FasTrax Raceway

FasTrax Maps & Directions

FasTrax is located at 2305 Hungary Rd, Richmond, VA 23228 - (804) 515-0355


Richmond area map

Richmond Area (60k)


We're just minutes from I-295. To get to Interstate 295: From the North or Northeast, take Interstate 95 south to I-295. From the Northwest, take Interstate 64 to I-295. From the East or Hampton Roads area, take Interstate 64 to I-295. From the South or Southeast, take Interstate 85 or 95 to 95 through Richmond, and North to I-295. See the Richmond area map at left.

From Interstate 295 exit 45, take the Woodman Road South exit to Hungary Rd. Turn right on Hungary Road. FasTrax will be on the immediate left, and the parking lot is next to the building. See the FasTrax area map at right.

FasTrax area map

FasTrax (48k)


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