-Kyu Sei Ki
Video Games
Water Dog

Of the all the Chinese animals the dog is the friendliest and kindest. Dogs are here to server us all and they love being of use. They understand loyalty and faithfulness in ways others could only dream of. It is no accident that the dog was chosen to represent this group of people for the dog is a firm, dutiful, noble beast indeed - and so are these people. Dog people are unselfish and moral. They love to be with other people and are extremely honest, trustworthy and tolerant. They are easy to take advantage of, and they can overdo their good aspects.

Dog on Personal
Characteristics Dogs are eager to please, perhaps too eager, too ready to help, too anxious to serve. They can also be a bit unadventurous and can suffer from a kind o f victim mentality where everything that goes wrong is endured with fatalism and stoicism. If left to their own devices they can run wild – they need to be supervised and led.

Suitable Careers
Critic, Lawyer, Doctor, Priest, Professor, Charity Worker.

Love, Sex and Relationships
Although dogs are into romance and love in a big way they enjoy friendly relationships much more. They seek companionship rather than sex and would be quite happy to keep all their affairs platonic. Their need to please, however, makes them good lovers as they go out of their way to be approved of and praised. They are quite faithful but do need a lot of reassurance that they are still loved. They can be very jealous and suspicious loves which can lead them to destroy a relationship unintentionally

Business, Friends and Children
Of all the zodiac signs children would rather be with a dog than any other. Dogs are big kids at heart themselves. They have few really close friends but everyone loves a dog in their own way. Dogs are very outgoing social people who need constant contact and company. This is probably best see in their love of children, whom they adore. Dogs are extremely hard workers and can rise to any challenge. They work well in teams and will shoulder responsibility well. They don't particularly like to lead and need to be encouraged by their colleagues, and give specific tasks to perform.

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