University of California,
San Diego
M.E.Ch.A. Chapter

Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanos de Aztlan

Constitution of
El Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan
University of California, San Diego

9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Box D-10, La Jolla, CA, 92122 Tel (858)534-4994

M.E.Ch.A.: El Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan is a Raza student advocacy organization. The primary goal of M.E.Ch.A. is to incorporate the social, political and cultural aspects of our respective communities with those of the University.


It is the goal of M.E.Ch.A. to form a support system that deals with the specific needs and problems of Raza students at this University. M.E.Ch.A. provides an opportunity for all Raza to work together for common goals; to collectively help each other with problems one encounters at this University and to develop leadership qualities among its members.

M.E.Ch.A. is a campus-based community organization. Its primary goal is to integrate the academic community with the larger community. M.E.Ch.A. sponsors and co-sponsors University events such as Raza Awareness Week and community events such as Chicano Park Day. M.E.Ch.A. believes that student involvement in the social, political, and cultural areas of the Raza experience will contribute to the academic educational process as well as to the greater Raza community.

SECTION II: Mesa Directiva Structure

A. Currently , the Mesa Directiva consists of:

  1. Chairperson
  2. Secretary
  3. Officer of External Affairs
  4. Officer of Internal Affairs
  5. Treasurer
  6. Raza Graduation Chair
  7. High School Conference Chair (and possibly Co-Chair)
  8. Publicity Chair
  9. Historian
  10. Raza Awareness Week Chair
  11. Mentor/Mentee Chair
  12. and one person to represent the various committees that work in conjunction with MEChA such as:
a. Central Representative and alternate
b. Student Affirmative Action Committee Representative and alternate
c. Concilio Representative and alternate

B. All of the above mentioned positions are elected by the general body members in the Spring Quarter of the previous year or can be appointed by the Mesa Directiva if the position is vacant.

C. It is the responsibility of the Mesa Directiva to coordinate the work of the organization. It meets at least three (3) days prior to each general M.E.Ch.A. meeting to prepare the agenda, which is a list of items of discussion and committee reports.

D. All Mesa Directiva members must be full-time students at UCSD.

SECTION III: Mesa Directiva Functions and Responsibilities:

The following are descriptions of the Mesa Directiva positions and related committees that are currently working on issues which affect Raza.

A. Functions of the Mesa Directiva:

  1. Coordinate work and information between committees within M.E.Ch.A. and organizations which address themselves to needs of the Raza community at large.

  2. Generate an agenda for all M.E.Ch.A. meetings and, at all times, the items on the agenda, including announcements, mest be generated at the Mesa Directiva meetings. In this way, we avoid spontaneous and unorganized announcements at the General Meetings.

B. Committee Chairs:

  1. Each committee chair will be responsible for executing their designated duties.

  2. Each representative is to turn in a written weekly report for their files in the M.E.Ch.A. office.

C. Representatives:

  1. The representative must also attend three-fourths (3/4) of the meetings. Otherwise, he/she will be replaced by someone else who is meeting and working with the respective group.

  2. Progress reports will be called for by the M.E.Ch.A. Secretary at each M.E.Ch.A. meeting.

D. Functions of Committee Chairs and Representatives within the Mesa Directiva:

  1. Each committee of M.E.Ch.A. will be represented int he Mesa Directiva and each representative shall be an active member.

  2. A written progress report must be submitted weekly so that the rest of the Mesa Directiva is informed of the work carried on by each committee and representative.

  3. Each Committee Chair is responsible for being represented at each Mesa Directiva meeting. If circumstances are such that a person cannot attend a particular meeting, a written report must be presented at the meeting by a substitute representative.

  4. People elected and/or assigned to represent M.E.Ch.A. in any of the campus committees are directly responsible to the General Raza body of M.E.Ch.A.

E. Detailed descriptions of the Mesa Directiva Positions

  1. Chair:

  2. a. To coordinate the meetings of the Junta Directiva, Mesa Directiva and General Body Meetings.
    b. To oversee the activities of the organization and take full responsibility for its position.
    c. To see that the policies of the organization are carried out, "by any means necessary."
    d. To work with the Officer of Internal Affairs in overseeing the realization of M.E.Ch.A.'s annual events.

