of a process intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation among the parts is the design of the process.


Every piece of a procedure intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation among the parts is the procedural design.



Every piece of a law or rule intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation among the parts is the structure of the rule.


Every piece of a statistical function intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions.


Every piece of a probability function intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions.


Every piece of a concept intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation among the parts is the structure of the concept.


Every piece of a conditional intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. Every statement of relation (the rule) is related to the pieces of evidences concerning the rule. The relation among the pieces is the structure of conditional logic.


Every piece of a derivative logic intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. Every premise is related to the rest of the premises through the common terms. Consider the premises. (a). God is Love and (b). Love is blind. The term ‘love’ is common to both premises and it relates them, as ‘God is blind’.  The relation of a part to the rest is its role or function. The relation among the parts is the design of derivative logic.


Every element of the color intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions.


Every piece of an economy intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts is the structure of the economy.


Every piece of a history intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts is the historical sequence.


Every piece of a family intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts is the structure of the family.


Every piece of a polymer intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts to the space occupied by them is the structure of the polymer.


Every piece of a polypeptide intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts to the space occupied by them is the structure of the peptide.


Every piece of a polynucleotide (DNA/RNA) intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts to the space occupied by them is the structure of the polynucleotide.


Every piece of a water molecule intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts to the space occupied by them is the structure of the water molecule.


Every piece of a solution intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts to the space occupied by them is the structure of the solution.


Every piece of a machine intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts to the space occupied by them is the structure of the machine.


Every piece of a war intersects with the others by exerting its actions on them. The intersection shared by them relates them. The actions exerted by a piece on others are its functions. The relation of the parts is the structure of the war.


     V.  The Changes In And Among its Components,

§        The feature of ‘changing together’: - become different, move from one state to another state, add, subtract, redistribute, rearrange, emit, absorb, give, take, remove, exchange, interchange, transpose, transport, substitute, commute, invert, move, stir, change position, shift, advance, progress, go, move out, move away, relocate, decamp, emigrate, migrate, depart, turn, revolve, spin, rotate, gyrate, whirl, operate, run, execute, evacuate, excrete, expel, discharge, transfer, transmit, send, dispatch, convey, take away, give and take, carry away, agitate, shake, jiggle, arouse, transude, ooze, seep, exude, effuse, motion, cycle, movement, current, flow, flux, signal, play, freight, shuffle, alter, modify, switch, replace, react, revert, recede,  modulate, inflect, mutate, convert, response, transform, metamorphose, transfigure, transmute, transubstantiate, transmogrify, translate, twist, fluctuate, reverse, turn, decline, flip-flop.


§        Do the pieces of the splitable complex that act upon each other, in turn change themselves or not?

Every piece of a splitable complex becomes different on interaction with others. The difference is the loss or the gain to the piece by the interaction with the others. What is lost to gain it is its cost.


Every piece continues in the state of rest or motion unless others disturb it. The capacity that enables a piece to change is its energy or potential. A move (force) against a move (force) does work.


Every change is either ‘reversible’ or ‘irreversible’. The irreversible change changes the capacity of a piece to enable further changes. The piece ‘disorders’ and ‘stabilizes’ (it’s ability to enable further changes is reduced). The irreversible change makes a capacity unavailable to the piece to enable further changes. The reversible change does not change the capacity of a piece to enable further changes.


A change is either ‘periodic (cyclic)’ or ‘non-periodic (non-cyclic)’. A change is periodic when successive changes regenerate the states of the piece. The number of changes between successive regeneration of a recurring state is its ‘period’ of regeneration and the inverse is its ‘frequency’ of regeneration. A change is non-periodic when successive changes do not regenerate the states of the piece.


The ‘route’ of the change is the series of changes through which the piece progresses from one state to another state. The ‘rate’ or ‘speed’ with which a piece changes is the number of times the change happens in relation to others.


A change is either ‘steady’ or ‘non-steady’. The piece changes steadily when the rate of changes in the piece does not change.  The piece changes non-steadily when the rate of changes in the piece changes.


The pieces are in ‘equilibrium’, if their activities do not bring out net overall change in the splitable complex.  The extent to which the pieces can act without a resultant net change in the splitable complex is their ‘degrees of freedom’.



