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Info About Ultimate 3-Rivières

Practices have begun!

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Rugby field at UQTR! Come one come all and bring a light and a dark shirt!!

Ultimate 3-Rivières began as a group of three people in August 1999 behind St. Patrick's School in Trois-Rivières, Quebec. Over time, the numbers have grown to about 20 people who are interested in throwing round pieces of plastic at each other. We have travelled to tournaments in Quebec City, Ottawa and Parlee Beach, NB and we are about to begin our second season of visiting friends and playing Ultimate.

We are always ready to welcome new players into our midst. If you are unsure as to what Ultimate is or how it is played, visit the Ultimate Handbook as it is a fantastic resource.

If you still find yourself interested, please contact us at ultimate3riv@hotmail.com and we'll help you out in your quest to play this fine game.

For further information, please use the links above to move around the site. Enjoy your stay and we hope to see you on the field!