  3. Secretary:

  4. a. To keep record in the form of minutes of General Meetings and Mesa Directiva Meetings.
    b. To ensure that correspondence to and from the organization goes through the proper channels.
    c. To keep files on all activities related to the organization.
    d. To take attendance at every Mesa Directiva and General Body Meeting.
    e. To mail agendas to those members that did not attend a particular meeting.

  5. Officer of External Affairs:

  6. a. To address the issues that arise outside of the San Diego Community and later inform the General Body of these issues.
    b. To attend out-of-town conferences that pertain to these issues.
    c. Along with the Chair, to be the contact person for Statewide and National Conferences.
    d. To routinely communicate with the Central Representative so that our regional concerns are effectively carried to the state and national levels.

  7. Officer of Internal Affairs:

  8. a. To address the issues of the Raza Community on campus.
    b. To promote the involvement of the General Body in these issues.
    c. To communicate campus issues and concerns with the Central Representative so that tehy may be voiced in our reginal M.E.Ch.A. Central.

  9. Treasurer:

  10. a. To monitor M.E.Ch.A. bank and A.S. accounts
    b. Keep records of all moneys given or dispersed for M.E.Ch.A.
    c. Create and turn in a budget for the following school term.
    d. Help in any fundraising events.

  11. Raza Graduation Chair:

  12. a. To organize the Raza Graduation Ceremony
    b. To create and oversee task committees for the event that will include:
    1. Fundraising and endorsements
    2. Printing and duplication
    3. Reservations
    4. Decorations
    5. Security
  13. High School Conference Chair and Co-Chair:

  14. a. To motivate and encourage Raza to higher education.
    b. To establish relations with the local high schools.
    c. To outreach and recruit these students into the idea of higher learning by holding an annual conference.
    d. Through the conference, it must expose Raza to the fruits and benefits of acquiring and education and to inform Raza of the reality of college life.
    e. To be responsible for the event's speakers, workshops and entertainment.
    f. To contact staff, faculty and/or community for any financial donations.
    g. Create a committee that would address the areas of:
    1. Publicity
    2. Fundraising
    3. Transportation for the students and speakers
    4. General Organization of the Conference's agenda.
  15. Publicity Chair:

  16. a. To establish communication between all Raza students here at UCSD.
    b. To help recruit students in becoming M.E.Ch.A. members and in getting involved so that they may become aware of current issues.
    c. To create a publicity committee that will be divided into five (5) different sub-committees for each college.
    d. Each sub-committee will:
    • be responsible for making banners, flyers and posters for their college campus.
    • to publicize all M.E.Ch.A. events.

  17. Historian:

  18. a. To make Mechistas aware of the history of:
    • M.E.Ch.A., in general

    • M.E.Ch.A., at UCSD

    • the Chicano/Latino Movement of the past and present.
    b. To create a "yearbook," which entails an account of the year's events.
    c. To take on the role of Sergeant of Arms so that order may be maintained in the General Body and Mesa Directiva meetings.
  19. Raza Awareness Week Chair:

  20. a. To organize a week long series of activities that focus on the cultural, social and political background of the Raza community.
    b. To promote activities and events which have been determined, on a collective basis, by the M.E.Ch.A. General Body.
    c. To organize a committee that would carry out the decision-making process of the week's events and delegate authority within this committee.
    d. To create a budget for the week's activities, which would be submitted to the Mesa Directiva and the A.S. Office.

  21. Central Representative and Alternate:

  22. a. To serve as a communication base for the UCSD campus in the body of M.E.Ch.A. Central and transfer all information accurately.
    b. To attend the meetings of UCSD M.E.Ch.A. and those of Central.
    c. To be cognizant of UCSD M.E.Ch.A.'s purpose and represent this purpose in the body of Central.
    d. To work closely with the Officers of Internal and External Affairs in terms of:
    1. Regional Conferences

    2. Information on Statewide and National Liason Meetings and Conferences

  23. SAAC Representative and Alternate:

  24. a. To attend regular SAAC meetings, representing the organization of M.E.Ch.A.
    b. Pass along any vital information to the General Body and Mesa Directiva.
  25. Menor/Mentee Chair

