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This page's material below consists of the following interviews with Rupert:

- interview
- A small part of the AOL Exclusive
   Interview (w/ Emma Watson)

These interviews are here for you thanks to Hogwarts kids and the official Harry Potter Website Interview
Germain: Germain Lussier here again with Ron Weasley himself, Rupert Grint. How ya doing, man?
Rupert: Yeah. Cool.
Germain:, you're one of the few characters in the movie that like, you know, actually has their family in the movie. And I wanted to know, did you feel any special connection with uhh.. the people in your family. Did you bond with them at all.. or?
Rupert: Umm..umm.. yeah. I got on with all my brothers.. with Percy, and the twins. Yeah.. I got on real, yeah.
Germain: That's cool.
Rupert: Cool.
Germain: Now.. umm.. is your real family anything like the Weasley's that we know and love from the book or..?
Rupert: Umm.. I've got one sister who's a bit like Ginny. She's got great big ginger hair
Germain: Uh, let's see now. Umm.. Ron's a big Quidditch fan, right?
Rupert: Yeah.
Germain: And umm.. are there any sports that you love, that you play or anything like that?
Rupert: Umm.. I like soccer! That's really cool!
Germain: And basketball? (Rupert's wearing a basketball jersey)
Rupert: Yeah, and basketball. Yeah.
Germain: Do you play at all, with your friends or anything?
Rupert: Yeah, we do, yeah!
Germain: Are you any good? Or are you kinda..
Rupert: Umm.. not really.
Germain: Well that's good to admit, you know.
Rupert: Yeah.
Germain: Now, in the movie you have a pet rat?
Rupert: Yes.
Germain: Now, in real life, would you uhh.. ever want something like that?
Rupert: Yeah. I would.. yeah. My dad probably would blow jack because he's really scared of them.
Germain: Umm.. now.. umm.. before you decided that you wanted to play Ron.. umm.. did you ever think about being an actor or..?
Rupert: Umm.. I love the Harry Potter books. I was a really big fan, and I love acting as well. So, this was kind of like a dream role.
Germain: Which uhh.. Which one of the books is your favorite?
Rupert: Number three
Germain: Three? Why is that? That's mine too.
Rupert: Yeah. Umm.. it's just so much happens. It's just really cool.. and Ron gets a new pet!
Germain: Exactly. Umm.. Now Ron's big scene is in the chess board, right at the end..
Rupert: Yeah.
Germain: So do you play chess? Did you have to learn anything before that?
Rupert: Umm.. I wasn't... I didn't used to play chess... sometimes and I wasn't very good at it. But ever since I did that great big chess scene.. umm.. I've kind of picked up a few tips from Ron's.
Germain: Okay now. Now that you're becoming a big actor, who are some of your role models and people you look up to?
Rupert: Umm.. Jim Carrey. He's really cool! Yeah.
Germain: What's your favorite Carrey movie?
Rupert: Umm.. Ace Ventura, The Mask, The Grinch.. Yeah... it's just.. yeah. He's really funny.
Germain: Do you uhh.. do're.. uhh..any like him? You guys are both funny. Would you love to be Jim Carrey for one day?
Rupert: Yeah! It would cool!
Germain: Umm.. now, just to wrap up, now there's so much cool merchandise coming out now for this movie, right?
Rupert: Yeah
Germain: Did you.. uhh.. what's cooler? To see yourself as an action figure, or see yourself as in a video game?
Rupert: Oh yeah.. they're both really equally scary!
Germain: Really?
Rupert: Yeah.
Germain: Okay. Thanks a lot. Appreciate it.
Rupert: Cool. Cheers!
LIVEJessicaMae: Emma Watson and Rupert Grint have arrived! Hey, Emma! Hey, Rupert! Muggles, wizards and witches everywhere have tons of questions to ask you. Lynn asks:
Question: Hi! How did you feel when you got a part in the movie?
Emma Watson: Amazing, I felt absolutely fantastic!
Rupert Grint: It was so cool! It was amazing! It was the coolest moment in my life.

LIVEJessicaMae: Where were you when you found out?
Emma Watson: We were together. We thought, "Oh, my gosh, another audition!" We were both together, and then we were told that we were chosen to be Ron and Hermione.

LIVEJessicaMae: Divaschmeeva wants to know:
Question: Were there any cast members of Harry Potter that weren't British?
Emma Watson: Chris Columbus, the director, was the only American in the cast.

LIVEJessicaMae: Deuceswild822 is wondering:
Question: When will production of film two begin, and will you both continue to do sequels beyond the second film?
Rupert Grint: Well, me and Dan have started doing the flying-car thing.
Emma Watson: I am starting in December. I haven't started yet. We are taking it ne film at a time. I don't know if they are even going to be making a third film.

LIVEJessicaMae: Here's a good one from Mynamesnotkemeng:
Question: Was it difficult to fight a troll in your imagination? -- Kim
Rupert Grint: All of the visual effect scenes were difficult.
Emma Watson: Because you had to pretend when there was nothing there.

LIVEJessicaMae: Angel95129 would like to know:
Question: How long did it take to film the movie?
Rupert Grint: About 10 months.
Emma Watson: Eight or seven months. :) Ha ha!

LIVEJessicaMae: This is a Kids Only question from Mari:
Question: Did you read the books?
Rupert Grint: I have been a Harry Potter fan before there was a film.
Emma Watson: I was in the middle of the third book when I started the audition. By the time I got the part, I finished the book!

LIVEJessicaMae: BuRNiNBLoNDiE910 has a really great Question:
Question: Emma, how did you like working with someone like Daniel Radcliffe? Do you have a crush on him or Rupert?
Emma Watson: Umm, Rupert happens to be sitting right next to me. Number one, if I did, I wouldn't tell you! And, number two, I don't, actually! :)

LIVEJessicaMae: Henry pup asks:
Question: What was the best part of the filming?
Rupert Grint: It was all the visual special effects.
Emma Watson: For me, it was the people, the locations and just the fun of acting.

LIVEJessicaMae: Here's another Kids Only question from Amanda:
Question: Rupert, do you have a girlfriend?
Rupert Grint: Ummm, no!

LIVEJessicaMae: SilverDragon574 asks:
Question: Who is your favorite Harry Potter character in the books?
Emma Watson: Hagrid. I think he is really funny!
Rupert Grint: For me, it is probably Ron. He is very much like me. I have the hair, I am afraid of spiders and I like sweets!

LIVEJessicaMae: This question is for you, Rupert. Shahinanawaz asks:
Question: What was the best thing about playing Ron in the movie?
Rupert Grint: Eating sweets all the time! You get to meet a lot of people, and that is nice.

Question: If you had an invisibility cloak of your own for a day, where would you go and what would you do?
Emma Watson: I would make myself invisible so that I could sneak into films for people over 15 years of age.
Rupert Grint: I would sneak out of detentions if I were invisible!

LIVEJessicaMae: Kelly and Kyle would like to know:
Question: Which character did you think was the scariest?
Emma Watson: There is an obvious answer, Voldemort!
Rupert Grint: For me, Hermione. Just kidding! Voldemort.