Every word of a sentence becomes different on interaction with the other words. The difference is the loss or the gain to the word by its interaction with others. The words of a sentence give and take meaning from others and its meaning changes.


Every event or character of a drama becomes different on interaction with the other characters and events. The difference is the loss or the gain to the character by its interaction with others.


Every movement of a dance becomes different on interaction with the other movements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the movements by its interaction with others.


Every elemental substance of a matter becomes different on interaction with the other constituent elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every part of a plant becomes different on interaction with the other parts. The difference is the loss or the gain to the part by its interaction with others.


Every part of an animal becomes different on interaction with the other parts. The difference is the loss or the gain to the part by its interaction with others.


Every part of a cell becomes different on interaction with the other parts. The difference is the loss or the gain to the part by its interaction with others.


Every part of a molecule becomes different on interaction with the other parts. The difference is the loss or the gain to the part by its interaction with others.


Every part of an atom becomes different on interaction with the other parts. The difference is the loss or the gain to the part by its interaction with others.


Every part of a line becomes different on interaction with the other parts. The difference is the loss or the gain to the part by its interaction with others.


Every part of a plane becomes different on interaction with the other parts. The difference is the loss or the gain to the part by its interaction with others.


Every part of a solid becomes different on interaction with the other parts. The difference is the loss or the gain to the part by its interaction with others.


Every element of a set becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of a matrix becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of vector becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of algebraic equation becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of a number becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of a progression becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of computer program becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of an operation becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of a process becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of procedure becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of a law or rule becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of a statistical function becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of a probability function becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of a concept becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of a conditional logic becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of derivative logic becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of a color becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of an economy becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of a history becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of a family becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of a polymer becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of a polypeptide becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of polynucleotide (DNA/RNA) becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of water becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of a solution becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of a machine becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.


Every element of a war becomes different on interaction with the other elements. The difference is the loss or the gain to the element by its interaction with others.



  VI.  The Intentions of its Components and

§        The feature of ‘deciding the will together’: - purpose, goal, aim, intent, objective, target, destination, wish, aspiration, ambition, design, plan, decision, determination, resolution, volition, choice, option, discretion, preference, disposition, tendency, commitment, motives, modus operandi, rule of action, rule of change, guidelines, the way things go, code of conduct, formulation, in-formation, principles of operation.


§        Do the pieces of the splitable complex have any intention to differ, act upon each other and change together?

Every piece of a splitable complex has an intention.  The intentions of the complex and its pieces decide and reflect the shall be selections of relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes.


Pieces with identical intentions or purposes will select identical route, rate, direction and extent to change. This is the very first assumption of all laws, theorizations and generalizations. The general format of all known rules are ‘if these are the conditions, then these pieces will select these courses of action’ or ‘under these conditions, these pieces will select these courses of action’.



Every element of a sentence has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a sentence and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes (articulation) – the grammatical principles.


Every element of a drama has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a drama and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes (articulation) – the principles of drama.


Every element of a dance has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a dance and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes (articulation) – the principles of choreography.


Every element of a matter has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a matter and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of material behavior.


Every element of a plant has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a plant and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of plant behavior.


Every element of an animal has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of an animal and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes– the principles of animal behavior.


Every element of a cell has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a cell and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of cell behavior.


Every element of a molecule has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a molecule and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of molecular behavior.


Every element of an atom has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of an atom and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of atomic behavior.


Every element of a line has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a line and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the equations of a line.


Every element of a plane has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a plane and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the equations of a plane.


Every element of a solid has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a solid and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the equations of a solid.


Every element of a set has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a set and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of set operations.


Every element of a matrix has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a matrix and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of matrix operations.


Every element of a vector has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a vector and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of set operations.


Every element of a algebraic equation has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a algebraic equation and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of algebraic operations.


Every element of a number has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a number and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of arithmetic operations.


Every element of a progression has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a progression and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of progressions.


Every element of a computer program has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a program and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles computer programming.


Every element of an operation has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of an operation and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of operational designs.


Every element of a process has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a process and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of process design.