  26. a. To create a program where upper division standing Chicanas/os/Latinas/os can serve as Mentors for Lower Division incoming first and continuing second year Chicanas/os/Latinas/os students.
    b. To facilitate a liason with elementary, Middle/Jr. High School and/or High School Chicanas/os/Latinas/os students where M.E.Chistas can serve as their mentors.
    c. Develop various UCSD campus visits for mentee elementary, Middle/Jr. High and/or High School Program.
    d. Develop various tutoring sessions for mentee elementary, Middle/Jr. High and/or High School Program where M.E.Chistas will serve as the tutors.
SECTION IV: Principles of Unity
The following Principles of Unity have been approved by the General Body of M.E.Ch.A.. Through our work and activities, M.E.Ch.A. is fully committed to carrying these principles out.
A. To defend and promote the welfare of the Raza Community within the University of California.

B. To expose and carry on work against:

This work is to be fulfilled by taking an active stand on regional, national, and international issues.

C. To establish communication and build relations between all segments of Raza society.

D. To work with and support progressive struggles, particularly those of Third World and working class people.

E. To strive to promote the development of a race and class consciousness among Raza students, staff and faculty, in cooperation with other progressive groups in the community.

F. To keep objectivity at all times and encourage the practice of criticism and self-criticism.

G. To refrain from obstructive elements which impede the Principles of Unity.

H. To promote and develop diverse views, whether they be political, religious, cultural, social, etc., in order to create true unity.

SECTION V: Guidelines for General Body M.E.Ch.A. Members
A. Voting members shall be active members of the organization. This is not meant to exclude, rather to encourage active participation. People are encouraged to attend because we believe through regular attendance, people will become more involved.

B. Active members of the organization are those people involved in either organizing or carrying out the policy of the organization through work in a committee or representation in one of the campus committees.

C. Active members who participate in the policy decisions of the organization will be held accountable for their decisions and, futhermore, may be questioned by other active members in terms of their right to vote.

D. We must be cautious of outside instructions into M.E.Ch.A. and, therefore, demand that every member be a UCSD student.

E. Students elected for Mesa Directiva positions shall be active members of the organization.

SECTION VI: Reasons for Dismissal
A. M.E.Ch.A. reserves the right to dismiss any member that:

  1. Causes dissension and threatens the unity of M.E.Ch.A.

  2. Goes against the guidelines of El Plan de Santa Barbara.

B. M.E.Ch.A. reserves the right to dismiss any Mesa Directiva member that:

  1. Fails to comply with the officer duties.

  2. Does not attend three-fourths (3/4) of all meetings without prior notification to the Mesa Directiva.

SECTION VII: Dismissal Procedures
A. In the event of a dismissal, the following steps will be carried out respectively:

  1. An informal warning from the Chairperson.

  2. A written ultimatum.

  3. A meeting with the Mesa Directiva, at which point the individual will have the opportunity to state their case.

  4. M.E.Ch.A. will then determine the final outcome with a two-thirds (2/3) secret ballot vote.

SECTION VIII: Guidelines for M.E.Ch.A. Elections
A. Elections shall be held in the Spring Quarter of the school year.

  1. Two (2) weeks following elections, the incumbent Mesa Directiva will remain in office and work closely with the new Mesa Directiva members.

  2. After this two (2) week period, the new Mesa Directiva will begin their terms.

B. Terms are for a one year duration until the next Spring quarter.

SECTION IX: M.E.Ch.A. Election Voting Procedures
A. Each voting member must be an active member and have attended meetings regularly.

  1. An active member is described as one who has attended three (3) out of the previous four (4) meetings.

B. Fifty (50) percent plus one (1) of the voting members shall constitute a simple majority.

SECTION X: Annual Events
A. Pachanga de Bienvenida
The Pachanga de Bienvenida is a dinner/dance aimed to focus on the recruitment of new members into M.E.Ch.A.. During the dinner, M.E.Ch.A. tries to encourage and strengthen the relationships among students, faculty and staff. The Pachanga is one of the first major events that M.E.Ch.A. sponsors and is a time when new students can meet other members and find more information about the organization and its role at UCSD.

