It’s Not Your Time


I should let my heart fall out

I should feed it to the coyotes

They eat the neighbour's cats anyway

My dreams are shards of glass

I think I broke them myself

Paper cuts from ripping out pages

I've been writing a lot

Three scabs on my left wrist

Used Emilee's scissors Friday afternoon


I want to place a plastic bag over my head

While I watch my fake flowers wilt

My room's a mess because I don't live here anymore

I don't love this home anymore

My family talks about me behind my back


I want to go home

But where are my knives?

I knock on the door and no one answers

A big voice just says,

"Turn around, it's not your time."

I knock again,

"Go away, it's not your time."

I cry because I know it's not my time

But I want to come in anyway

Even though I don't belong

I knock a final time,

"I love you, but it's not your time."

I walk away in disgrace

I walked away again