Every element of a procedure has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a procedure and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of procedural designs.


Every element of a law or rule has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a law or rule and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the general format of laws.


Every element of a statistical function has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a statistical function and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of statistical operations.


Every element of a probability function has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a probability function and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of probability operations.


Every element of a concept has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a concept and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of concept manipulations.


Every element of a conditional logic has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a conditional logic and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the truth table.


Every element of a derivative logic has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a derivative logic and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of derivations.


Every element of a color has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a color and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of chromodynamics.


Every element of an economy has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of an economy and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of economic operations.


Every element of a history has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a history and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of historical operations.


Every element of a family has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a family and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of a family.


Every element of a polymer has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a polymer and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of polymer behavior.


Every element of a protein has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a protein and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of protein behavior.


Every element of a polynucleotide (DNA/RNA) has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a polynucleotide and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of polynucleotide behavior.


Every element of a water has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a water and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of behavior of water.


Every element of a solution has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a solution and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of solution behavior.


Every element of a machine has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a machine and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of machine design and operations.


Every element of a war has an intention (operative principle). The operative principles of a war and its elements decide and reflect the would be relations and the rate, route, extent and direction of changes – the principles of war operations.


VII.  The Blunders Of Its Components.

§        The feature of ‘transgressing together’: - mistake, error, flaw, inaccuracy, impropriety, failure (to achieve what is aimed at), miss, miscarry, lose one’s way, improper, incorrect, wrong, untoward, out-of-bound, out-of-line, out-of-order, unlawful, abnormal, irregular, unusual, mishap, misstep, misbehave, disobey, forget oneself, disorderly conduct, perfect (no blunder), precise,  non-success, non-fulfillment, accident, derange, miss the mark, wrong, wrong doing, malefaction, misdeed, transgression, malpractice, violation, misgivings, uncertainty, misrule, chaos, evolve, invent, create.


§        Do the pieces of the splitable complex transgress against their rule of action or not?

Every new varieties of a splitable complex evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations. No new variety shall evolve by faithfully obeying the same rules of relations and operations.




New varieties of sentences evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of dramas evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of dances evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of matter evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of plants evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of animals evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of tissues evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of cells evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of cell organelles evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of molecules evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of atoms evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of lines evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of planes evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of solids evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of sets evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of matrixes evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of vectors evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of algebraic equations evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of numbers evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of progressions evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of computer programs evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of operations evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of processes evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of procedures evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of laws or rules evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of statistical functions evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of probability functions evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of concepts evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of logic evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of colors evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of economies evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of histories evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of families evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of polymers evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of proteins evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of polynucleotides evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of solutions evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of water evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of machine evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.


New varieties of wars evolve by the transgressions of the pieces against their intended relations and operations.




Everybody about each and everything invariably reveals, reminds or details only these. Analyze this conclusion. Firstly, find and list what you reveal about each and everything of your familiarity. Secondly, find what others in each branch reveal by their extensive research, innovative techniques of study, sensible observations, philosophical arguments, popular teaching, expensive learning, volumes of writing and other intellectual activities about,