B. Raza Awareness Week
Raza Awareness Week is a week-long festival of events that celebrates the Raza culture, specifically the Chicano Culture, and acknowledges the struggles of our gente. With the help of a committee, the Raza Awareness Week Chair will organize a schedule of events that includes lectures, dances, talent shows, art exhibits, car shows, learning workshops and social activities. Funds for the RAW budget come from a variety of sources such as Associated Students, individual college campuses, private community sponsors and individual donations. Raza Awareness Week gives us a great opportunity, as Raza, to let the community, both on-and-off campus, see our culture first hand and to see that we are trying to integrate without losing our very precious values and customs.

C. Scholarship Dinner/Dance
The Scholarship Dinner/Dance is an annual event that is held to raise money for the Chicano/Latino Scholarship Fund. This fund was started in 1987 by the Chicano/Latino Alumni Association of UCSD. Each year two to three M.E.Chistas are awarded the scholarship for the efforts they have demonstrated in the organization and throughout the community.

D. M.E.Ch.A. High School Conference
In order for Chicanos/Latinos to liberate ourselves from the claims of exploitation and oppression, we must educate ourselves, as well as our brothers and sisters. The development and training of the mind is a means by which our Raza will achieve political, social, and economical empowerment. Therefore, M.E.Ch.A. deems it crucial to actively promote education throughout the Chicano/Latino community.

SECTION XII: Community Services and Organizations
A. M.E.Ch.A. Central
M.E.Ch.A. Central is and organization of all M.E.Ch.A. Chapters on campuses in the San Diego area. It consists of universitites, state and community colleges and high schools. Its structure is made up of one representative from each school and the Mesa Directiva.

M.E.Ch.A. Central was built around the need to organize Chicanos/Latinos on all campuses. It became necessary to keep communications open from campus to campus. Although each individual campus has its specific problems and concerns, M.E.Ch.A. Central can be utilized for disseminating information and as a place to come together where strategies may be worked out to help each other's struggles.

Central is also used as alink from the campuses to the community. It is well understood that the students cannot fight their struggles alone nor succeed without the support of the community. The students have the responsibility of outreaching their campuses to the community. It has been too long that the commentates have been isolated from the educational resources of the college campuses. We must understand that the struggles of the communities is the struggle of the students.

The purpose of Central is to as follows:

  1. Promote higher education.

  2. Focus on retention in the colleges and universities.

  3. Serve as a communication base for San Diego regional M.E.Ch.A.'s.

  4. Distribute statewide and national information dealing with the concerns of Raza, (i.e., political and socio-economic awareness, education

  5. Provide strong representation and resources for campuses and urban organizations.

  6. Promote leadership qualities.

  7. Educate the public of our existing culture.

B. Barrio Youth Center
The Barrio Youth Center is the final product of an effort which began in early 1970 by the staff of a newly funded project called Barrio Station and Operation Grassroots, a volunteer youth organization. Our initial activities were in tutoring and the sponsorship to many community youth groups that demonstrated needs in recreational and sports activities.

Over the years, we have managed to become professional in our work while maintaining our roots and rapport with the youth of the barrios. We, too, are target residents who attended the very schools and churches as our program participants in addition to the same experiences with the Justice System and the greater society: Our proud organization is staffed with hard working and committed individuals who, at one time, also needed a Barrio Youth Center, but were not so fortunate.

Today, we are a non-profit charitable organization. We have four components to the organization:

Grassroots Youth Program: The recreational component of the center offering services in indoor an outdoor sports, photography, performing arts, arts and crafts, etc.

Barrio Education Program: Deals primarily in the recruitment and placement of high school seniors in local colleges and universities.

Project Orgullo: Provides bilingual services to Middle/Jr. High School students in tutoring and motivational counseling.

Project Juvenil: Is the social service component of the center and the most diversified in responding to the needs of the general community.

We welcome everyone to visit our facility and to participate in any of our activities.

Barrio Youth Center
2138 Logan Avenue
San Diego, CA 92113
(619) 238-0314