University of Michigan Wolverines

If you came here to find out about the Wolverines present or past schedule, UofM history, miscellaneous Wolverine info, or anything else about the Wolverines you've come to the right place. If I don't have what your looking for, email me, and I'll get it for you.

I've got pictures of the Wolverines in action, backgrounds for windows and/or web pages, bullets, and a few animated gifs. I've also got the history of the Wolverine mascot and UofM's Mission & Vision statements.

Also, I have some other stuff, like UofM's Big Ten titles, national championships, and info on their bowl appearances.

Web Cam of UofM Stadium!!!

Here are all my disclaimers for this site, and here are my links.


home schedules
history mascot
info pics
anigif's bullets
backgrounds statements
big ten titles national titles
bowl appearances fight song
disclaimers links