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Faerie quests and banners
'Athearil's Quests' has been changed to Faerie Quests!
Faerie Quests

And look! A new Banner Page! Support the guild by advertising it in your shop or lookup! And guess what else? You can enter your own, homemade banner too, for everyoneelse to use! ;)

Refer, refer, refer!
Looks like the Referral Program is back! Start getting new members to join the guild and you could receive lots of cool prizes!
More Updates!
September's 1st Featured Species is the Kau!

Dont forget to check out our new Freebies page with links to all the free things Neopets has to offer!

Contest & Mall Updates
Most contests have been updated. (below is a list)
    Better Than You
    Caption Contest
    Guess the Item
    Kerry's Contest
    Mystery Pic
    Scavenger Hunt
Go check out the Games & Contests now!

The mall has been done-over yet again. We're very sorry to everyone who took the time to enter their shops before, maybe even twice before. We dont plan on re-doing it again.

Now all the shops will specialize in one area, such as food or weapons. If you want to be in the mall, please stop by there and sign-up. You can change your specialization any time by just mailing the council. :)

Updates =3

A new contest, the Caption Contest, has just been released!

UKG now has a Wishing Well!

We have done away with "Featured Links" for the moment until we come up with a new way of display.

Website News Diary
(c) 2004 dancing_light
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