U of M Stockmans Club
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Mailing address, telephone number and fax number are  same as FASO: Info on home page
    The University of Manitoba Stockman's Club is a non-profit, student run organization that focusses on judging activities. The judging encompasses livestock such as dairy, horses, sheep and beef, grain crops such as wheat, canola and forages, to just about anything: meat rabbits, saddles, steaks ect.

     The highlight of our year is when we host our own intercollegiate judging competition on the Friday of Hoedown week in early Janurary. It is here that our first year members get a chance to try their hand at judging. From there we go to various intercollegiate judging competitions during the year. We attend the U of S competition, U of A, LakeLand College in Vermillion, Alberta and Olds College in Olds Alberta. We also go on several tours of commercial operations to learn from producers about what to look for while judging. Members receive a manual with pointers and judging tips. Stockman's Club is a lot of fun and a great way to meet people interested in the same things you are!


President:                        Ryan Boyd                              rboydy@yahoo.ca

Vice president:                 Neil Overby                            neil_overby@hotmail.com

Secretary:                       Taylor Sobchuk                       tsobchuk@mts.net

Treasurer:                       Robert Kazuk                          robkazuk@mail2beyond.com

Competition Director:      Danna Hunt                            dannahunt@hotmail.com
                                         Katrina Cure                           kat_cure@hotmail.com

Clothing:                         Alisha George                         alishageorge@hotmail.com

Poster person:                 Marcie Smerchanski                farm_gal_03@hotmail.com

Fundraising:                    Kelli Pinner                              kelli_pinner@hotmail.com
                                         Danielle Berard                         danielle_berard@hotmail.com
                                         Devon Toop                            umtoopdr@cc.umanitoba.ca
                                         Josh Sawchuk
                                         Shawn Birmingham