The Letter



Sorry if the whole "receiving a package from me" thing is a bit startling for you. I just figured this was the best way of getting my book to you. I don't mean to freak you out anymore than I already have, but I really feel that you should read this. Given, it's five and a half years of my life all thrown together into this book; but I think you will find it interesting.

Anyway, the real point of this letter is not to apologize for who I am and what I do now. More rather, it's to apologize for who I was and for the things I said to you in the past. I feel I owe you a huge apology for that. I was pretty twisted up inside when we first met. I was angry and hurting, and then there was a bunch of other issues that came down on top of all that. New issues that crushed me and made things so much worse than they already were. I treated you like crap and I feel very badly about that. I was hostile and selfish, and I'm very sorry. But whether you know it or not, you helped me through a very rough time in my life.

I felt like you were always there when I needed someone to talk to. Now whether you actually listened or even cared is a whole different story. The point is that you w ere there and you made me feel better. Yes, there were times when I felt that you were purposefully putting me down, and it hurt. I try not to think of those things that you said. Whether you meant for them to hurt me or not, I do not know. I don't want to know. But they still stung, and sometimes still do.

There's still so much more that I have to say, I just don't know how to say it. You know me, I have a loud voice and an opinion about everything. But the words I put down on paper seem to say a whole lot more in writing than when they escape my mouth. I've said most of what I've wanted to say to you for a while. I just didn't know how to say it or when. It's too intimate of a conversation to have in public I would think. But this gift is my way of saying Thank you for helping me and Thanks for being such a good friend. And my letter was to apologize for the way I treated you. You're a wonderful person, Cory. THANK YOU!


Love always,
