I've Heard it All


I love you

I'll love you forever

We're forever

You mean everything to me

I've heard it all before


I'm sorry

I didn't mean to hurt you like that

I didn't mean it that way

Will you forgive me?

I've heard it all before


I'm not like those guys

I really do care about you

Wait for me

If you leave I won't ever date again

I've heard it all before


I won't treat you like crap

I respect you

Follow your dreams

Do what you want

I've heard all those before


You're beautiful

You're pretty

You're hot

You're sexy

Heard it all before


I love you

Don't leave

Stay with me

I promise to love you forever

Heard it all before


Keep your forever

Keep your I love you

Keep your lifetime together

Keep your I'll wait forever for you

Keep your ring

I don't want it

You don't mean it

Don't say it

Because I've heard it all before

And it never meant a thing