Conditional logic


Cause-effect chain












Derivative logic




























History of china

History of Akbar

History of Russia

The holy bible



















History of India

History of Sri Lanka

The holy Gita
















Stellar physics











































biogeochemical cycles

Carbon cycle

Nitrogen cycle

Sulfur cycle

Phosphorous cycle

Food chain

Food web
















Nucleic acids

Fatty acids










































Nerve impulses



Cell wall


Population genetics


Population dynamics




Bile acids


Enzymatic reactions

Enzyme inhibitions















Cell organelles

Animal cell

Plant cell

Eukaryotic cell

Prokaryotic cell







Endoplasmic reticulam







Animal kingdom

Plant kingdom






Cell physiology

Cell division

Plasma membrane



Chemical reactions

Reaction kinetics

Reaction dynamics




Electric dipoles

Magnetic dipoles

Electric current

Electric field

Magnetic field


Oscillating charges

Oscillating field

Electromagnetic oscillations


Light propagation


Sound waves






Ionic bond

Hydrogen bond

Nuclear forces




















Mole fraction







Covalent bond


Avagadro’s law

Boyle’s law

Charles law

Ideal gas equation

Van Der Waal’s equations

Law of conservation of energy

Law of conservation of momentum

Newton’s first law of motion

Newton’s second law of motion

Law of mass action

Law of constant proportion

Information theory

Probability theory

Plank’s law

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

Beer-Lambert’s law

Hardy Wienberg’s law

Theory of relativity


Debye-Huckel’s theory

Gibb’s Phase rule

Free energy

First law of thermodynamics

Second law of thermodynamics

Third law of thermodynamics

Newton’s law of gravitation

Coloumb’s law

Ampere’s law

Faraday’s laws

The periodic law

Pauli’s exclusion principle

Hund’s rule

Compton effect

Photoelectric effect

Seebeck effect

Joule-Thomson effect

Energy-mass conversion



Sensory machines

Motor machines





























Weighing balance





















Water heater




Vacuum pump






















Polyvinyl chloride








































Carbon dioxide

Carbon monoxide

Hydrogen peroxide




Free radicals














Noble gases


Alkali metals

Alkaline earth metals









Algebraic equations









Solids - volumes





Linear regression






Complex numbers

Rational numbers

Whole numbers

Correlation coefficient


Normal distribution curves



Sample space




















Conic section





Standard deviation

Frequency distribution curves




There may be too many different things and topics in everybody’s universe. Yet, the human revelations about anything are same as everything’.




Some people are more familiar to certain things to which others are less familiar. This neither means that those who are less familiar cannot familiarize those things nor means that those who are more familiar are intellectually superior than those who are less familiar to those things.


For example, the natives of artic and south India are relatively more familiar to their respective regions and their problems. This neither means that a south Indian cannot familiarize with artic nor means a south Indian is intellectually inferior to an artic. Certainly, a south Indian can familiarize with artic by living there. It should be noted that, ‘The Human Revelations about Anything are same as Everything’, and Everybody about Each and Everything Invariably Reveals or Tries to Reveal None Other Than,

I.                    The List of The Components of the Thing,

§        The feature of ‘splitability’ of the thing

§        Is it (the thing) splitable?

II.                 The Binding Forces of its Components,

§        The feature of ‘binding each other’

§        What binds the pieces to complex?

 III.               The Inequalities Among its Components,

§        The feature of ‘differing with each other’

§        Do the pieces of the splitable complex differ with each other or not?

IV.              The Interactions among its Components,

§        The feature of ‘acting upon each other’

§        Do the pieces of the splitable complex act upon each other or not?

V.                 The Changes In And Among its Components,

§        The feature of ‘changing together’

§        Do the pieces of the splitable complex that act upon each other, in turn change themselves or not?

VI.              The Intentions of its Components and

§        The feature of ‘deciding the will together’

§        Do the pieces of the splitable complex have any intention to differ, act upon each other and change together?

VII.            The Blunders Of Its Components.

§        The feature of ‘transgressing together’

§        Do the pieces of the splitable complex transgress against their rule of action or not?




These are what you and I reveal about each and everything. These are what everybody tries to figure in each and everything. These are what everybody tries to remind us through their speech, writings, gestures and other modes of communication.  Is there any great extraordinary intellect to view and reveal more than these? Of course, there is none.


Just because a person has never been formally educated in school, not able to comprehend your language or unpopular in the society does not mean he or she is not an intellect. About each and everything, they also reveal,

I.                    The List of The Components of the Thing,

§        The feature of ‘splitability’ of the thing

II.                 The Binding Forces of its Components,

§        The feature of ‘binding each other’

III.               The Inequalities Among its Components,

§        The feature of ‘differing with each other’

IV.              The Interactions among its Components,

§        The feature of ‘acting upon each other’

V.                 The Changes In And Among its Components,

§        The feature of ‘changing together’

VI.              The Intentions of its Components and

§        The feature of ‘deciding the will together’

VII.            The Blunders Of Its Components.

§        The feature of ‘transgressing together’


All Men And Women Under Heaven

View Everything With Same Common Intelligence.


copyright  2002, SIVASHANMUGAM

edited by:


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 Manapally - 637017 - India

End of statements



