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ULD Management System
ULD Management System: Reference SITA ULD Manual
System Overview
The ULD Management System is located at the SITA London Data Processing Centre in Isleworth, near London Heathrow Airport. The centre has been allocated the pseudo code QIF by IATA and is commonly refered to by that code. It is 'Multi-Hosting' system which means that there is only one computer system accessed by all subscribers. However, whilst the hardware and processing software are shared, each subscriber has their own unique and secure database. No subscriber can access the database of an other subscriber.
The objective of the system is to accurately record the movements of all ULD's to facilitate the most efficient utilization of these expensive pieces of equipment.
How System is updated
The system is updated by either CRT input or by receiving formated telex messages (TTY messages) over the SITA Type B network.
Mechanised & Non-Mechanised
The termonology for Mechanised & Non-Mechanised is used for the Stations. Stations using CRT access are known as Mechanised Stations and those using telex are known as Non-Mechanised. In addition, each airline subscriber must setup a Head Office Unit as the airline Control Centre (ACC) that must have CRT access to control, monitor and correct the system.
SITA Cargo System
Subscribers who also use the SITA Cargo System have the option of accessing the ULD System from their Cargo CRT's and also operating combined Cargo HDQ and ULD ACC.
Automatically Update
The inputs / telex detailing ULD movements automatically update:
* The individual ULD records
* The specific flight / date records
* The relevant station inventory
Record Display
All of these records can be displayed by the ACC or Mechanised Stations to see the latest status. The individual ULD record list all movements for the last month or the last 70 movements, whichever is the greater,
Which Movements are recorded
The following movements are recorded:
* Onload (confirmed loaded on an
   out bound flight)
* Offload (confirmed received on an
   inbound flight)
* Transfer to or from a container
   repair station.
Individual ULD record updation
In addition to movements, individual ULD records can be updated to show:
* When a ULD is declared
   Unserviceable, or is Serviceable
* When a ULD has been declared
   Lost or Found
* Plain Text remarks about ULD
* The ULD's location at a station
ULD details in correct sequence
The system expects to receive movement details in the correct sequence otherwise it will report the inconsistencies to the ACC. For instance, if the last movement was an offload at JFK and the system then receives an offload at SYD it will report that ULD to the ACC to investigate if either onload data from JFK is missing or SYD quoted the wrong ULD identity.
Demurrage Charges
Most airlines charge demurrage if they transfer one of their ULD's to another airline and do not receive it back within a defined time.
IATA Multilateral Agreement
The IATA Multilateral Agreement has been setup to control this with IATA acting as a cleaning house for the charges.
MUC Telex Message
When a member of the Agreement transfers a ULD to another member they advise IATA with MUC telex message. It is then up to the member receiving the ULD to advise IATA by MUC message when they transfer back. If they don't transfer the ULD back in time or omit to tell IATA, they will be charged.
To avoid incuring unnecessary demmurage the system automatically warns the ACC when another carrier's ULD has been received so that they can monitor its transfer back to that carrier in a timely fashion. Members of the IATA Multilateral Agreement can also have their MUC messages automatically prepared by the system bases on the transfer movement data. This message must be viewed (and manually amended if necessary) by the ACC before transmitting to IATA in Montreal.
The Airline Control Center (ACC) must ensure that the following system files are kept up to date:
ULD Relations Table
ULD types with similar characteristics can be linked into a 'group' to assist planning. For instance, you may wish to treat AVE's and AVK's as a single group when checking a station's inventory.
ULD Characteristics Record
This contains the characteristics of each ULD type, e.g. tare and maximum gross weight, volume, base dimensions, compatible aircraft types, etc.
Inventory of Host Carrier ULD's
The key part of the system is the inventory of all ULD's owned or leased by the subscribing airline that quote the airlin's carrier code in their identity, e.g. AVE12345SX where XS is the airline. These are known as Host ULD's. The system can be set up to treat two different codes as host airline if required. Before system cutover, all current host ULD identities must be keyed into the system. The identities of all subsequent new purchases must be added and all disposals must be deleted from the inventory. When processing movement updates the system will only accept data for a host ULD if it is already in the inventory.
