Seb's Sight
Hang out a while. Take a look around. Relish in frequent updates.

Seb's MySpace Page
Visit me and my friends.

Sparker ... The Blog
Sparker ... The Blog: Part Deux
All the news that's fit to forget about.

Stories, poems, reviews, comics, and more.

Sparker News
Newswire stories from around the world

To some of my favorite dives in the Web.

Pretty self-explanatory, I should think.

Ye Olde Homepage
Once, there was but one, and this is it.
Please, contain your laughter as long as you can.

Update: Check out my latest film review of Hostage by clicking here.

[And my Constantine review remains here.]

New Feature--Today in History:

[ Yahoo! ] options

And after the guffaws have ceased, then you may finish your tour by ...

Let me know how it went for you.
I am only to please.

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(c) All contents of Seb's Sight are the exclusive rights of the creator and owner, Seb Parker, unless otherwise noted or if someone threatens me very, very convincingly. (1997-2007)