Aren't all personal web site a sign of Ultimate Vanity? As if anyone really cares about the pictures of your family, soccer match or dog. Your photos matter, but not in the scope of free web sites. Unsurprisingly, there are millions of sites that exist for the sole purpose of inflating their owners ego, but few explore the brutal honestly of a vanity site.

If you have a vanity site, such as this one, it'd better be something worthwhile, a true glimpse inside your mind, what makes you tick, what drives you in life. Skip the pictures of you at the park, the paltry greetings to friends, and spill your very soul.

That's the intent of this site, to spill my soul. Who am I, and really, why should you care? In the great scheme of things, I'm probably no one special, so take what this site is at face value. Someplace with honest opinons and an outlook on life that will hopefully be a refreshing change from not only the personal vanity pages that flood the internet, but maybe even a few of the web-zines floating around.

Not a stream-of-conciousness 'I had a ham sandwich for lunch and then a soda, aren't MP3's cool..' style. Not the lost poet 'lost in empty mists, filled with dread' style either. Blunt, changing, always informative, stuff that isn't found everywhere. No pictures of pets or webcams here. Read it, like it, hate it, never look at it again, it's here.

This site is me, at my best, worse and indifference. Hence the name, it's my Ultimate Vanity.