I'm two years old now!
     Ok, Mom and Dad can't believe how fast time has been going by lately.  They still say that it seems like yesterday that they brought me home from the hospital.  Personally it seems like it's been two years to me, but I guess everyone has their own opinon.  Pictures always seem to be a art of getting older, and having a birthday recently.  So Dad thought he would create a web page with my birthday pictures on it. 
These pictures are the ones that we took when Mom and Dad took me to Walmart.  They take me there every now and then to take pictures.  I like going there, it's fun because we usually stay and have lunch at McDonalds while we are there.  That and if I'm really lucky they will buy me a toy too :)
I find it funny that people always love putting me in hats.  I think it is funny because I absolutely love playing with hats.  Aunty Suzie made me a couple of hats that I love playing with.  In fact, playing dress up is one of my favorite things to do.  I'm still working on it though.  Every now and then I will get my head and arm stuck in the neck of my shirt, I'll put my shirt on backwards, or I will have both legs through the on pant leg.  But, I'm working on it.  Give me a break, I'm only two years old.  Besides, on top of hats I also like wearing other things too...