As you can probably tell, I love to RP. I enjoy all kinds of role play, adventure, fights, war, I've done a lot in my rp experiance. If you'd like to learn how to role play, I'd be more than glad to teach you. RP can be a great way of escaping the real world temporallily and keeps your imagination fresh. I myself am pretty good at keeping a RP going(not bragging)and IF I CAN...I RP all the time. Feel free to have a look at the status profile of my RP character below. Most important in rp...HAVE FUN!

Name: Deedlit
Home: Rivendell
Age: 122
Eyes: sky blue
Weapons: skilled in bow & arrow,swords, knives and elven daggers of only the finest quality.
Attitude: Deedlet's attitude can vary from time to time, but mostly a calm peaceful demeaner, with a cockyness about her at times. If she gets angered mostly in defence, she uses her weaponry and cool demeaner to help. Gets into a bit of a fix at times with that.

Deedlit has an array of scars among her body, from past battles and run in's. Though Princess of the elven race, she has much to learn from her fellow friends, foes and the world around her as she grows in her years. Her cape is of a fine material which she made herself using natural dyes from the earth. Her duties include all that involve protecting the forest and friends that reside in it.


Leaf is a humble and timid Elf. She is a friend of Deedlit. When she was a child, she was captured and sold to slave traders to work in the mines. Leaf was worked to the bone in the mines. She was made to pull mine carts full of dirt. The dirt contained diamonds that the others mined out of the mines. Ocassionally she would mine the dirt with the others, and when she got exhausted, she was whiped, beaten and yelled at. Thus today why she is a very nervose person and shy about most things.


Legolas is the blood brother of Deedlit. His home was in Rivendell untill when he was a young teenager, he left home looking for adventures and quests leaving his family behind to wonder what happened to him. He is strong and very wise, yet his flaw is he sleeps too much. He is around 175 years old in Elven years. His one weak spot is protecting his little sister Deedlit, if anyone brings ANY harm to her, he is there to asist.

To see MORE information on Elves Click here

~Estanortynestaren minya finonruneldsirtae welintaehir layothvinest annaedil pernestaastracuresta, arthaneldel linethaathavoreth hinathrenminimnorgol nelothnaeeth~

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