"The Last Supper"

The "Last Supper" drama is set in Jerusalem. In an upper room of an unidentified man's house. Jesus knowing that His hour had come to return to the Father, (Matt 26:18) had gathered his disciples together for a final, symbolic meal. Jesus came to give His life as a sacrifice for all people. (Jn 12:23-28) (Jn 18:37) We are binded to Jesus by these eternal passages: "Take and eat; this is my body" (Matt 26:26) and "Drink from it, (the cup), all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." (Matt 26:27)

"The Last Supper" drama is based on a famous painting by Leonardo Da Vince. His fresco, titled "The Last Supper", ingeniously depicts the upper room Passover meal, exactly at the moment that Jesus told the 12 that one would betray Him.(Matt 26:21) The incredulous stares and animated body gestures attest to the disciples surprise. In the drama, each of the disciples keep their poses until one by one, they come to life. Then the disciples tell how they came to know the Master and how Jesus has changed their lives.

Communion will be served at the conclusion of the program. The United Methodist Church allows all that will, to come to the Lords table.

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