UNF Gaming Club Constitution
Last Ammended: April 5, 2002
  1. Purpose
    To provide a place for gamers to get together. We will play pretty much anything there is interest in, but not including video and computer games. Our primary types of games are wargames (Warhammer, MageKnight), CCGs (Magic), RPGs (D&D, GURPS, WhiteWolf), and board games (Risk, Chess, Checkers).
  2. Membership
    1. Members: Any currently enrolled UNF student may be a member of the club. They will be considered regular members and may hold office and vote as well as game. Members should remain in good standing.
    2. Guests: People not currently enrolled at UNF may attending Gaming Sessions. Per UNF club rules, they may not hold office or vote and may be restricted from special club activities or events as deemed proper.
    3. Good Standing: Members are considered in good standing if they attend at least two consecutive meetings. Once in good standing, they remain as such unless they miss two consecutive meetings. They also need to have paid dues, if applicable. Members not in good standing may be restricted from special club events, removed from office (if they hold one), and/or limited in or barred from voting as deemed neccesary by the club.
    4. Banishment: Any person, student or otherwise, which is deemed a major disturbance may be banned from the club, including any tournaments sponorsed by the club. Grounds for banishment include but are not limited to stealing from the club or its members and proof of repeated cheating in club gaming events including tournaments. Per UNF's Non-Discriminatory Policy, a person may NOT be banned for any of the following reasons - race, sex, religion, age, national origin, personal creed, or disability. A person must be banned by an affirmative vote by 75% of present members, with a Quorum of at least 2/3 of members in Good Standing present at the vote.
  3. Officers
    1. President
      1. Term of Office: 1 Year.
      2. Selection: Yearly election.
      3. Duties: Responsible for running meetings and sending out any announcements of meetings, tournaments, etc. Also responsible for organizing or appointing an organizer for any special events, tournaments, etc. Presidents should be very open to suggestions, ideas, and requests from members.
    2. Vice President
      1. Term of Office: 1 Year
      2. Selection: Yearly election.
      3. Duties: Will take over for the President when the President is not present at a meeting or otherwise unable to preform their regular duties.
    3. Treasurer
      1. Term of Office: 1 Year.
      2. Selection: Yearly election.
      3. Duties: Keeping track of club funds, both from UNF and any dues as applicable. Additionaly, should both the president and vice president be unavailable they will assume the duties of the President.
    4. Webmaster
      1. Term of Office: Until they cease to be enrolled at UNF, resign, or are replaced by the President.
      2. Selection: Appointed by the President. He may appoint a new Webmaster at any time he feels that the current one is not serving their duties.
      3. Duties: Maintaining the club's website.
    5. Additional Posistions: The President may create additional posistions and appoint committees as needed.
    6. Elections: Elections will be held every year in September. If three or more people run for a single posistion, there will be two votes - the first to narrow the candidates down to two and the second to deciede which of the top two wins the posistion.
    7. Replacement of Officers
      1. Removal: Officers which fail to attend at least one meeting per month and/or are voted by at least 75% of the club members to be failing to preform their duties may be removed from office. A vote will be held at the next possible meeting to elect a new officer.
      2. Resignations: Officers which feel they are no longer able to preform the duties expected of them may resign their posistion. A vote will be held at the next possible meeting to elect a new officer.
  4. Dues
    Currently no dues are required for members. Tournaments or other special events may include an entry fee.
  5. Meetings
    1. Gaming Sessions
      The club shall normally hold a meeting once per week at the time most agreeable to the largest number of members, except during special periods such as holidays in which the weekly meeting may be rescheduled or cancelled entirely. This meeting will discuss old business and new business followed by a period of several hours for gaming amongst members (and any guests).
    2. Tournaments
      Tournaments shall be held as desired by the club. Rules, restrictions, entry fees, and prizes for the tournament will be decieded by the club as a whole or an appointed committee. Non-members may enter tournaments and they will be advertised around campus and possibly at appropriate game stores in Jacksonville. The club shall hold at least one tourament per semester, but not more than one per month. Dates and locations for tournaments must be decieded at least one month in advance.
    3. Other Meetings
      The club shall holding other meetings as deemed neccesary.
  6. Rules for Ammending the Constitution
    1. Quorum: A quorum of at least 2/3 of members in Good Standing must be present at a meeting for any additions or changes to the constitution to be made. Members not present at such meeting
    2. Additions: Additions to the Constitution may be proposed at any meeting and must be seconded. The addition will be discussed as needed then put to a vote, being approved if more than 50% of the club vote affirmative. Additions are defined as anything which does not conflict with any existing part of the Constitution.
    3. Changes: Changes to the Constitution may be proposed at any meeting and must be seconded. The change will be discussed as needed then put to a vote, being approved if more than 2/3 of the club vote affirmative. Changes are defined as anything which changes or removes any part of the constituion or otherwise conflicts with any existing part of the Constitution.