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-  Treat all postings with respect.
-  Everyone reserves their right to their own opinion.
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    - Sites/Emails with links to pornographic sites.
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His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on the the value of the Internet.
From a BBC forum held 23-2-2000
Tim Marshall, UK: "How do you think new technology such as the internet, will affect man's future? Can it be a force for good or will it simply be an opiate for the masses?"


Dalai Lama: "I think most probably that this [internet] technology will be helpful, to get information easily. In that way it will make clear what is truth, what is reality and what is false propaganda. I think that provided each individual uses their own intelligence or mind to investigate further, this technology should be very useful."

It is necessary to practice Dharma because we are subject to impermanence.
Born from our mother's womb, we go through childhood, mature, grow old,
get sick, and eventually die. None of us can avoid birth, old age, sickness,
and death. We have no control over this. That is why we need to practice the Dharma.

Dedicated to the impeccable perpetuation of the glorious Kagyu lineage
and to the success of its leaders and followers in accomplishing their commitment
to bring all sentient beings to the state of enlightened awareness.

May all mother sentient beings, boundless as the sky, have happiness and the causes of happiness.
May they be liberated from suffering and the causes of suffering.
May they never be separated from the happiness which is free from sorrow.
May they rest in equanimity, free from attachment and aversion.

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United Karma Kagyu Federation