Other carrier's ULD's will be automatically added to the inventory when their first movement is recorded. They are then automatically removed from the inventory approximately one month after their transfer back to the owner or another carrier is recorded.
ULD Stock File
This file contains a theoretical number of ULD's (by type or base size) that each station should hold to meet their operatational requirements. When the system detects that station's stock of ULDs has fallen below this number a warning message is sent to the Airline Control center (ACC).
Automatic Warning Messages
The complete airline flight schedule can be entered into the system which will then validate movement data. The system will also send automatic warning messages to stations when movement telex messages are overdue for schedule flight arrivals and / or departures.
Flight Schedule - SITA Cargo Sys
This flight schedule is identical to the one in the SITA Cargo System, so subscribes to both services only need create on schedule. It is not mandatory for a flight schedule to be entered into the system.
UCM's Discrepancies
In addition to automated warnings, the system can receive formated telexes from stations quoting the ULD's found during a physical check of units held at the station.
Any discripancies between the physical check and the system database will be reported to Airline Conrol Center (ACC).
Success of the System
Obviously the success of the system relies upon the ACC keeping the database up to date and all stations accurately reporting their ULD movement IN and OUT. Provided this is achieved the many displays, lists and reports available in the system will enable the airline to avoid expensive misuse, loss or underutilization of their ULD stock.
Application Test Table
The Application Test Table (APTST) is probably the most important utility of all. it is also significantly different to all the other utilities because it can only be updated by SITA at QIF. However it is most important that all airlines are aware of its existance and understand its importance. one of the major features of the ULD Management System is that all airlines share the same programs, whilist retaining their own secure database in their own partition. However there are a number of programs that can be switched ON and OFF within each partition. These programs are identified in the Application Test table. Some are strictly controlled by QIF, but most are switched ON or OFF by Help Desk at the request of the airline ACC (Airline Control Centre).
Each Application Table is identified by a three character code, and the following details describes what happens when each one is set ON for partition.
AWO: Causes a warning responce (ULD ASSIGN-OFFLOAD INCOM) to be given if any one makes a UA or UO input that will cause an incompability.
LUP: Produces a time initiated print of non-host ULDs held beyond a certain time.
SHC: Allows a secondary host carrier to avoid movement incompabilities.
SHL: Allows airline that have nominated a second host carrier code to have ULD using that second code to appear in the inventory lists, e.g. UDI, UDA, UDG, UDS.
UCM: When sending a manual UCM, the three letter station code included in the TTY sending address can be different from the three letter station code of the sending station,e.g. sending address PARULXS, sending station CDG.
UDF: Restrits the viewing of all IN and OUT movements UDF input to HDQ/UL only, e.g. UDFPK300/13APRALL.
ULD: Allows access to the ULD Management System.
UML: Activates the UML display showing free text information for repair activities.
UNP: Extends the purge date for 'temporary' ULDs to 60-90 days after cancellation or transfer out. The Standard is 30-60.
UNS: If a UCM message quotes an unknown flight, the message is quotted to HDQ. If this APTST is not set on, the message is processed automatically.
System Utilities
UPM: A function used by SITA programming staff to ensure the correct daily purge of ULD records.
UNU: Allows ULD identities to be quoted with numeric/alpha and alpha/numeric carrier codes
Any duty code can check which Application Tests have been switched ON for their own partition by using one of three different inputs. They all use the entry code Y.7APTST followed by an asterisk and the partition airline code.
System Programming
The System is programmed with the ability to record the amount of ULD control telex messages that are transmitted from or received by each airline partition. To hold this information each airline has been allocated a database which will capture the following details:
* Originator Teletype Address
* Destination Teletype Address
* Message Type
* Number of messages
   counted per month, with
   upto 6 month of
   information stored.
To record this detail the System views each telex for required Standard Message Identifier, E.g. UCM, and when this is found the data is stored and counted. Each airline can only access its own information from the System city of HDQ.
Standard Message Identifiers
The System can be set-up to count the following ULD control Standard Message Identifiers quoted on a telex message.
UCM: ULD Control Message
MUC: Multilateral UCM
LUC: Exchange Control Msg
SCM: Stock Control Msg
URO: Repair Out Message
URI: Repair In Message
To Avoid unnecessary demurrage
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